
Capter One: Living the Human Life

Eternity: it doesn’t mean a rip until it’s yours. And then it becomes completely overrated and never ending. Maybe that’s why they call it an eternity. All I know is now that eternity is in my hands I don’t know what exactly to do with it. How, you must be wondering, is eternity in my hands? That’s impossible. Well yes, and I’m quite impossible also.

I’m a vampire.

Gasp! Yes; I have been for 190 years.

But lucky for me I don’t have to face this eternity alone. I have a twin sister. Isabella.
At first I was completely jazzed with the fact of living forever, and drinking blood. And even though it sounds completely morbid you gotta admit that there’s something so incredible about thinking that blood can taste good! It’s like honey from heaven. Hey! Don’t rip until you try. (Which I highly object to because you can get AIDS or something, I mean you are only human.)

But then after going through high school over and over again and moving to different places often so no one would know who, or what you really are, it got annoying, and a BIG pain, but now it’s just who I am. Living for the thrill of the moment, and such, never thinking twice about anything, lying becoming a second language. It’s easy to just be there but not really. It’s like you just exist. It’s who I am.

I looked at my sister, and of course she was paying attention like a good little nerd she was. I mean come on we’ve been learning this stuff for years how could she still be taking notes? I can do all of this in my head. A perk of having this crap shoved down your throats forever. I called her in my mind.

'How can you pay attention?'

She didn’t even twitch. She used to jump whenever I’d invade her mind. She’s gotten used to it I guess. Before we became who we are we were so close it was like we could read each other’s mind so it was only natural that we talk to each other now.

'Because we’re trying to act NORMAL remember?'

I rolled my eyes.
'As if!'

She snorted in her mind. 'That was so 2008 you have no idea.'

'Actually I think ‘as if’ originated in 2004 thank you very much. I’m going to bring it back.'

I saw her shake her head, and continue writing notes.

What is normal anymore? Who knows? Normal to me is, wanting to suck the life out of the guy next to me. But I know that’s not normal… well to you guys. But don’t worry 190 years is long time to learn restrain. I wouldn’t hurt anyone… I knew. If someone was randomly found dead at school then there’d be a big investigation. (Not like they could find us please humans aren’t that smart.)

So we’ve learned to just drink a little at a time. And good for us I can control human’s minds. So they don’t remember anything, and we get our nourishment.

Finally the bell rang, and class ended. This year we were juniors, and maybe we’d actually graduate before we left again. I got up quickly and waited for Isabella to follow me. We walked silently, and I waited for the humans to walk. God you guys walk so slowly!

“Hey! Ara!” Someone called though I recognized the voice of Jake: a nice human boy who weirdly became our friend.

“Yeah?” I asked as he-slowly-ran towards us.

“How was class?” He asked.

I shrugged. “Boring… yours?” I answered as we continued walking.

He also shrugged. “It was okay.” We sat down at our usual lunch table.

I hated lunch and break. I hated eating human food. Because eventually, since of course I have no digestive system, I have to throw up whatever I ate. So nasty. Sometimes I’d get away with not eating, but I’d recognize the looks, and we’d have to eat.

“Hey guys!” Another one of our friends: Lily called.

Weirdly enough we made some friends at this school. At most of our other schools it had just been me and Isabella. Those were smart humans. But here these humans were different. They didn’t have a very good instinct system. Most humans should naturally be driven away from us. Their instincts should be screaming at them that we were dangerous, but that didn’t stop them from hanging around us. It was unusual, but Isabella liked hanging around with humans so I tagged along.

That day Isabella and I shared some chilly-cheese fries. It tasted like dirt in my mouth. Lucky for me I didn’t have a gag reflex so I just shoveled the junk down.

“…So Mike was like ‘whatever Lily you’re being overdramatic’ and I was like ‘no way Mike I saw you looking at Mellissa.’ What do you think Ara?” She asked.

I looked at her. “I don’t think Mike’s worth your time.” I answered honestly.

It was true for a human Lily was really pretty, and Mike… let’s just say he isn’t the sharpest tool in the tool-shed. And for Lily to be wasting her time with him was stupid.

She cocked her head. “Why do you say that?”

“Because if he’s looking at other girls now what will he do in the future? Can you trust him? You should find a guy who will only look at you.” I answered swallowing another couple fries.

She nodded. I could tell by her eyes she was taking this all in. “You’re totally right.”

I smiled and looked at Isabella; her eyes were focused on something else. I followed her gaze and found her looking at a human boy. Lance, I think his name was.

'You thirsty Bells?'

Her eyes shifted to mine, but she didn’t move her head. She shook her head just slightly. I nodded just as slight and continued talking with Lily.

“God Ara you really need a tan.” Lily said after awhile.

I looked at my pale skin, and grinned. “I don’t tan.” I said.

“Oh please everyone tans.” She retorted.

