When did you last let your heart decide?

Nice to meet you.

'Well, aren't you a big girl now?' They guy said. Yes, she still hasn't figured out these guys names. You probaly had. If you have comon sense.
'Yup. Mommy can I show him my hippo?' Janie asked while looking up.
'I don't care. Ask him.' Alicia said.
'Can I show you my hippo-?' She started then relized she didn't know his name.
'Excuse me mister. But I don't gots your name.' She said. The other four boys were in aww.
'Well my name is Brain. And that bean stock over there-' This is were Janie giggled.'Is James. The one that thinks hes all macho like "Gar. Look at me I'm macho."'Again Janie giggles as Brain does the pose and then sits down. 'Is Matt. The one with the mohawk thing is Johnny[iknowisaidblondebutitsastorydealwithit].' At this point Janie has taken her place on Brain's lap. Again the four other boys are in aww.'The last guy is Zacky.'
'What I get no corny introduntion?' Zacky asked.
'No.' Was all Brain had to say to that.
'So, can I see your hippo now?' Brain asked.
'Yes you may.' Janie got up and then Brain got up and she grabbed his hand and dragged him to where she put her hippo.
'So?' Alicia asked.
'Um? You were sixteen when you had her?' Matt asked.
'Yeah. I know kinda whorish. But I didn't want to get pregnant.' Alicia asked as if she new the responce most people think she was a whore and didn't like her when they didn't even know what happned to her. But she didn't like them anyways so it wasn't a big deal.
'So if you don't mind me asking how did you get pregnant?' Matt asked.
'Well lets see. My ex-boyfriend decided to be real nice and drug then rape me. And that's the story I guess.' Alicia explained.
'Oh.' Matt said.
'Anyway, well um. Yeah.-' Alicia was cut off by a screaming three year old.
'Mommy.' Janie screamed.
'Excuse me.' Alicia said and adventured off to look for her daugther.

When she found Janie she was upside with Brain holding her ankles. Great. Alicia thought. Atleast they like her. Meanwhile back in the lounge the other four boys talk about what they just learned.

'So?' Jimmy[James] said.