You Trained These Lips When They Were Champs


"But... Please, don't be mad."

"Why not?" Of course, I'm pissed. Some jerk made a move on you, even though he was there when we made out! Several times!

She sighs, and puts her hand in the crook of my neck. Her head drops forward, resting on my chest. "We haven't even been together for a week. And already, a fight. I have got to be the worst relationship-person-thingy ever."

"No, you're not. You're wonderful, May-ann. I'm overreacting- Wait.. You didn't kiss him back, right?"

"Of course not! I like you better." She lifts her head up and smiles.

"Good, then I'm just overreacting. I'll talk to Alec about it thou-"

"NO!" she says quickly, then adds on, "Please don't, I don't want there to be a fight at all, much less during a tour. Where you have to be together." Me either. "I want us to all pretend like it never happened. As far as I'm concerned... Alec? Who?"


"Well, who wants to watch a movie?" May-ann asks brightly.

"Which one?" Shaant asks, somewhat interested.


"Ahh, sadly, we don't have it."

"You do now," she chimes, pulling a DVD out of her bag. "Yes, I did think of everything. Now, all for Transformers?" She raises her hand. Five more hands join hers. "Hm," she breathes. "Looks like majority vote."

Everyone in the room laughs lightly as she presses the open button on the DVD player and places the disc carefully in the tray.

"So, does anyone know why DVD remotes have an open button on them, when someone just has to get up and put the DVD in anyway?"

"Hey!" Chloe interejects. "I asked you the same thing last week!"

"Well, I didn't have the answer. I figured mabye one of these guys would." Chloe shrugs, as if to say, Okay, you have a point. Then she rolls her eyes.

"Another weird, but totally sense-making question... Did you ever think that maybe gay guys thought of boxing in the first place?" Everyone gives me weird looks.

"Well, think about it. Two shirtless men in silk shorts... and they're fighting over a belt," I conclude, pressin the close button.

On the remote.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this long before Transformers 2 came out. I laughed typing this, since five days ago it came out in theaters.

By the way, I'm trying to update as much as possible, so that Chloe gets a decent welcome-home-from-EspaƱa gift. And everyone else benefits in the process.