Remembering Bella

Remembering Bella

“What did you see?” The man asked shaking the girl so violently her teeth shook.

“I didn’t see anything I promise you!” The girl cried tears staining her white shirt.

The man pushed her against the cold stone wall instantly bruising her back. The leaves and twigs snapped beneath their feet.

“Liar! You saw everything didn’t you? Didn’t you?” He yelled the streetlight flickering; it was the only light that showed in the utter darkness. Even the moon deserted her.

“I promise…” she stopped to take a deep breath. “I didn’t see anything.” She whispered not looking at her attacker.

He leaned closer to where she could smell his cold breath on her face. “I don’t believe you.” He growled.

And for a split second the moon made an appearance through the dark gray clouds. She got a good look of his face, mentally taking a picture of it.

“This shouldn’t have happened, but you leave me no choice.” He said.

The girl tried to make a run for it with her last ounce of adrenaline. He caught her wrist and slapped her against the wall like a rag doll. Her head collided with the wall instantly rendering her unconscious. The man hit her on the head with the barrel of the gun just for effect, and ran away.

She struggled to open her eyes, the bright light making them sting. She closed her eyes to extinguish the harshness of the one light. Where am I? What’s going on? Why am I here? She tried to remember what was happening, but she was drawing up a blank. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Suddenly feeling hit her hard. The troubling thoughts left for a second when she felt pain in her back, and head. She opened her eyes for a second time trying to see where she was.

“Bella!” She heard someone scream, though it seemed far away.

Bella? Who’s that? She thought looking up to see a woman with a short brown bob rush towards her side. She flinched away, and stared at her trying to remember who this woman was. She tried to remember who she was, but she couldn’t come up with anything. Her mind was completely blank. The sheets were uncomfortable, and the light wasn’t getting any friendlier. She couldn’t move her torso, and that was bothering her.

Then she realized the woman was talking. “Bella! Honey look at me!” She was saying touching her hand. The woman’s hand was warm she noticed looking at it before looking at the woman.

She tried to form words in her mouth. She could talk she knew that. “Who’s Bella?” She asked hoarsely.

The woman gasped and pulled away. She looked desperately at something. The girl strained to see, it was another person. The girl’s eyes were glazed over and she couldn’t see thanks to the annoyingly bright light.

“Light.” She gasped out.

“Oh Paul turn the light out!” The woman said. Finally the bright light was gone.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust. She looked around the room. There were a total of 3 people: the woman who kept talking to her, a man that thankfully turned the light off and a guy with a really long white robe-thingy. Complete strangers she knew none of them. It started to scare her, why didn’t she know anything? Her focus turned to the man with the long white jacket.

“Hello… my name is Doctor Al.” He said softly.

She nodded her eyebrows furrowing.

“Can you tell me what your name is?” He asked.

She shook her head.

“Can you tell me anything?” He asked.

Her eyebrows creased more as she thought, and she shook her head. Finally tears made their appearance. “What’s wrong with me?” She asked her voice quavering.

“You’re suffering from Amnesia. We think its Hysterical Amnesia. This type of Amnesia is linked to mental trauma. It is usually temporary and is triggered by a traumatic event with which the mind finds it difficult to deal. Your memory should come back, but we’ll never know if it actually will.” He said slowly so she would understand.

“Traumatic event? What happened to me?” She asked.

The doctor sighed and looked at the other people. Who were they? They nodded to him.
“Well…” He said slowly trying to formulate his words. She gripped the sheets waiting to find out why she suddenly knew nothing.

She was in a cold sweat. Her insides felt like they were on fire making her sweat, but her skin was cold.

“You were attacked.” He said bluntly.

“Attacked? For what?” She asked gripping the sheet harder her knuckles an unhealthy white.

The doctor shrugged. “The only way we know is because the police found you… and there was a tape from a local camera.” He said softly. She leaned against the cold pillow, and closed her tired eyes.

She looked up the woman was walking towards her tears in her brown eyes. “Bella.” She said quietly.

“Is that my name?” She asked. Her brain hurt. The woman nodded. Bella that was a nice name she concluded.

“My name is Karen. I’m your mother.” She explained. Knowing who the woman was brought her a little comfort.

“And this is your father Paul.” Karen said pulling the guy to the side of the bed. He nodded to her.

“Good to see you awake.” He said softly. She smiled slightly.

