The One

Chapter One: The Hospital Visit

The One

“So tell us Joe why the sudden stop in touring?” The interviewer asked.

“We decided not to ruin the success of last summer’s tour. We really love touring but we needed to take a break.” He answered.

She laughed towards the camera. “I think I speak for all the fans when I say you definitely wouldn’t ruin last year’s tour by doing another one.” She then looked back at the boys. “And what are your plans for this summer?” She asked.

“We’re writing and recording new songs, doing little things for TV, charity work… we’re still really busy.” Kevin answered.

“And for our last question, is there still no girl in your lives?” She asked exasperatedly, dramatically throwing her hands in the air.

Nick laughed. “Nope not yet.”

“We’re still searching for the one.” Joe added.

“Well there you have it! In their own words! Thank you and good-night.” Everyone smiled at the camera until the director yelled “CUT!”
“Wow it’s so weird to have a house all to ourselves!” Joe said walking into their LA home.

“I know! FREEDOM!” Nick yelled closing the door.

“Hello boys.” Another voice chimed.

All three boys jumped and turned around all in various defense poses. Kevin was hold his guitar above his head, Nick’s leg was up and his arms were ready to punch, and Joe was hiding behind his brothers. They relaxed when they realized who it was.

“Gosh mom don’t do that!” Joe gasped holding his heart.

Denise laughed. “I’m sorry boys.”

“What are you doing here?” Nick asked not realizing the way his voice sounded annoyed.

She put her hands on her hips. “I am your mother I can come whenever I want to… but I am here for a reason…”

The boys looked expectantly at her.

“I recently got a call from a special institution asking if you would visit the patients there.” She explained.

Kevin nodded. “Sounds good… what kind of ‘special institution’?”

“It’s a place where people go who need extra attention.” Denise answered.

“Alright when do we go?”
The day the visit the special hospital came quickly, and they went room by room inside the hospital singing, signing autographs, taking pictures whatever the patients wanted. The boys loved meeting their fans, but they were getting tired.

The variety of different patients was staggering. Any kind of patient that needed a little extra attention lived here. Many lost contact with their parents, the parents not having the time or the will to deal with their difficult child. Staff wasn’t an issue, there was plenty. Finally they were at the last door.

“And this is the last two patients.” The head nurse said stopping before a door. The boys nodded, and entered the room. They were all tired but they put on their best smiles.

“OMG! You’re the Jonas Brothers!” A girl yelled from a bed. “My friend said you were here but I didn’t believe her! WOW!” She had bright red hair, and big blue eyes.

They smiled at her. “Hi I’m Kevin…” “I’m Nick…” “And I’m Joe, and we’re…” “The Jonas Brothers.” They said the last part together. She just stared at them the stars in her eyes. They walked over to the bed and began talking.

It was then that Joe realized the nurse said ‘last two patients’. He looked around and his eyes fell on a lone figure sitting on a window seat.

He left the group and walked over to her.

“Hi!” He said cheerfully.

The girl didn’t move, didn’t make any indication that she heard him. Joe sat down next to her, and touched her hand to get her attention. Again she didn’t move. Her eyes were trained ahead, staring at something far away. Maybe she’s deaf? Joe instantly thought, but she would have reacted to his touch.

“Don’t feel bad if she doesn’t talk.” The other girl said from across the room with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “She doesn’t talk to anyone.” She turned to Kevin and Nick and said under her breath. “No one talks to her anymore. I mean why waste our breath if she won’t do anything? It is kinda rude that she won’t acknowledge anyone, but I’ve gotten used to it…” she trailed on and on.

Joe didn’t feel like the girl was being rude at all. Somehow he knew that things would be best if he just kept his words to himself. He felt at ease just sitting there with the girl. They sat there not talking, not moving, not doing anything but enjoying the silence of the other. Joe wrapped his hand around hers; she made no movement to return the gesture, but she did not pull away. He sat there looking out the window just like she was, somehow he felt very at ease.

“Joe! Let’s go.” Kevin yelled after awhile of visiting.

Joe looked at the girl, and squeezed her hand. “Bye.” He whispered.

She blinked and when she opened her eyes they were trained on his. She didn’t move her head or any part of her body, just her eyes. Piercing green eyes met warm brown ones. That one movement made Joe freeze. Her eyes didn’t move just stared straight at him. They stared at each other not moving, Joe smiled, and then he slipped out of the room.
“Who was that?” Joe asked the head nurse.

“That’s Kade Colby; she’s never spoken since she got here. It’s sad no one tries to talk to her anymore.” She replied.

“When did she come here?” Joe asked.

“She was left here when she was 7.”

“How old is she?” Joe asked.

♠ ♠ ♠
Well first chapter up! You meet the main character! One again review! Thanks so much!