Flowers of Red and Blue, Can Compare Nothing to You

Rebecca Dawson agrees to be apart of her friends filming experiment, and finds her co-star is hiding secrets from her along with the rest of the crew.

Rebecca and a few of her friends- mainly those of a the female population- have a tiny obsession with Stephenie Meyer’s book series Twilight, and a few of Rebecca’s friends aren’t too pleased with, not only, some of the picks for the characters in the movie, but the fact that making the movie is taking so long. So to occupy their time, they’ve decided to make their own movie based on the book series.

Upon hearing the idea for the home made film, Rebecca quickly ducks out. She has no problem waiting for the movie(she’s a master of patience), and she doesn’t mind the choices for the characters - she understands that they weren’t going to look exactly like the pictures she had in her head.

But … Kelly, Bella, and Megan – three of Rebecca’s friends – don’t see it that way. So after begging, pleading, threatening, and finally blackmail the girls get Rebecca in on the idea and somehow wrangled, and Jedi-mind tricked her into playing the star roll of Isabella Swan.

When her co-star shows up, Rebecca wonders where her friends found him and how they even got him to agree to do the movie with them. It's not like they were paying him... Not only that, but she can't help but feel like the story they're only pretending to play on camera is actually starting to unfold in different ways off camera.

Now for the following message…

I don’t own the book Twilight or the following that come out of the book: Character’s, the plot line, Most of the line’s that will be said during ‘filming’ in the story (I will add a few though for the sake of this story line, and the fact that I don't know the movie word for word- seeing as it's not out yet.), or anything else I’ve missed that goes along with the story. So, don’t chew my ear or head off. I’m just writing this story because it seems like fun.

Thank you for reading, please read and enjoy your story

Cast So Far
Isabella Swan -- Rebecca Dawson
Edward Cullen -- Romeo Feliciano
Charlie -- Derek White
Renee -- Donna White
Carlise -- Thomas Evensten
Esme -- Megan White
Rosalie -- Isabella Ringwald
Emmett -- Keaton Grit
Alice -- Kelly Millincolli
Jasper -- Michael Port
James -- Chris Wood
Victoria -- Amilia Aaronson
Laurent -- Ryland Cabel
Jacob Black -- Aaron Brown
Billy Black -- Max Werite