I raised an eyebrow. “Nope, it’s not humanly possible.”

Lily sighed. “Are you albino or something?” She asked.

See the thing with Lily was she would say the first thing that crossed her mind. She had a big mouth, and she didn’t care.

I smiled. “I think I am.” I answered nodding my head.

She nodded also. “Yeah that would make sense I mean sometimes your eyes are red.”


She nodded as she drank her soda. “Yeah it’s really creepy. Like your eyes get a little red mixed in with the back for like a couple days than go back to just black.”

“I actually think I am albino.” I nodded at her. And she nodded in agreement.

“But your white skin kinda compliments your black hair.” She said fingering my longish black locks.

My hair hung down my back in lots of different choppy-ish layers. It looked pretty tight I gotta admit.

“So you going to the game tonight?” Jake asked. I nodded.

“Of course! It’s against our rivals the Vampires!” How ironic I know. Our school, the Panthers, and our rivals are the Vampires. I mean what mascot is a vampire? That’s pretty crazy.

I looked at Isabella again. She was still staring at the human.

'God Is stop staring. I think you’re drooling.'

She turned her head, and looked at me. I knew that look. I’d seen it in human before. My eyes went wide.

'Holy crap Issy you like him?'

If we could blush she’d be blushing. I saw it in her eyes though. She likes the pathetic human.

'Jesus, Isabella he’s a human! What are you going to do?'

She looked down embarrassed and ashamed.

'You can’t control who you like you know.' She hissed in my mind. It’s not like I want to like the guy. I can’t help it.

I snorted in her mind, and rolled my eyes.

'We’re vampires Isabella we can’t love.'

'I know… it’s just… I can’t help it.' She repeated.

I shook my head disapprovingly. 'Whatever.'

She looked down at our-empty-food tray. She slowly picked it up and moved it over to the trash. Oh god, I thought. Right when she went over to the trash, so did the human.

“Hi Isabella!” He said cheerily.

“Hi Lance.” She said softly.

I glared at them. Sure it was nice that my sister liked someone, but couldn’t she like a vampire or someone? I mean when we got changed we left all our human crap behind us. Vampires shouldn’t have these kinds of feelings. It’s unnatural, and for a human? Even more unnatural, and I didn’t like it at all. Maybe it’s because it’s always been me and Isabella, but still! Vampires don’t love, it’s plain and simple.

He’s human for Van Helsing’s sake!

“So are you coming to the game?” He asked leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes.
She nodded shyly.

'Isabella Marque get your dead butt back over here!' I growled in her head. She turned her head, and gave me a glare. Then she turned back and smiled sweetly at the weak human.

“I’ll see you later.” She said walking away. She turned on her heels and glared at me again.

'What? It’s dangerous and you know it!' I justified myself.

'Let me enjoy my life okay?'

'How can you find enjoyment in a human?'

'Easily. Just let me live my life okay?'

'Whatever if the freak gets hurt don’t blame me.'

'Freak? Look who’s talking.'

'That was low Isabella.'

This whole conversation went unnoticed to our friends. To them we were just sitting there lost in our own world. And in a way we were.

“Okay so this is an awkward silence.” Jake noticed. I looked up.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m kinda tired.” I said lamely. He nodded.

“Well wake up you’ve got to cheer me on at the game!” He said.

I smiled. “Of course!” I said cheerily. I should really become an actress.
“What is your problem Arabella?” My twin asked when we started walking to our house before the game.

“What are you talking about?”I asked looking at her.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Why the hostility about me liking the guy?” She asked.

I glared. “It’s unnatural. Just suck some blood from him, and move on. That’s what I do.”

She glared back. “I’m not you Arabella. We may be twins but we’re different people.”

“I never… whatever live your so called life we’ll see who gets hurt in the end.” I said walking up our steps to the house.

Since we’ve been living for 190 years we’ve accumulated lots of money. Our houses are always extravagant. This one is no different. We moved here in our ‘sophomore’ year. We left Hawaii, which wasn’t hard since it was really hot. Like California, but Cali is bearable.
I was getting thirsty so I thought I’d get a little drink before the game.

“Hey Bells. Wanna come hunting with me?” I asked standing outside her door.

“No thanks.” She answered looking up from her homework.

I thought this was because of our fight earlier, but she smiled at me.

“Okay I’ll be back before the game.”

“Be careful.” She instructed. She said this every time I’d hunt without her. But we both knew I was one of the best fighters ever.

“Of course.” I’d reply like always. My senses were well keened, and I was never caught, and the humans never remembered anything.
Hunting was the thing I was best at. I loved it. The taste of warm blood was almost to die for. I ran towards the beach I always liked a little salt with the blood.

I quickly picked out the easiest prey and sought him out. He was a surfer just hanging out on the sand. His wetsuit was half on. He had shaggy bleach blonde hair, and I could feel his heart beat. He looked up as I approached, and his heartbeat increases making the venom in my mouth begin to fill.

