Baby Girl's Got A Face Like ***

Just for fun.

My footsteps could hardly be heard over the thunderous crowd as I walked down the long, too narrow concrete hallway to the Bring Me The Horizon dressing room. I had to squeeze past people on the way there, which should say something all in itself because I'm a small person.

"Why are you just standing around? We've got five minutes until show time, and if this doesn't run smoothly, it'll be your jobs," I growled, and the two big guards looked at me for a moment, before rushing off to their positions in front of the gates.

"Idiots," I muttered just before I reached the dressing room door.

"Alright kids, you're on in five," I leaned in through the door, and they all gave me a thumbs up. I counted to make sure they were all in here.

One, two, three, four...

"Guys, where the fuck is Oli?" I demanded, and they all looked around before Curtis pipped up.

"He said he would be back before we went on. Din't say where he was going," he shrugged, and I sighed, slamming the door shut as I went back into the hallway.

"I swear to god, if that bloody wanker isn't on that stage in five minutes, I'll kill him," I grumbled, and took off down the hallway to find the bigot.

I asked people on the way if they'd seen him, but they were all just about as useless as Oliver. I suppose I should have trusted him to be there on the stage, because he was always doing shit like this and he hasn't failed yet, but Oliver Sykes just wasn't a trustworthy person.

Finally, after four minutes of searching, I gave up. Of course, it would have to be me going out to tell the raging, music-hungry crowd that we were missing one of the band members.

I poked my head back into the dressing room and looked around at the guys.

"Okay, here's what's happening. You're all going to get out on stage and get the crowd fired up, and I'm going to beat the shit out of Oliver if I see him. I throw his ass on stage whenever I find him," I told them quickly, and they all nodded, following me to the stage.

They went out one by one, waving to the crowd and such, before taking up their instruments.

This bought me about another minute and a half, before I would have to go out there and tell them the wanker was missing.

I was just about to go back to the backstage area and have another quick look before Oliver trotted past me.

"You're fucking dead, Sykes," I said to him, but he just winked and grabbed the microphone from my hand, before running out onto stage. I watched him for a moment, before sighing and making my way back to the dressing room.

Jess looked at me and was about to say something, but I held up my hand to stop her, and kept walking.

It wasn't a good idea for me to speak to anyone when I was this stressed out. Why Oli did this to me I didn't know, but one of these days I was going to have an aneurysm, and then what?

He probably wouldn't care, to be honest.

Truth was, these feelings that I had for Oliver were very obviously one-sided. Jaden was the only one, besides me, that knew I even fancied Oli. I'm quite sure that everyone else thought that I was incapable of liking anyone but myself, Jaden and Jess.

But of course, that wasn't true.

I loved the boys in the band with all my heart. They were all brothers to me, or else I wouldn't put up with all their bullshit.

Especially Oli. If he were anyone else and dared to stress me out this much, I would have laid his ass out long ago.

I went into the dressing room and found it empty; it was just what I needed at the moment. I went to the far wall that was blank and white, and sat down facing the wall. I folded my legs beneath me and sat with my back straight, before closing my eyes and taking deep, slow breaths. I needed to calm down or I would freak.

It probably would have looked strange to someone if they were to walk in and see me sitting here, facing the wall. Unless that someone was one of the band members or Jaden or Rocko or Jess.

I sat like this for a long time, too long obviously because the door opened and more than four voices filled the room. It got quiet very quickly when they saw me; I assumed it was because I only did this when I was either very angry, very upset, or very stressed.

You'll get a kick out of what happened next.

Everyone left the room; everyone besides Oli of course. He just can't leave anything alone.

"Hey Eli," he sat next to me, crossing his legs just like mine.

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore him.

"Eli, you know I'm sorry right? But come on, I've never let you down before, have I?"

I wanted to say 'Yes, you let me down every single day that you ignore my feelings,' but I didn't because that wouldn't have made any sense to him. Sometimes, Oliver has a very thick skull.

"You were close this time, Oli. And let me just say that you're very lucky I haven't hit you yet," I told him through clenched teeth, keeping my eyes shut.

"You wouldn't hit me, babe," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"How sure of that are you? Because you know how I hate to disappoint," I half smiled, and he laughed.

"Eli, I know that you wouldn't hit me. Maybe Curtis or Mattie, but not me," he was grinning now, and his tone was very confident.

And of course, he was right. I probably wouldn't hit him unless he hurt me.

I opened my eyes and stared at the wall for a moment, before looking at him.

"Now, if I've heard correctly, there is booze to be had, and we're wasting precious time that we could spend drunk instead," he stated, before standing up from the floor and offering me his hand.

I slipped my fingers into his palm and allowed him to pull me up.


It was very late, and everyone was incredibly drunk. I was attempting to play Dance Dance Revolution, but let me just tell you now that it was not going too well.

