The One


The next day the Jonas Brothers had another concert to do. Kevin walked hesitantly up to Joe’s room, and knocked quietly, not hearing anything he walked in finding Joe walk out of his closet.

When Joe saw Kevin in his room his eyes narrowed. “What? Did you think I was not going to be ready?” He asked annoyed.

“No!” Kevin said hurriedly.

Joe rolled his eyes. “Whatever I’ll be down soon.”
The boys arrived at the venue and screaming girls filled the path. They kept their heads down and ran inside the building.

“Alright you guys are on in five minutes.” A worker instructed once they were safe inside.

“Alright thanks.” Nick smiled at the guy.

“Don’t worry guys I won’t forget to put my stage clothes on.” Joe said angrily pulling some clothes off the hanger.

“Joe…” Nick whined. “You know we didn’t mean for you to take it personally.”

“You guys are ordering me not to see Kade how am I supposed to feel about it? All warm and fuzzy inside? I don’t think so.” He said his eyes angry as he slipped into a changing room.

“Gosh you act as if you’re head over heels in love with this girl.” Kevin grumbled. No word came from the changing room.

Nick and Kevin stared at each other their eyes wide. Joe never fell in love with anyone. Sure he flirted with every girl he met, but he never fell in love with someone.

“Joe? Do you…?” Nick trailed off.

“How am I supposed to know?” Joe asked walking out of the room; his voice still angry. “I don’t know what it feels like… if it means I never want to be anywhere but with her, always want to be around her, always think of only her then yes I’m in love with her!” He yelled.

“Boys you’re on.” The worker said poking his head into the room.
After a short concert the boys left the venue quietly.

“Joe are you going to be mad at us forever?” Nick asked once they started for home.

“Maybe.” Joe answered staring out the window.

Kevin sighed and looked at him through the rear-view mirror. “Joseph this is what we have to do. We have a job to do and we can’t be distracted like you obviously are.”

“I don’t see how that justifies cutting off my friend’s completely.” Joe retorted.
Nothing more was said as they rode home. Joe isolated himself in his room.
Jessica watched as Kade stared out her window longingly. It had been a week since Joe called, and as he said he hadn’t been there to visit. Jessica watched as the little life Kade had in her eyes faded with each day. A smirk appeared on her face. If Joe ever came back there was no chance Kade would ever let him back in her life.
Joe smiled for the cameras as he walked into an interview with his brothers. It was a week and a half after Kevin ordered him not to see Kade, and he was still very angry. He sat down, and looked at the interviewer.

“Hello boys… why don’t you introduce yourselves since this is a recorded interview.” She asked.

The boys looked at each other silently asking who was going to be introduced first. Nick nodded, and he looked at the camera. “Hello I’m Nick.”

“I’m Joe…”

“And I’m Kevin. And we’re…”

“The Jonas Brothers.” They said in unison.

“I’m sure you guys do a lot of these, and get a lot of the same questions but bear with me alright?” She asked.

Kevin smiled. “It’s not a problem. We love hearing the questions you have for us.”

She nodded. “Alright… first question goes to Joe.” She smiled at him, and he returned the smile. “You recently missed a concert… why is that?” She asked looking at him seriously.

Joe gave a small smile. He knew this was going to come up eventually and he didn’t really want to answer it, but he knew he had to or more rumors would start. “I actually was unaware that we had a concert that night, and I lost track of time.”

“What were you doing?” She pressed.

“I was spending some time with a friend.” He answered tightly.

“Next question: how is it now just being able to relax somewhat and produce and write music?” She asked.

“It’s really great I mean we get to hang out with some friends now, and like you said relax somewhat. But we’re still really busy; we’re working on the J.O.N.A.S series, doing interviews like this, and of course writing and recording our music.” Nick answered.

“Is it true you are producing Demi Lovato’s new CD?” the interviewer asked.

“Yes it is. We like to try every aspect of our talent, and being able to work more with Demi is really great.” Kevin answered.

“What is one of the… down-sides of being a famous celebrity?” She asked.

“No privacy.” Joe answered instantly. Everyone stared at him.

The interviewer nodded. “That’s a good one… anything else?”

“Losing touch with old friends.” Joe answered again.

“But everything we go through has helped us become who we are today. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.” Nick piped up.

“The age old question: you guys are not seeing anyone?” She asked.

“Nope… we’re all really focused on our work right now.” Joe answered with a bite of annoyed sarcasm in his voice only his brothers recognized.
Kade stared at her iPod sadly. Jessica noticed.

“Why don’t you just give up already?” Jessica asked harshly. “He’s not coming back… what makes you think he actually would? I mean I know you’re stupid, but he’s a celebrity… and you? You’re a nobody.”

Kade didn’t move, didn’t do anything. But Jessica knew she understood.

Tears formed into Kade’s green, but she blinked them back.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler: and it's kinda blah but whatever. i'm split between two different roads for the next chapter. so hopefully it'll be out soon!
BTW i would LOVE a banner for this story if any of you have any ideas. i'm not picky at all. thanks!