“Hi.” I said seductively. From the smell of him he had some alcohol.

“Hey.” He said grinning lopsidedly.

“What’s up?” I asked sitting next to him.

“Nothing really. You’re really beautiful. You know that?” He asked. Yes he was definitely tipsy. Even better warm blood, salt, and some alcohol. What more could I ask?

“Thanks.” I said. “You know this is going to sound really shallow, but my friends over there said I couldn’t get you to kiss me.” I acted like I was embarrassed.

He smiled. “Oh yeah?” He asked. I nodded.

“Well let’s give em a show huh?” He asked leaning forward.

I quickly scanned the area for potential witnesses. There were none. I kissed his warm lips, and tasted the salt left from the sea. He was warm and I liked that. He instantly got aggressive. I moved my lips from his mouth to his neck, where the perfect amount of poison was ready in my fangs. I saw red. My fangs emerged, and I bit him instantly paralyzing him. He went slump against me, and I quickly sucked my fill of his warm blood. I looked at him and wiped me mouth. His eyes were wide, and scared. I smiled showing off my fangs.

“Thanks.” I growled. I looked deep into his mind, and wiped it of any memory of me. He fell back, fainted from lack of blood.

I walked away slightly depressed. I wanted more of a fight, but I got what I needed.
“Hey Bells I’m back you ready to go?” I called.

“Yeah.” She called as she came down the stairs.

“Coolie let’s go!” I said happily.

“Did you have a good hunt?” She asked.

“Yeah it wasn’t challenging though, but I got what I needed.” I shrugged.

“That’s nice.” She said sitting in our Lamborghini. Yeah we’re rich. It’s what you get living this long.
We pulled up to the field. “God I hope no one bleeds.” I said as we made our way to the bleachers.

Sure we had perfect restrain, but if we smell blood… who knows.

“Hey! Over here!” Lily called.

I nodded to her, and we sat down. “Hey what’s up?” I asked.

“I just got here.” Lily answered. “I love looking at the guys from the other team.” She gushed staring at the guys warming up on the field.

I smiled. A guy ran past us from the other team, and his scent hit me hard. He didn’t smell like anything I’ve ever smelt before. I stared at him. He looked like the rest of them, maybe a little more muscular. I couldn’t see his face though his helmet covered that.

'What are you staring at?' Isabella asked in my mind.

'That guy! He smells different.' I answered.

'Yeah I noticed that also.'

I watched the rest of the game completely engrossed with that guy. They won by one touchdown made by Mr. Smelly. They all took their helmets off to congratulate the other team.

I stared at Mr. Smelly. He had longish black hair, kinda emo-ish falling into his black eyes. He had pale skin, with a prominent jawbone. He looked different than other humans. More defined in his looks, and features. Not unusual just different than what I’m used to looking at. His team walked past us, and I saw him look at our general direction. But his eyes stopped on mine. It seemed like we stared at each other for an eternity, but it had to be only 10 seconds. He smiled, and continued on with his team.

We waited until we found Jake, and congratulated him.

“Good game Jakers.” I said rustling his hair. I was still getting used to acting friendly with humans. I mean I was so much older than them, and I’m usually killing them so it’s a weird transition.

“Thanks.” He smiled. I guess I’m doing a good job.

“Yeah good job… hitting those others guys.” Isabella said slowly. She was never really interested in sports, so she never knew what to say, or what was going on.

Jake laughed. “Good game… go on I think your parents are looking for you.” Lily said nodding to his family.

“We’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I said. He nodded and ran off.

“Well I gotta go… see you tomorrow.” Lily said hugging us.

“Yeah.” Isabella nodded.
“Time for a long night… we could go hunting.” I suggested looking at her.

“No.” She said instantly. “You went already.” She reminded.

“Yeah but I’m still thirsty.” I whined.

She shook her head with determination.

“Aren’t you thirsty?” I asked. I know she hasn’t gone hunting for awhile. Her eyes weren’t red. They turn red when we’re thirsty. Her eyes weren’t.

“Nope.” She replied.

“When’s the last time you hunted?” I asked not believing her, and her lying eyes.

“What’s with the third degree?” She asked turning angry eyes on me.

“I just wanna know… if you’re okay.” I said softening. “You are my sister… a-and all I have.”

She sighed. “I’m fine sis, stop worrying.” She said trying to keep the edge from her voice.

I let it go. She’d come around; she always does. You’d think after 190 years we’d get sick of each other, but no. We’re all we have. All we’ll ever have. I don’t know what I’d do without her. You think living forever would be boring, living forever by yourself is even worse. Not that I know, I’ve always been with Issy. But I can imagine.
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Okay this 'Isabella' has nothing to do with the 'Twilight' Isabella just a character I made up! Tell me what you think!