Oh Baby!

Chapter One: Daycare is Good for Something!

3 years earlier:

“Congratulations it’s a girl.” Veronica stared at the little bundle placed in her arms, and smiled.

“Jayme.” She whispered bringing her baby close. “Welcome to the world.” She added.
Present time: 2008

Joe Jonas walked towards the daycare to pick up his little brother Frankie. He whistled a little, and smiled into the sun. He walked inside the center, and instantly saw a young girl waiting by the fence. He smiled again. They got hotter girls working here every day.

She had longish golden-brown hair layered down her back. Bangs that feel into her gorgeous dark green eyes. And a wicked body that suggested she was an athlete. He put his best ‘I’m single and interested’ face, and walked forward.

“Hi I’m here to pick up Frankie Jonas.” He said to the girl.

She turned and blushed instantly. “Oh I don’t work here.” She said tucking a hair behind her ear.

“Mommy!” Someone shrieked. She turned quickly and picked up a girl with light brown pigtails, and bright blue eyes.

“Hi baby.” Veronica cooed rubbing her nose.

Joe stared. She had to be his age… a mother? “Oh I’m sorry… I didn’t realize…” He trailed off switching stares from the baby, and the girl.

“It’s okay.” She said uncomfortably and she walked away.
Veronica walked to her car, and placed Jayme in her car-seat. She wasn’t angry: she kept telling herself it was a common mistake. She was only 18, and she had a baby girl. It’s just the look of shock on his face made her feel dirty, like she sinned.

“Excuse me?” She heard a male voice.

Veronica turned quickly from the backseat, and swerved around. Only to be looking into the chocolate brown eyes of the guy she was just thinking about.

“Yes?” she asked trying to keep the edge off her voice.

He scratched the back of his head. “Look I wanted to say I’m sorry about the way I reacted.”

Veronica was stunned to silence. He was sorry? She didn’t even know this guy, and would probably never see him again.

“It’s okay.” She sighed. “I get it a lot.” She added sadly.

He nodded. “Well Frankie and I haven’t had lunch yet… would you like to join us?” He asked smiling like a little boy. “Frankie seems to like you.” He added.

Veronica smiled. She hadn’t had any fun in awhile. Why not? This guy seemed nice enough, he was obviously sorry. What if he was like a stalker freak wanting to kill her? She looked into his brown eyes, they looked innocent enough.

“Okay.” She answered.

“Great! Oh! I’m Joe.” He said holding his hand out.

“Veronica.” She replied shaking his hand.

Veronica followed Joe to a little diner. They got out of their cars, and Joe walked over to her.
“May I escort you to the diner?” He asked in a British accent.

Veronica laughed, and nodded. She quickly pulled her daughter into her arms and they walked off. They walked in silence, and Veronica noticed something. Joe was walking holding Frankie’s hand, and she was walking holding her daughter, they looked like a family.

“Hello… table for four? Would you like a high chair?” The waitress asked.

“Yes, thank you.” Veronica replied.

The waitress sat them at a table, and stayed and smiled at them. Veronica and Joe stared at her.

“I’m sorry it’s just so cute to see a little family.” She said still smiling at them.

“Oh! But we’re…” Veronica started but the waitress walked off a smile on her face. She went and started talking to some other waitress’; they looked at them and smiled.

Joe looked at her a humorous look on his face.

“You think this is funny?” Veronica asked. He nodded smiling. “You think it’s funny that all these people think we’re a family? What’s gonna happen if the press finds out? There goes your reputation.” She said kinda angrily.

He stopped smiling. “You know who I am?” He asked.

“Of course I do! I am only 18! Though I don’t listen to your music all the time I know you’re a Jonas Brother.” She said.

Joe nodded. “Right… but I doubt anyone will think we’re a family.” He assured.

Veronica relaxed. “I hope not… for your sake.” She said looking at her menu.
“So tell me about yourself Veronica.” Joe said after they ordered.

She looked at him, and smiled. “I feel like I’ve been set up on a blind date.” She laughed.

“Well I’m Joe Jonas, I love talking, and long walks on the beach.” That statement made Veronica laugh even more.

“I’m Veronica Justice, I love laughing, and talking.” She replied.