“Excuse me but can I ask you a few questions?” Another voice was heard. Everyone turned to see a woman holding a badge.

“She just woke up!” Her mother protested.

“It’ll only take a second.” The woman said.

“Just let her Karen.” Paul, her father said.

The woman nodded and walked forward. “Hello Bella.” She said kindly. “My name is Detective Carly Jones. Can I ask you some questions?” She asked.

“I don’t know what help it’ll be I don’t know anything.” Bella replied.

“You cannot remember anything?” Det. Jones asked.

“I didn’t even know my name.” She said softly grinning sheepishly.

“Do you know what happened?” Det. Jones asked.

“I was attacked.” She replied. Det. Jones nodded.

“You don’t remember what he looked like?” She asked.

Bella shook her head. She didn’t even know if I was a he.

“Well we believe he was, excuse me, trying to kill you for a purpose. And if he knows you’re still alive he’ll probably try again.” She said calmly like she gave this speech every day.

Her mother paled, and clung to her father. His face was expressionless.

Bella tried to comprehend everything. It was hard. She just woke up not knowing anything at all. She just learned her name was Bella, her father’s name was Paul, and her mother’s was Karen. She’d been attacked and the guy hasn’t been found, and he might try again. She got dizzy, and laid her head down.

“What can we do?” Paul asked.

“Well witness protection is what we usually offer, but since this case is difficult. I’d recommend an agent staying with her until we find this guy.” Det. Jones said.

Her mother nodded immediately. “Of course! Where can we get one?” She asked.

“I call my boss and we’ll get someone here before you leave.” She said.

“Thank you.” Her father said as she got up to leave.

“You try to remember.” Det. Jones instructed. “And call me if you do.”
The next morning Bella woke up. The ache in her head going away, but the pain in her back remained. There was someone talking to her parents. Her mother turned when she heard her sit up.

“Oh Bella! This is Agent Williams.” She said. “He’ll be watching over you.”

Bella nodded to him.

“I won’t let anything happen to you.” He promised, and Bella felt a weird sense of safety cover her.

He was tall, taller than her father. He had an unusual blue-gray color for his eyes, and dark brown hair graced his head.

“Are you ready to leave?” Her father asked. She nodded, and her mother handed her some clothes. They gave her some privacy.

How she knew how to get dressed she didn’t know. She pulled on the clothes and walked over to a door. Inside was a bathroom. She looked inside, and jumped away. There was someone in there! She peeked in again. Oh it’s me. She thought. She stared at herself.

She had greasy golden brown hair, and tired green eyes. She had a gnarly bruise above her left eyes, a deep circular gash in the middle. Dark half circles placed themselves under her eyes. She pulled her wavy-curly hair away from her face and into a pony-tail. How she knew how to do anything was beyond her, but she knew. She slowly walked out of the room.

“Come on dear let’s go home.” Karen said wrapping her arm around her shoulder. She walked with her parents, Agent Williams behind them.
“This is it home sweet home. Are you hungry?” Her mother asked. Somehow Bella knew she was, and she nodded. “I’ll make your favorite.” She said walking away.

“Come on I’ll give you the grand tour.” Her father said holding his elbow out. Agent Williams still followed them as they went room to room.

They seemed pretty well off. They had a nice two story. The kitchen, a bathroom, the living room, and a study made up the first floor. The second floor consisted of the master bedroom, her bedroom, and two guest rooms. She walked into her room. She must’ve been neat because her room was spotless.

“You’re kinda a neat-freak.” Her father informed.

She had a bright multi-colored room. Her walls were purple, pink, and green. Her bed was purple, and her computer table was black. Her carpet was an interesting color of pink, and it was really soft. She had a bookcase full of book. There were a lot of pictures. She walked around and looked at all of them. Her and this other girl was in most of them, a blonde with bright blue eyes. She seemed to be a happy girl with a good amount of friends.

Bella sat down and picked up a discarded book. She opened it up; it was a book full of different pictures. She studied each and every picture not knowing any of these strangers.

“You don’t know any of them?” The agent asked. She looked up and shook her head. “That must be weird.” He said sitting down next to her. “Having everything wiped clean.” He specified.

“Yeah… weird.” Bella agreed slowly. They sat in a comfortable silence Bella staring at the pictures.