I'm absolutely terrible at DDR when I'm sober, so you can imagine what it's like when I'm piss drunk.

"MISS, MISS, MISS, TERRIBLE, BAD, MISS," Curtis was giggling next to me as he hit every single arrow.

"PISS OFF," I hiccuped, shoving him off his dance pad.

"MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS!" I laughed, stepping on the start button to pause the game. I was laughing almost hysterically, when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I squeaked as Jaden lifted me off the floor and carried me out of the house where the party was, and into the backyard. There were at least thirty people out there, and I didn't see the pool until it was much too late for me to do anything.

"JADEN," I screamed, before we both plummeted into the surprisingly warm water. I managed to not go under, and if my hair hadn't been up in a messy bun my extensions would have gotten wet. I slapped Jaden in the back of the head when he came up for air.

"Ow, man. What was that for?" he asked, cringing away from me.

"You're lucky my hair didn't get wet, you wanker!" I yelled, suddenly a little more sober as I walked my way over to the ladder. Since Jaden and I took the plunge, there were about ten more people in the pool, and they already started a game of Marco Polo. When I reached the top of the ladder, someone held their hand out to me. I recognized the tattooed arm and fingers when I put my hand in theirs.

"Gone for a swim?" Oli smirked as I grimaced at him. He nodded his head in the direction of the house. I walked with him, people laughing as we went past. All the laughter stopped when I shot one guy a death glare.

"I was just about to head back to the bus when I saw J carrying you out to the pool. I thought 'Maybe I'll be a good friend and take Eli with me to change out of those wet clothes'," he was trying to sound intelligent, which is hard for Oliver to do normally, let alone when he's slurring his words.

I thanked him sarcastically, and he frowned at me.

"What?" I asked, scrunching up my face.

"You're wearing a white shirt," he giggled, and I sneered, shoving him away from me. I looked down and sure enough, you could very clearly see my leopard print bra through my soaked white V-neck.

I sighed and stopped walking so that I could peel my wet shirt off, as well as my skinny jeans that were chaffing my legs. It took some effort, but eventually I was wearing just my leopard print bra and matching boy-shorts. It was my favorite set of undies, especially because both the bra and the bottoms were trimmed with black lace. Black lace made Oliver crazy; I knew this not from experience, but from overhearing one of his more awkward (at least to me) conversations with Lee.

I held my dripping wet clothes and started walking again, feeling Oliver's stare on me.

"Are you coming, then?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.

He was watching me with wide eyes, his mouth hanging open slightly. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. It was kind of cold, now that I didn't have much clothing on. I shivered, and Oliver snapped out of whatever it was that he was in, before catching up with me. It wasn't like he'd never seen me in my bra and underwear before. Living on a tour bus with five dudes for months at a time, it's hard to avoid.

Of course, I'd seen them all in their skivvies too. The only one who really hasn't walked around the bus in their underwear was Jess, and it was only because Rocko was overprotective sometimes.

It was a ten minute walk back to the bus, and during that time, I got honked at and had people yelling out their windows at me. Oli looked upset by this, but I didn't pay very much attention. I just wanted to get some clothes on, in all honesty.

I went into the bus first and walked directly back to my bunk, pulling out my bag and digging for clothes. I pulled out a pair of green Drop Dead booty shorts and a Devil Wears Prada tank top, as well as a fresh set of undies. I felt Oliver standing over me, but I ignored him and went back into the bathroom.

There was no shower; just a toilet and a sad excuse for a sink. We would be in the bus for another four days, playing four more dates, before we'd get a week off. During that week, we'd be staying in a hotel in Berlin, Germany.

This was Bring Me The Horizon's first big European tour, where we would be going to Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and several other countries in the course of three months. We were only three weeks into the tour, and already Oliver has nearly given me a hernia on several different occasions.

When I finished getting dressed, I stumbled back into the hallway, leaving my wet underwear in the sink. Oliver was laying on the couch with his head hanging over the side. He watched as I made my way over to him, my feet clumsy as I tripped and almost fell three separate times.

"Oliver Scott Sykes, you're going to choke on your own vomit. Haven't you ever heard that before?" I giggled, tripping again, this time falling to the side. I felt my ribs hit the couch, and it hurt, but I laughed anyway.

"I'm not a baby, Eli," he insisted, and I laughed harder, using the edge of the couch to help myself up. I was finally upright, when Oli grabbed my left hand and pulled me down on top of him. I squeaked, and he groaned quietly from the weight on top of him, but made no other signal that I was too heavy. I stared down at him, my eyes a little too wide. He propped himself up on his elbows, putting his face inches away from mine.

My breath hitched as I stared at his hazel eyes, and he half-smiled before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. My mind, lethargic from the alcohol, was now racing. I couldn't believe that this was happening; and then every thought vanished when Oli's tongue traced my lips.

