You Trained These Lips When They Were Champs


I log onto CIWWCF from the insanely awesome wireless connection these guys have on the bus. Under the "Recent Journals" header, I see a one-and-a-half day old piece that catches my attention.

"Hey, Chloe, check your e-mail," Ishout, and copy and paste the url into a new e-mail message for her.

About a minute later, she lets out a loud laugh, covers her mouth, and says (muffled, since she's still covering her mouth), "Holy macaroni!" I shake my head a little, smiling. She instant messages me (gotta love Hotmail).

ChloexBaybee: Tell the guys?

May-hemAnnie: No effing way.

May-hemAnnie: On the other hand, they'll get a laugh. Do it.

ChloexBaybee: Nope, it's about you. You get to.

May-hemAnnie: Flip a coin? Loser reads it.

ChloexBaybee: I call heads.

I flip a coin, and it shows up heads. Damn. I heave and overdramatic sigh, which Chloe takes as a "Woo! Chloe wins again!" She grins triumphantly.

"Okay guys, listen to this AMAZING article I found on the interwebs," I say sarcastically.

"Mystery Woman Seduces Jeff Czum," I read, and Jeff snorts a mouthful of coffee. Can you say, out the nose? He wipes his face and coughs.

"WHAT??!" he exclaims.

"Sorry, babe, that's what it says."

I continue. " 'Jeff Czum may have found a new romantic interest in one May Ann-' This kid spelled my name wrong! I'ma kill whoever it is! Anyway, 'whose last name is unknown at the present moment. At the May sixteenth show in Seattle, WA, he was spotted winking at her and calling her "Baby." If you know anything about this "mystery seductress," please contact me-' What total BULL! Who wrote this anyway? UGH!" I shout in frustration. I click on the "Author's Profile" link and my eyes widen.

"Chloe, look at the author's profile."

"Humhmhmm," she hums as she waits for the page to load. "HOLY DAMN! It's indie-girl from the show!"

"My sentiments exactly."

"Indie-girl?" Jeff questions. "Is she the one you guys were about to kick the crap out of the other night?" Chloe and I both nod, still gobsmacked.

"I'm gonna send her a message, mmkay?" I say, as brightly as I can muster for my current disposition.

"Be nice, okay? You don't want her spreading crap about you all over the internet, do you?" Jeff warns. I sigh.

"Okay, I will, I guess..." I say hesitantly, then conclude under my breath, "Not my fault she's a stupid hobag."