The next day Bella woke up confused again. Where am I? She thought. She smelled something she couldn’t decipher; she vaguely felt the soft warmness of her blankets. She looked around, and the little remembrance she had hit her. She fell asleep looking at pictures.

“Bella? Are you awake?” She heard her mother’s voice.

“Yes.” She said softly.

“We have breakfast ready.” Her mother said wringing her hands nervously.

“Okay.” Bella said.

She sat through an awkward breakfast, and walked up to her room after finishing. Agent Williams followed. He just stared at her. “How old are you?” He asked.

She gave him a confused look. “I don’t actually know.” She answered wiggling her toes, her carpet was soft.

“You’re 19.” Someone said.

Agent Williams moved and the blonde from most of her pictures was standing there looking at her. “Bells! I’m so happy you’re okay!” She said rather loudly, and she lunged herself at her.

Bella wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “I’m sorry but what’s your name?” Bella asked.

“You don’t remember me?” She asked her blue eyes big.

Bella shook her head no.

“Well my name is Tobi, and I’m your bestest best friend.” She said. Bella nodded. Tobi best friend got it! She checked off in her head.

“I know you just came home yesterday, and all, but your parents called me to help you so here I am!” She smiled brightly at her.

Bella nodded, and smiled also, she liked this girl. “Come sit! I’ll tell you all about you!” She said patting Bella’s purple comforter. She sat down, and looked at her best friend expectantly.

“Well you’re 19 years old we’ve been going to the same school since elementary school. We both attend Wilson College…” And Tobi went on and on about Bella’s life. It felt like Tobi was talking about someone else. She had no recollection about anything. She decided within herself that she liked Tobi, and she was glad they were friends.

“So… who’s this guy who never leaves, and never takes his eyes off you?” Tobi whispered.

“Huh?” Bella asked looking up to find Williams looking at her. “He’s my bodyguard I think is what you would call him.” Bella answered a little overwhelmed.

“What’s your full name Agent Williams?” Tobi asked.

“My name is Chase Williams I’ve been working for the government since I was 18.” He answered politely.

“And how old are you?” Bella asked.

“21.” He replied. The girls nodded.

“Aren’t you kinda… young?” Tobi asked.

Chase smiled. “Yeah, but don’t worry your friend’s life is safe in my hands.” He answered.
“Sketch!” Kane called. Another man emerged from the shadows of the apartment.

“Take a look at this.” He said angrily. Sketch looked at the TV screen.

“Bella Grey was found in an abandoned alley a week ago. The police are using all their power trying to find the perpetrator, and serving justice. The only thing keeping this investigation going is the video recording from a camera showing the whole thing. The only problem? Poor Bella has no memory… of anything. The only witness remembers nothing.” They showed a picture of Bella, and a short clip from the video recording.

“What do you have to say about this? She’s still alive? How long will it be before she gets her memory back? Huh? She’ll remember you for sure, and everything she saw us do! I will not go to jail again!”

And he pushed Sketch.

“Fix this!” Kane growled.

“How am I supposed to find her?” Sketch asked.

“How should I know?! Fix this or else.” Kane said, and when Kane said ‘or else’ he meant he’d kill you. Sketch said nothing, as he left the apartment.
Bella woke with a start. She looked around her now familiar room, her eyes getting accustomed to the dark. Her body stiff, and her mind alert. Something woke her, but she couldn’t figure out what.

“Chase?” She called.

“I’m here.” He replied just as quiet. She relaxed.

“Did you have another dream?” He asked walking towards her.

“I… think so.” She answered thinking about it.

“Oh no don’t tell me your losing your short-term memory also!” He teased.

“I just can’t remember okay!” She replied. “I think it was the same as the others though.” She added.

It had been about a week since she woke up knowing nothing. Chase was still with her, never leaving her side. With their constant proximity they’d gotten close. Chase was the only person Bella really trusted, well other than Tobi, she could naturally trust her. They were the only ones who actually tried to understand her.

“The same girl looking at me with those expressionless eyes, and that guy I can never see.” Bella said thinking hard trying to see what his face looked like. Chase nodded.

Bella rubbed her head. “When are they going to find this guy?” She asked.

“Want to get rid of me already?” Chase asked plopping his feet on her computer desk.

Bella looked at him seriously. “Do you think I’ll ever get my memory back?” She whispered playing with the blanket. Chase returned her gaze.

“Yes.” He answered.