I grasped the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me, and he moaned into my mouth when I ground my hips into his. He sat up, which had me straddling his lap with my legs around his waist, and then somehow managed to get us laying down again, this time with him hovering over me.

"You know, Eli," he breathed, pulling away, "Curtis wasn't exaggerating. You really do have excellent legs."

I stared at him for a moment, a little surprised that he brought up mine and Curtis' brief and intense relationship, before I rolled my eyes.

If I were sober, I would have been pissed. But instead, I grabbed the front of Oli's shirt and pulled him back down until I lips were touching again and murmured against his mouth, "shut up, Sykes."

He laughed, but the sound was muffled by my lips crushing his. I didn't like having him above me, but I couldn't see a way to get our positions switched without ending up on the floor. Hey, that was fine with me.

I rolled us to the side and we did end up spilling onto the ground. Oli grunted, and I started kissing him again, slipping my hands up the front of his baby blue v-neck shirt. I felt his hands sliding down my sides, resting on my hips.

I moved my lips to his jaw, and he laughed a thick, touchable laugh.

"Are you still wearing black lace?" he asked, and I smiled, kissing his throat as I nodded.

"Baby, you're perfect," he sighed, and I grazed my teeth over his collarbone.

I heard several voices approaching the bus, and I froze. If they saw Oliver and I like this, we would never live it down. Even drunk, I knew that.

"Shit," I whispered, and Oli looked to the door, just like I was doing.

"Go, get in your bunk," he said quickly, and I kissed him again, before standing from my position straddling him on the floor, and scurrying back to the bunks. I rolled into my bunk and laid on my side, my back facing the curtain.

I heard the door open, and the voices went quiet for a moment, before I heard Jaden's loud voice yell, "the poor bloke didn't even make it to his bunk! Come on boys, help me out," and then I heard a few grunts before the curtain of the bunk across from me was pulled back. Oliver groaned as they hoisted him into his bunk, and then the curtain slid shut again.

"Where's Eli?" I heard Curtis ask, and then the curtain to my bunk was pulled back, and Jaden laughed again.

"At least she made it further than Oli. Eli, you awake?" he whispered, and I lied still, making a point of evening out my breaths.

"Well Lee, looks like we're bunking together. I don't want her to hurl on me in the middle of the night like she did last time," he said quietly, and Lee complained, but I knew that he didn't mind sharing the bunk with Jaden. The kid was a very sound sleeper, he didn't toss or turn at all. I, on the other hand, thrashed and rolled all night long.

About an hour passed, and everything was quiet except for a few light snores. I wondered if Oliver was still awake. And more than that, I wondered if he would remember what happened in the morning.

I heard a curtain being pulled back very slowly; it wouldn't wake anyone if they were as passed out as they usually were. Mine was pulled back next, and then someone rolled into my bunk and shut the curtain behind them.

I had no idea who it was, but their hands searched for mine, pulled me closer, and then I felt a pair of soft lips hunting along my throat for my lips. I shivered from the coolness of the lip ring, and knew then that it was Oli.

I smiled and kissed him when his lips found mine, moving closer to him than before.

I had to pull away to yawn, which was always a bad sign. I didn't so much hear his laugh as much as I felt it, before his lips were at my ear.

"To be continued, I take it," he breathed, and as if in response to his question, I yawned again.

"See you in the morning, beautiful," he sighed, and then I was alone again. It was a disappointment, but I probably wouldn't have gotten much sleep if Oliver would have stayed.

I thought about what he'd said for a moment, before deciding that neither of us were going to remember this, or at least he wouldn't. And even if he did, he would return to being the arrogant little twat, and I would continue secretly wishing he wanted me for more than just a fun time.

Because that was how it was between Eli and Oli.

We used each other to have fun, but it went much deeper for me than Oli could ever know.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know what you're going to tell me.
"This is just like all the other Oli stories out there."
And to that, I say "FUUUCK OFF."
Because I'm writing it better than the rest of these thirteen-year-old twats that think they know shit about the world.
And in case you haven't realized, I don't do this for you assholes.
I do this for the awesome people who'll read this and see that it's not the same at all.
Because I do it better.
It would be naive to say that this doesn't have similarities, but like I said...
Our writing community has gone to shit.
This is a good plot (overused, yes, but still good) and I'm using it to it's fullest potential, unlike some jackasses around here who half-ass their writing and think they're "authors".

I'll still be continuing my other Oli series.
I'm basically using THIS Oli series to prove to myself that I still love my original plot better than the overused ones. No matter how good they are.
But let me tell you, this story isn't going to be what you expect.
You'll see what I mean by chapter four.

Comments are very much appreciated.
And I dedicate this to Shauna, because I know she'll support me, no matter what kind of dumb ass plan to write cliche' stories I come up with.