Status: Updates few and far between, less than every month.

I'm Too in Love to Let This Go

So not.

I dumped my bag at the bottom of the stairs just as Frank entered the house after me. I started taking off my jacket and shoes before I noticed Frank was standing directly in front of me with a wicked smirk on his face. He was up to something.

"What?" I asked as I hung up my jacket.

"I know your secret," Frank said. I swallowed hard for what felt like the millionth time in half an hour. My throat was going to be red raw.

"What secret? I have many," I said acting casual.

"I know who you like," Frank said in a singsong voice, following close beside me as I went down the hallway and to the kitchen.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked trying to remain casual. He knew. He saw me there, I made it so damn obvious, I can just tell I did. Damn it. They're in the same band. He's going to tell and Mikey will think I'm a freak and will never speak to me again. I'm going to have a panic attack in a minute.

"Gerard," Frank said. I stopped right before I opened the fridge and laughed. I was half relieved and half amused. He's so close and yet so not.

"Yeah. Right. I just met the guy and really he's not my type," I said as I got a bottle of water out of one of the holders in the fridge. I twisted it open with ease. The relieve that was washing through me right now was unbelievable

"Whatever. I know you like him. And because you're my sister I'll save you from the humiliation, he's got a girlfriend," Frank said still with that stupid smirk on his face as if expecting me to be devastated by his news.

I raised my eyebrows at him instead. "Really? That's nice," I said clearly showing him I was uninterested. It worked. He frowned at me, but before he could say anything, our mom walked in to the room.

"Hey kids." She said with a smile as she made her way over to the oven.

"Hey ma, what's for dinner?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table. Frank soon sat down opposite me, with a thoughtful look on his face as he tried to figure something out. He could be there all day so I decided to ignore him.

"Pizza. It's almost ready. How was school?" Mom asked as she came over to the table and sat down at the top, Frank and I at either side of her so that she could see us both.

"Fine, same as always really." I said with a shrug. Mom nodded and turned to Frank.

"Frank?" she asked looking at him with her eyebrows raised.

"Huh?" Frank said looking at mom so suddenly that it made her jump ever so slightly.

"I was asking how school was? What's on your mind?" mom asked him. He looked over at me and I raised my eyebrows, surely looking much like mom did, and daring him to say anything about my supposed crush on Gerard. I think he finally got the message that it wasn't true and didn't say anything. Maybe it would have been better if he did think that I liked Gerard. It would make him further away from the truth.

"Oh nothing and school was fine. What kind of pizza is it?" he asked. I laughed and mom grinned too. Frank could be a pain in the ass sometimes but he is still my brother and unfortunately I can't help that we are related. I wouldn't change him for anything anyway. Without him, I wouldn't have had that conversation with Mikey. I actually should thank Frank for that, one day.
♠ ♠ ♠
To be honest I half gave up on this and half forgot about it.

But never fear it has been brought back to life. Honestly I have got so many stories started and not finished that it's ridiculous.

I'm going to focus on this one and on I wasn't asking for the world and that's it. IWAFTW will be finished soon so I will only have this one to work on which is pretty much writing itself thanks to it being already written in a way.

Thnks to all who kept with this. xoxo