“Really?” she asked. He nodded. “How can you if my parents already gave up on me?” She sighed.

“Because I’ve gotten to know you Bells.” He answered.

She blushed slightly. She looked at the clock the neon red lights flashed back at her 5:44 AM.

“You should try and get some sleep.” Chase said softly.

“Yeah.” Bella said snuggling under the covers. As soon as her eyes closed they flew open. “Chase?” She whispered scared that he would leave her alone.

“I’m here.” He replied.

“Good.” She breathed as she closed her eyes again. She always felt safer when he was around.

“Alright Bella we think it’s about time for you to go back to school.” Karen said walking into her daughter’s room.

Bella looked up from reading her journal for the umpteenth time. She was learning a lot from it. She was an avid journal writer.

“Alright?” She asked putting the book down.

“We think it’ll help get your memory back.” She added.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Chase interjected from where he was sitting by the window, not looking at them.

“Why not?” Karen asked hands-on-hips.

“Because it’s only been around two weeks, and we don’t know where this guy is.” He answered turning his hard blue-gray eyes on her.

Bella raised an eyebrow. He was being unusually forceful.

“This could’ve only been a onetime thing! She could’ve been at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Karen said exasperated.

Bella became dead silent, not knowing whether her mother knew she was sitting right there.

“Or maybe she wasn’t and he’s still looking for her.” Chase replied turning completely around.

“Yeah, but we’ll never know because she lost her memory!” She yelled gesturing with her hand towards where Bella was sitting stone still on her bed.

Bella felt like she’d been slapped. “I’m sorry next time I’ll try and not lose my memory mom!” She said before she left the room.

Karen sighed and ran her hand through her hair. Chase looked at her angrily. “It’s not her fault.” He reminded.

“No it’s her brains fault.” Karen replied.

“Do you know how hard it is to live with someone who doesn’t remember anything?” She asked.

“Well I don’t see you trying to change anything.” Chase said before he followed Bella.

He found her in the backyard sitting in the tree looking at the sky a sad, upset look on her face. “It’s not your fault you know.” He said to her.

“I know… it’s just frustrating. You know?” She asked.

“No, I really don’t. I can’t even fathom losing every memory you once had.” He replied looking at the grass beneath him.

“But it can come back right?” She asked.

“Yeah it can. And it will, don’t give up.” He said offering her his hand so she could get off the tree.

“I guess she’s right though. I should go back to school.” Bella said as she planted her feet on the grassy ground.

“I guess so.” He said not liking the idea at all. Even though he’d only been in the field for a couple years all his instincts were telling him it was better for them to stay off the radar.
“I’m so happy you’re coming back! It’s so weird not having you here every day.” Tobi said as they walked to school Chase a few paces behind. Bella nodded studying all the features around her. “Don’t worry we have almost every class together, and I’ll let you know who’s who.” Tobi said placing her hand through her elbow.

Bella smiled at her.

“Okay well this is only a two-year college to get our general education out of the way before we go to a University, but mostly everyone from our old high school comes here.” Tobi said as they walked into the school.

Bella’s stomach twisted with nervousness. She stared at the unfamiliar faces as they passed. People stopped and stared, and that made everything worse.

“She doesn’t have a disease!” Tobi told people, and some stopped staring. To the rest she said: “Take a picture it’ll last longer!” And they stopped.

Bella smiled. “Thanks.”

Tobi shrugged and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. “I know it was making you uncomfortable.” She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“These are the only people from our close group of friends who come here.” Tobi said gesturing to two people they were coming up to.

A boy with dirty blonde hair and a girl with raven hair. “This is Steve, and Jesse.” Tobi introduced.

Bella looked at her friends willing herself to remember them; she’d read about them in her journal, but she wanted to remember. Tears of frustration entered her eyes. “I don’t remember.” She said softly.

Chase stepped forward, but Tobi waved him off. “It’s not your fault Bells. It’s no biggie.” Jesse said looking at her sympathetically.

Bella sighed. “I just wish I could remember.” She said twisting her sleeve with her fingers.

“Look at it this way you’re the most popular girl around here.” Steve said leaning against the wall. Tobi pushed him; he lost his balance, but didn’t fall.

“Steve says stuff like that. Don’t worry you get used to him.” She explained.

Bella smiled. “Hey I made her smile I get points for that.” Steve said as they started walking.

