Hello, stranger


I don’t know how it’s possible, but something must’ve slowed time. Maybe it’s just a feeling, but the god damned clock was taking its time moving its hands. I sighed loudly and continued wiping the invisible blemish on the counter desk.

I work at a local jewelery shop which usually doesn’t attract many customers. That’s right, being a vicious blood-lusted monster, doesn’t stop me from working. And money is why you’ll see me slumming over the counter desk, staring at the clock. I haven’t been to the park today. I smiled largely at the thought of sitting in that bench and breathing in that familiar atmosphere alone. My smile disappeared when I corrected myself. No, not alone. It’s two weeks have passed since I met Gerard at that park. We’ve been getting along well, too well in my opinion.

It’s not that I don’t like Gerard, he’s probably the type of guy you can’t hate. But what really has me frustrated is how much I’m beginning to attach to him. I’m starting to realize that it’s not the park that calms me anymore, its Gerard. Without his voice speaking in his tone, I may start to freak out. He doesn’t know this yet; he doesn’t know that he’s my constant, the one thing that keeps me involved in normality.

I can’t attach anybody, it’s simply against nature.

“Nicola? Your shift already ended honey, its ten past.” The voice of my employer, Emily, sounded from behind me. I turned to look at her aging face alertly and then glanced at that clock. Sure enough, it was 10 past 5. Damn, what’s wrong with me?

Oh right, I’m a vampire.

I muttered a quick thanks to what I now consider my lovely boss, and hurried out the door, my bag clutched in my hands.


I tried to ignore the lurching feeling in my stomach when I caught sight of Gerard leaning against the swing set. I approached him, noting how much his jeans and black T-shirt suited him.

“Hey Nicola” Gerard greeted me cheerily, as he sat down on the ground abruptly. That’s when I noticed he had a McDonald’s paper bag clutched in one hand.

“Hello Gerard.” Was my less-enthusiastic reply. I still haven’t forgotten that I’m trying to distance myself from him. He placed the bag in between his legs and started pulling out golden fries from it.

“Yoush wajnt shum?” He offered me a handful of fries, I quickly shook my head ‘no’, hell, I would never eat that.
Gerard was about to say something, when his phone started ringing loudly. He answered quickly.
“Hello?” I heard him say. There was a short pause.
“I’m in the park across from my house.” Another pause. He then laughed loudly and hung up.
“My douche is going to meet me in this park, is it okay if I introduce you?” He asked as he stood and brushed the dirt off his jeans.

“Umm... yeah.” I replied, not knowing what else to say. I paused. “Who’s you’re douche?” I asked, feeling stupid. He laughed out loud again. God, I’m loving and hating his laugh at the same time.

“You’ll like him.” He replied. Before I could say anything, a figure could be seen running towards us.

The first thing that I figured is that the boy was only a teenager, probably around seventeen. He looked tired when he finally caught up to us, near the swing set.
“Gerard..” was all he managed to gasp out before he put his hands on his knees and took deep breaths. Gerard waited impatiently.

“Nicola, I want you to meet the all-loved Frank.” Gerard said, dramatically making movements with his arm.
“Your douche?” I asked him, raising an eye-brow. Gerard smirked and looked back at Frank, who finally caught his breath.

“Oohh, so this is Nicola.” He said, cocking his head to aside, as if observing me. And then for a brief moment, I caught the two exchanging glances, as if talking secretly to one another.
“Hey Frank.” I said, breaking their contact.
“It’s spectacular meeting you, but I’m stealing Gerard, you’ve been keeping him for too long.” He mockingly narrowed his eyes into slits. I laughed and Frank continued.
“We’ll talk later, yeah?” He said. I nodded. He then grabbed Gerard’s arm and pulled out of the park.
“Bye Nicola, see you tomorrow!” Gerard managed to call out, before he disappeared into a turn.

I watched the two leave, standing there for a few moments, and then walked to my bench.

The night is cold, but, lucky for me, that isn’t not stopping you, is it?

Baby, you look so young and delectable, I don’t think I have any plans to lure and deceive you. You see me watching you, but you seem to only lock my gaze out of interest.

Curios child, you’ll be mine.

As I approach you, your eyes widen. Do you recognize me, honey?

I place my hand softly over your lips to prevent the scream that was about to escape from them. The hand holding firmly on to your head, drops to your cheekbones and fades into a caress.

Dearest, it wouldn’t have had to end this way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this one is good