Going Back After 6 Years?

Name: Alison Scully
Looks: Breast-length black hair and blond underneath and bright blue eyes. 5'5
+Piercings: lip (left side) and ears 3X on each ear
+Tattoos:- A black rose on fire on her lower back
- Wings on each side of spine :Left side is a Devil wing and Right side is a Dragon wing.

It's about a girl who's engaged to Zacky and moved away from her home town (new York) with her best friend 2 weeks after they graduated from high school.

After 6 years of absolutly no contact with ANYONE from her family one morning Ali (main character) gets a letter from her sister inviting her to her wedding as her Bridesmaid. So Zacky convinces her to go because he wants to meet her family and she finally agrees because she's met HIS family so when they go everything is going okay but her family is surprised at both: her new relationship at the fact she's engaged and her new look. She was looked liked the good girl before she left now she looked like the rock star she hid away all those years before.

Things are going okay that is until Ali's newest and most loved family comes... A7X and their wives/girlfriends. When her family sees Ali around her true family they don't like it one bit!

When her family (mothers side) trys to interveen and break up Zacky and Ali when they are in true love what will happen...

::This story is finished!::