“Who’s the guy?” Jesse whispered to Bella, as they linked arms.

“Oh that’s Chase.” Bella said.

Jesse raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly. “Chase? And who’s Chase?” She asked looking over her shoulder as Chase watched them walk.

“Agent Chase Williams, my bodyguard.” Bella answered oblivious of Jesse’s hidden question.

Jesse looked at Tobi, who was at the other side of Bella, and raised an eyebrow. Tobi smirked and shrugged. Bella looked back and forth between her friends.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“Nothing.” They both answered.
“You were right Kane she did come back to school.” Sketch said.

“Good, now finish your job no more loose ends.” He ordered.

“As soon as the time is right.” Sketch replied.
Another week of no memory crept by. Bella was behind in school, and trying to catch up. She’d caught up with her friends and it was good to be able to hang out with them, and hear about all their crazy stories, and things they’d done. Especially her! She’d found out she was quite the dare-devil. ‘No fear’ had been her motto. She was getting used to not remembering anything, and just starting over. Sure it was frustrating and she wanted her memories back, but she couldn’t do anything by pouting about it. So she was going through the rest of her life gaining new memories, and hoping everything would come back.

Chase was beginning to think that maybe there wasn’t threat, and began to relax a little. He found himself slipping into something more than just the ‘protecting’ relationship. He didn’t know what he’d do once this mission was over. He’d been with Bella learning about her, as she was. It wasn’t protocol, but he couldn’t help it. When you’re thrust into a living situation with someone it wasn’t hard to forget you’re the agent and not the friend. But once these thought crept in, he’d push them away. This was his job, nothing more.
The next Monday in class Bella walked in with Tobi expecting to see their plump science teacher, but here stood a tall, muscular guy with thick black glasses. He sat in the teacher’s chair saying nothing until the bell rang, then his eyes flickered up.

“As you know I am not Mr. Perch. My name is Mr. Kingsbury. I will be your substitute as long as Mr. Perch is out.” He said eyeing everyone.

The class was quiet not knowing what type of sub this would be. His eyes landed on Bella for a second longer. Bella’s mind twitched, he seemed kinda familiar. She blew it off she probably saw him subbing for a different teacher.

The bell rang marking the end of the day. “Miss Grey!” Someone called. She turned to see Mr. Kingsbury strutting to her. She looked at Chase, he was studying him.

“Yes?” She asked turning fully around.

“I understand you’re a little behind. I was wondering if you would be up for some tutoring. Mr. Perch mentioned you were one of the brightest students. I was hoping maybe I can catch you up.” He offered pushing his glasses up.

“Well that sounds good.” She replied looking at Chase for conformation, he nodded slightly. “Thanks.”

More frustrating weeks went by, and every day after school Bella would stay with Mr. Kingsbury, Chase always watching carefully. Bella moved each day knowing nothing of her past. She was her happiest at school learning more and more. It was another tutoring secession, and she was studying Newton’s Laws.

Their usual science teacher came back, but Mr. Kingsbury offered to stay and help Bella catch up. She looked up at Mr. Kingsbury wondering if she answered the question right, and once again something flickered in her mind.

“Well that’s the end for today.” Chase said getting up, and gently grabbing Bella’s elbow. He didn’t like Mr. Kingsbury much, and he wanted Bella safe at home.

“Alright I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said standing up.

“I don’t like him.” Chase said once they were on their way home.

“I know you tell me that a lot.” Bella sighed.

“There’s just something about him.” He justified himself.

“Do you think we’ll ever find out about what happened that night?” Bella asked.

“The team told me they’re following another lead, and they’re hoping this might be it.” Chase said.

“Good. I can’t wait till this thing is over.” Bella huffed crossing her arms.

“Tired of me?” Chase teased.

“No! It’s just thinking he’s still out there.” She shivered slightly. “And I don’t even remember what happened!”

“You know I won’t let anything happen to you.” Chase said seriously.

“I know Chase.” Bella smiled at him.

Chase was different from the guys she’d been interested in before the incident. That’s what they were calling it now ‘the incident’. He made her feel safe, she trusted him with her life. He made her want to remember, and to live her life to the fullest. To never give up, that’s what he always said ‘never give up Bella, never give up.’ And she wouldn’t just for him.
They were coming onto their month and a half anniversary of the day she woke up. Bella was sitting in her room quietly going through all her memorabilia again trying to trigger something, anything. She would never give up that hope that maybe today would be the day she would remember.

