23 Seconds of Silence

Imagine how it feels to be at sea.

We kissed in the desert, under a twilight curtain that turned the mountains blue. There was metal debris in the ground and the distant rush of cars.

Strange; but being here now, as the heat still chokes us, and the wind throws dust in our faces, that my soul finds peace. Lie back on a bed of rocks and breathe the air. In the darkness before the dawn, we are glad only to be alive.

Imagine how it feels to be at sea. Drifting, on the endless glass. We are far from the sea now. Our laughter curls like smoke, mingling with insanity, rising away and blowing against the mountainsides.

We kiss like spiders, crawling frantically through the sand, tears of desperation falling on our flesh. Each touch burns. This is now. This is my forever. One last look, look at it all, the mountains like crumbling castles built by a child.

And I die, screaming my own name into the night.
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Inspired by Spain.