Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

The End

thanks to:
Kacey: thanks for the late night posting when i could of been sleeping. thanks for helping me out in the tough times when i have no ideas. for telling me how you wanted Gerard to bang you. i love you!
Ana and Kat: thanks for helping me out with the girlfriends! Ana, thanks for being Bob's girl when noone else wanted too. and Kat! thanks for being Pete's girl. i think he needed a girlfriend hehe.
and to my wonderful readers: thanks for sticking with me even though there were ALOT of crappy chapters and cliffhangers


the day when we all left for college was terrible. i felt like ill never see Pete or Kat again. we promised to write always and talk on the phone and email and all that stuff. i still cried.
"dont worry Madder. we'll still be friends!" Pete hugged me.
"yepp. im not gonna forget my little group here!" Kat hugged Kacey.
"yea sure! remember that when you're fucking Pete." Frank laughed. Kat playfully hit him.
"make sure you two are with the guys when you call!" Kacey smiled.
"we will." Pete nodded. the rest of FOB was going to the same college.
"bye guys!" and Pete and Kat went on the plane.
now you're probably thinking "oh they never see Kat and Pete and Patrick and Andy and Joe again, but you're wrong.

1o years later\/

i was walking Mikey home from the eye doctoer. no more glasses for this fool! he ran a hand over his short dark hair. no more of the shaggy, light brown hair. he put his other hand over his eyes.
"no. more ... GLASSES!!!" he grinned and jumped.
"i think hundreds of twelve year old girls are gonna cry when they see you." i laughed.
"i know, come on, lets go home." he said.


at home i saw a van parked outside of our house.
"who the hell is that?" i asked.
"probably some recording dude." Mikey shrugged.
we walked inside and---OY VEY!
Pete was sitting in our living room playing video games with Frank and Jamia.
"PETE!" i hug-tackled him.
"haha hey Maddt, Mikey." Pete laughed.
"hey Pete!" Mikey said.
"PATTYCAKES!" i ran into Patrick.
"hey Mikey no glasses?" Andy asked.
"nope! after having them for 16 years, i finally got Lazer eye surgrey!" Mikey laughed.
"our JEW FRO!" i said as Joe walked in.
"hey Maddy." Joe waved, putting out his cigerette.
"listen listen!" Pete jumped as a song came on.
Dance, Dance. we'r falling apart to halftime
Dance, Dance these are the lives they love to live
Dance this is the way the love if they knew how misery looooooooved me
yep, thats Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy.
"yea? well I'm Not Okay is way better!" Gerard snap-laughed.
yepp thats it. Fall out Boy and My Chemical Romance are the hottest emo and gothic kids alive. those sexy bandmembers. well i guess thats it.