Covered In Glitter But I'm Not Shining Like You Do.

Chapter One

She let her gaze flicker around the packed room as the lights dimmed and everyone surged towards the small stage. She sat up straighter in her seat, at the back of the room, so as to get a better view. She was sat in one of the booths so that she could hide if she needed to. The seats around her were empty and, to be honest, she wished it could be like that more often; she was fed up of her busy, kill or be killed lifestyle.
She was at a small local bar that she often went to a lot of the time, just to see Avenged Sevenfold, a local band, play their set. They went to her school, in the same year in fact, and were a really close group of friends. She always wished that she could have that.
She was just a nobody. Well, the real her anyway. No one really knew a thing about her, they just thought they did. They really didn't have a clue. And if they did? Well, it would be the end of her.
She released the breath she'd been holding in, without realising, as Avenged Sevenfold appeared on stage. She listened intently as they began to play, though as soon as she saw any of them look in her direction, she would push herself back into the seat, praying she wouldn't be noticed, though even if anyone did notice her, they'd probably think they were seeing things. She always had her hood pulled up as protection from prying eyes; it put her face in shadow.
She watched in amazement, as Zacky and, as he was known at school, Syn broke into an incredible solo. She looked over each of them in turn, though always unconsciously noting that it lingered on Syn for the longest.
He looked up sharply.
Then she realized that he was looking straight at her.
She automatically pulled her hood further over her face, painfully aware of the butterflies in her stomach that were caused by both excitement and nerves. She knew it would be bad if he saw it was her, but deep down she wished he would.
When Avenged Sevenfold finished playing, with no more occurrences, and they'd left the stage after wild cheers, she stood up and made her way to the bar to get a drink; even though she risked being seen by someone, she didn't want to go home just yet. It was only these few times that she was able to really be herself, even if no one else saw it.
She handed over the money for her vodka and redbull, happy that this bar either didn't ask for ID or thought she looked old enough for alcohol. She took a large sip and turned round, almost spraying it down her front when she saw the guys come out of the backstage door and make their way to the bar where she was standing.
She quickly turned back and leant against the bar, knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape without looking suspicious in some way. She took another gulp of her drink in the hope it would calm her nerves. She closed her eyes tightly as they reached the bar and stood next her, glad for the bad lighting which hit her hood and cast a dark shadow over most of her face.
She could hear them laughing next to her and wished she could have the courage to throw away her current life and try to join in with their conversation. Shy? No. Coward? No. Well, maybe, but everyone was scared of something, right?
She decided she'd stayed in her place long enough and that it was such a close call that it would be best if she left before she was discovered. Downing the rest of her drink, she placed the plastic cup back on the bar and walked casually passed them, looking offhandedly in the other direction. Because she'd turned her head the other way, it meant that she didn't see Brian as he left the bar, causing them both to collide painfully with each other. She was thrown backwards and would have landed on the floor had Brian not grabbed her arm. Her hood fell back, exposing her blonde hair and blue eyes.
Recognition immediately flared in his eyes, but before he could say anything, before he could even open his mouth, for that matter, she wrenched her arm out of his grip and span round, darting through the crowd and outside.