“Come on Bella we’ve got you’re tutoring.” Chase interrupted.

“Alright.” Bella said getting up and placing her box away.

It was only the middle of the session: Chase tried to fight the urge, but he really needed to use the bathroom. Finally his body outnumbered him. “Bella, I’ve got to use to restroom.” He whispered.

“Alright.” She said distracted by her lab she was doing.

Mr. Kingsbury was behind the desk. Chase left and things became unusually quiet and awkward. Something twisted in Bella’s stomach; she brushed it off as the smell of formaldehyde.

Chase’s phone went off as he exited the stall in the stall

"Williams.” He answered.

“Chase! You’re still with the Grey girl right?” Lane from his team asked.

“Yeah.” Chase answered stopping in the middle of the bathroom.

“Good! We found the guy! His name is Sketch Pat, but he’s been using the false identity of a teacher named Mr. Kingsbury. The team’s making their way to his house right now. Just make sure the Grey girl stays safe.” Chase’s stomach dropped; he heard nothing after: the false identity of a teacher named Mr. Kingsbury.

Bella looked up from the organ and into Mr. Kingsbury’s eyes. Then everything clicked. Everything came back.

“Happy 12th birthday dear!”

“Say cheese!”

“I give you the class of 2007!”

“I told you to stay out of the way!” Someone pushed a woman into the wall.

“I promise it won’t happen again.” The woman pleaded.

“That’s not good enough, and plus you know too much.” The man said.

“Hurry up Kane!” Another called.

The man-Kane- pulled a gun, and shot the woman. Bella gasped, and both men turned to where she was hiding.

“Who’s there!?” Said the other man. He came towards her. Brown eyes almost black in the dark. Bella bolted away

Everything hit her. This was the guy who did this to her! She remembered! Her heart began to race. Where’s Chase? Bella wondered absentmindedly. She had seen this guy and another guy, Kane, kill a woman. This guy was supposed to ‘take care of her’, and here he was. She looked up, and tried to act like normal. ‘Mr. Kingsbury’ was watching her, those brown eyes penetrating her.

He stood up. “You remember now don’t you?” His voice ringing in her head making her blood rush through her veins.

She could hear her heartbeat, she could hear him stand up and walk towards her. She looked around the room trying to find a way out, or at least a way to defend herself. “I can tell by your eyes.” He specified.

Bella looked up fire in her eyes, her ‘no fear’ self coming back. “You killed that girl, and tried to kill me!” She accused.

“Guilty.” He said lightly shrugging his shoulders.

Adrenaline rushed through her blood.

“But you didn’t die. Pesky little problem you are.” He said. “But all that will end now.” He added pulling a gun from his pants. “This time, no mistakes.” He assured cocking the gun.

Bella could feel her body buzz. She moved away just as he pulled the trigger, and screamed as pain sliced her arm. She fell to the ground.

Everything moved in a blur, Sketch cocked the gun again. She didn’t want to move, but Chase’s words rang in her mind ‘never give up’. She moved away against the pain, pushing desks out of her way and braced herself for another blow.

She jumped as the gun went off, but opened her eyes once she felt no new pain. She expected to find Sketch pulling the trigger because he missed, but instead he was falling backwards blood pouring from his chest. She looked up to find Chase running towards her.

Epilogue: -a year later-

After that night Chase’s team fixed up Sketch, and he immediately ratted out Kane. They got him, and his empire of drug dealing went down the drain.

Bella looked up from her seat with the rest of her ‘two-year college’ peers.

“How many times do we graduate in our lives?” She whispered to Tobi.

She giggled, and pushed her with her elbow. “Shh!” She hissed.

The principal was going on and on about how even if they were only there for two years it felt like a lifetime blah-blah-blah. Bella searched the crowd for those familiar blue-gray eyes, and smiled when she found them. She waved slightly, and he nodded his head smiling proudly.

“I give you the class of 2009!” The principal yelled. Everyone cheered and threw up their hats.

Somehow through the crowd Bella found Chase, and they hugged. “I’m proud of you Bells.” He said squeezing her hand.

“Come on Bella!” Tobi yelled. And all their friends crowded around and took a picture. Another memory for the girl who remembered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there ya go? Whattya think? Pretty good for a school assignment! HAHA