Oh Baby!

Meeting the Joni

Veronica’s life went on. She worked, she cleaned, and she cared for Jayme. One day she was running late picking Jayme up. She hurried inside and smiled at the girl working there. The girl turned to get Jayme from the other kids.

“Did you get your smile from McDonalds because I’m lovin’ it!” She heard a male voice say smoothly from behind her.

Veronica turned to the voice, and met Joe’s chocolate brown eyes. She rolled her eyes, but laughed.

“What happened to ‘I just got my library card and I’m checking you out’?” She asked hands on hips.

“I heard this one today and thought it was funny.” He shrugged.

“Someone used that line on you?” She asked her eyes wide with feigned shock.

“Pshh! I get them every day.” He said arrogantly.

Veronica raised an eyebrow, and nodded. “Riiight!”

“O!” Jayme screamed running and jumping into Joe’s arms.

“Hi Jayme!” Joe said hugging her.

Veronica smiled at them.

“How you?” Jayme asked holding onto Joe’s neck.

“I’m good… how are you?” He asked tickling her neck.

Jayme squirmed and laughed. “Stop!” She laughed. Joe stopped, and smiled at her. Jayme hugged him again. “Watch you on we rock.” She announced saying the title wrong, but Joe got it.

“You did?!” Joe asked acting surprised.

Jayme nodded enthusiastically. Joe looked at Veronica. “Would you like to come with me to dinner?” He asked.

Veronica hesitated. “Pu-weeze?!” Jayme asked clasping her hands as her eyes wide.

“I guess I’m outnumbered.” Veronica answered.

“Great!” Joe said leading them outside.

“Where’s your car?” Veronica asked as he stopped before her car.

“Eh I walked here.” He shrugged.

“You walked here?”

“I was in the area?”

Veronica rolled her eyes as she strapped Jayme into the car seat.

“Get in Rockstar.”
After following Joe’s instructions they arrived in front of a beautiful looking house. “Bienvenido en mi casa!” Joe said sweeping out of the car.

Veronica quickly grabbed Jayme, and they headed into the house.

“Ma! We’ve got company!” Joe yelled after he closed the door.

In a matter of minutes the whole Jonas clan was standing in front of Veronica. She shifted Jayme nervously, and smiled at them.

“Guys this is Veronica, and Jayme; Ronnie, and Jay this is my mother Denise, my father Paul, and my brothers Kevin, Nick, and Frankie.” He introduced.

“Is this the girl from the magazine?” Nick asked.

Veronica blushed. “Yes, but her name is Veronica.” Joe said.

“It’s so nice to meet you!” Denise gushed pulling her into a hug.

“You too!” Veronica beamed.

Paul held his hand out. “Welcome to our home.” He said politely. She nodded at him.
Instead of greeting Veronica Kevin reached for Jayme, she easily slid into his arms.

“Evin!” She cried happily pulling at his hair. Kevin smiled at her.

“Jayme.” He replied tapping her nose.

“You might not ever get your sister back Kevin’s a sucker for kids.” Nick said.

Veronica blushed instantly. “She’s actually my daughter.” She mumbled.

Nick’s eyes went wide for a second. “Oh my bad! She’d lovely!” He said unjudgmentally.


“Ck!” Jayme burst suddenly pointing at Nick.

He instantly smiled at her, and shook her small stubby hand. “Nice to meet you Princess.”

After that they retired to the living room while Denise started dinner. Jayme was passed from person to person not that she minded. She loved the attention. They ‘older people’ began talking about different things, and Veronica found it very easy to relax with the Jonases.

But something nagged at Veronica. She hadn’t been in a family environment since she found she was pregnant with Jayme. She tried to shake the horrible feeling, and enjoy their company.
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I know it's short but I wanted to put something up! Tell me what ya think!!