“Great now that we got that out of the way we can really enjoy our lunch.” Joe said acting relieved. Veronica laughed again.

Jayme banged her highchair, and giggled. “Fun-nay.” She said looking at her mother and Joe.

Joe looked at her. “She thinks I’m funny.” He said happily.

“She thinks everything’s funny.” Veronica said moving some hair from Jayme’s face.

“Then she’ll love Joe.” Frankie piped up. “He’s hilarious.” He added smiling.

“Thanks Frank the Tank.” Joe said ruffling his hair.

Their food came, and they ate happily, comfortable in their silence.

“Is it good Jayme?” Joe cooed. Veronica watched, and smiled. Joe did have a way with kids.

Jayme nodded and smiled shyly at him.

Veronica’s phone rang, and she picked it up quickly. “Hello?” She asked. “Hi yeah right now? Are you sure? Okay yeah I’ll be right there!” She hung up, and looked at Joe. “Look Joe I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta go!” She said standing up to grab her purse.

“No, no, no a Jonas never lets the women pay!” He said covering her hand with his own.

She smiled at him. “Thanks so much!” She picked up Jayme. “Come on Jay-bear… say bye to Joe and Frankie.”

“Bye O, Bye Ankie!” She waved her pudgy hand.

“Bye Jayme.” Joe laughed at her pronunciation.

“It was nice meeting you Joe.” She smiled at them, and she ran off.
It was a couple of days later when Veronica was sitting in her living room with Jayme.

“O!” Jayme suddenly yelled.

Veronica looked up to smile at her daughter. “What’s that Jay?” She asked softly.

Jayme pointed to the TV, and yelled: “O” again. Veronica turned her attention to the screen, and saw Joe’s face. She quickly grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

“… but is the Joe Jonas the pure one we know?” The TMZ reporter asked.

Since when does Jayme watch TMZ? Veronica asked herself looking at her baby’s brunette curls. “Recently Joe was found with a mysterious woman, and a baby.” Veronica gasped as pictures of their lunch were plastered on the Television. “Is this the reason why the Jonas Brothers haven’t been touring lately? The reason as to why they’re visiting their hometown of Wyckoff, New Jersey? Does the middle Jonas-boy have a family he needs to take care of?” The reporter asked. “The answers to these questions remain a mystery, if you know anything of this matter TMZ would love to hear from you!”

Veronica was fuming. She knew what could happen, but Joe decided not to clear things up with the waitress. Her cell rang brining Veronica out of her thoughts.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Veronica?” A muffled male voice asked.


“Hey its Joe… have you seen a magazine lately?” He asked embarrassed.

“Um, not but I was just watching TMZ… hate to tell you I told you so.” She replied.

“You were watching TMZ?” He asked astonished.

“Actually Jayme was, she recognized you.”

“Jayme? She knows what to watch?” Joe asked unbelieving.

“I give her the remote, and she knows how to change the channel.”

“Anyways… what are we going to do?” Joe asked.

“You tell me Rockstar.”

“Well we obviously have to clear this up.” He said sounding uncomfortable.

“And you need me because…?” Veronica asked.

“Well we’re going to have an interview today, and I’d like you to come so you can help clear things up.” He replied.

“No.” Veronica answered immediately.

“Why not?” Joe asked his stomach dropping.

“Tell them whatever you want, but I will not come with you, and tell my story to the whole world. I don’t need everyone knowing I’m a single-teenage mother.” She replied firmly. “How’d you get my number anyhow?” She asked.

“Oh-uh- well when you weren’t looking I kinda programmed your number into my phone.” He answered sheepishly.

“Stalker much?” Veronica asked.

“Yeah sorry about that… well I better go… you know get ready for the interview.” He said.

“Whatever.” And with that they hung up.
Later that very day Veronica sat down to watch the interview. The usual questions were asked, and then a bold reporter turned his attention on Joe.

“Tell is about this mysterious woman, and baby.” He asked, more like ordered.

Joe smiled not missing a beat. “She’s just a friend here in New Jersey, and I was visiting her, and no we are not a family.” He replied smiling.

“Are you two dating?” Someone yelled. At this Veronica blushed.

Joe smiled again. “No we’re not.”
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Well there you have it! Please please please tell me what you TRULY think! Your feedback is important!