Status: Updates few and far between, less than every month.

I'm Too in Love to Let This Go

Ladies First.

"Alright so why don't you and Melanie get in the back and Frank can sit in the front and give me directions okay?" Gerard said pointing to Mikey and I. I swallowed hard. I hope to god that this isn't some teasing dream and I'm going to wake up any minute now.

"Sure. Ladies first," Mikey said opening the passengers door and pulling back the seat so that I could climb into the back. Oh shit. How the hell do you climb into a back seat gracefully?

I gave him a small smile and carefully climbed in. Thankfully I did it with out falling or making a foul out of myself. To be honest I was quite proud of myself. Normally that could have been disastrous.

Mikey climbed in after me sitting at the other side, with the middle seat and our school stuff the only things separating us. I had to play it cool and keep calm. It was kind of hard to do while my heart was beating about a mile a minute. I'm sure everyone could probably hear it.

"I'm Mikey by the way," Mikey suddenly spoke up making me look at him. He was watching me with a small, amused smile like he knew that inside I was a shaking, quivering mess.

"Oh I know," I said before I could stop myself. He raised his eyebrows and I swallowed hard. "I mean Gerard told me before," I said trying to be casual. I was just surprised I was able to string a sentence together that made sense.

"Oh right. For a minute there I thought you were stalking me or something," Mikey said with a small laugh. I forced myself to laugh with him. Oh god.

"No. Of course not," I said, my tongue feeling too big for my mouth all of a sudden.

"And your Frank's sister. Melanie right?" Mikey said. I just nodded. Of course he wouldn't know my name from around school like I knew his. And of course he only knows me as Frank's sister. I wasn't really expecting him to know me any other way but it would have been a nice surprise.

"Frank talks about you quite a bit. Granted it's normally about how you take forever in the bathroom and to rant about how you steal his skittles, but he does talk about you," Mikey said. My cheeks were still burning hot.

"So you know Frank quite well?" I asked, trying to make good conversation with him, I never knew when I'd get a chance like this again.

"I've spoken to him a few times at shows and stuff and in the passing at school. Did he tell you that he's joining our band?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, he told me just before you arrived back there," I said, with a small nod as I looked over at the window. My mind had gone blank with what I could possibly say next. Surely it couldn't be that hard?

"Ah okay." he said then fell silent. God I bet he thinks I don't want to speak to him. I bet he thinks I don't like him or something. I wish my heart would calm the fuck down; it's going to break one of my ribs in a minute.

"There you go, that's saved you both some exercise," Gerard announced. I looked out the window again and noticed we were outside my house. Christ that was quick. Can't we go around the block or something?

"Thanks Gee," Frank said as he got out of the passengers side. He let Mikey out before I shuffled along the back seat and got out too, not quite as gracefully as I got in. I tripped over the passenger's seat belt and Frank and Mikey were both quick to grab my arms before I fell flat on my face. If I was blushing hard before it was nothing to what I am now.

"You okay?" Mikey asked. I just nodded, not daring to look him in the eyes in fear of loosing every bit of my will power and just confessing everything to him. All right so I could probably never do that, but you never know with me.

While Frank was saying his goodbyes and Mikey was getting into the passengers seat I crept away and up the front yard to the door. I entered the house, the warmth and the smell of my moms cooking calming my beating heart immediately. This was pathetic. He's just a guy, he's not god. But if he was, that is certainly one religion I'd like to follow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long.
School's taking over, haven't been able to write much and I was going to change to third person but it was too much effort. This isn't going to be quite as good as if it was in third but I will try. Sorry.

I started a new story but haven't posted any yet. It's work in progress. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out so we'll see.

Thanks to all sbscrb and cmnts xoxo