Hello, stranger

A new day

Bright sunlight was trickling from my window arrogantly and making its way to my face, causing the skin of my eyelids to look blood red. Daylight is so beautiful, but not nearly as much as the night sky. I haven’t seen that dark velvet blanket for nearly a century. I remember the last night I could see the stars for myself. The worst night of my immortal life.

For the past decades, every night, I become somebody I’m not. I become a deadly monster ready for a murderous game. That vampire instinct possesses me like it has custody. Every morning I wake up wondering who I’ve killed and how many. A chorus of my neighbor's rants reach my ears. They think I’m normal. They think I’m that average 23 year old girl who returns from late night partying every night.

I jumped off the couch and pulled on my white dress. Saturday is one of the worst days of the week. More people partying at night, more people in danger from me.

When somebody says the word ‘Vampire’ they immediately think of supernatural powers, fangs, bats, black cloaks and other stupid things like garlic. I don’t have any powers. In a cruel and twisted way, being a vampire isn’t that hard. During the day act as if you’re innocent, nightfall you quench that undeniable thirst you feel. And Live for eternity, without sleep.

I quickly made my way to my most favorite place in the world: The local park. To any other person, the park would be just another dingy and old place you can stop to smoke or something.

The park calms me. The last place I was human. Back when I could eat, sleep and had a family and a social life.

The yellow dead grass crumpled under my footsteps as I walked to the vandalized bench. There were only a rusty set of swings and an old see-saw standing uselessly still in the hot ground.

My breathing returned to normal when I felt the familiar cool bench beneath me. I put my head in my hands and thought. I tried to think about how to avoid killing people every day, it hurts so much knowing that those mysterious deaths are your doing.

I don’t know how long sat there, but I figured it had been a while when I felt a presence of another person. This was the first time in years that somebody sat next to me during my daily nervous breakdown.

The man sat down; either oblivious or ignoring my staring eyes, and inhaled deeply into his cigarette. I watched as he slowly exhaled, the vapors from his mouth evaporating into the calm air.

Now, I’m no hobo, I know that it’s rude to stare. But, god, this man was so carelessly beautiful that he was delicate. His stunning pale features were framed with his curtain of dark hair, which hung messily below his ears. He wore a black jacket and a pair of jeans, they would have looked simple on any other person, but somehow this highlights him being so unknowingly gorgeous.

He finally met my stare and his dark hazel eyes made me suddenly feel like an insect attracted to that little light bulb. He unconsciously exhaled his toxic breath. I coughed loudly.

“Sorry.” The man spoke in a husky but soft voice. I blinked and then smiled. Decades of seeing men, and somehow I’m unbelievably attracted to him?

“That’s okay.” I replied in a near whisper. He looked away again and I let my eyes wander to the rusting see-saw. After moments of silence, he finally spoke again.

“I see you here every day you know. Not always at the same time, but you manage to come and sit down for an hour or more.” He stated. I suddenly felt odd. I know if there’s anybody who should be the scared out of the two of us, it should be him. I was silent, so he continued.

“Don’t freak or anything, I live right up there and I go for a walk a lot. I just see you here.” He spoke hastily, pointing to an old, small house. That house wouldn’t sell for years, and before that, an old lady use to live there. I nodded again, not knowing what to say.

“So, you new here?” He asked hesitantly. I almost snorted out loud at his question. I’ve been moving in out of this town for almost a century, but only to remain undiscovered. The non-aging 23 year old could raise some suspicion.

“No, I’ve been here for a while.” I smiled. He nodded. We fell into silence’s wrath again. He suddenly stood up, breaking my peaceful trance.

“I’m Gerard Way, by the way.” He said, holding out his hand. I took it tentatively, and felt his smooth fingers clasp around my small hand.
“I’m Nicola Davis. Nice to meet you Gerard.” I replied. He grinned and strode off, leaving me staring after him.
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This is my first fan-fiction.... I'll try and dodge as many rotten tomatoes as i can. bahaha