Momma, I Just Killed a Man

Chapter 1

“Oh look at the freak sitting all alone! Go listen to your Goth music and cut yourself, bitch!”

“A bitch I may be, but I’m not a brain dead whore like you! Go work your street corner, slut!”

"Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that you fucking emo-wannabe-skank.”

“Oh I’m the skank am I? Did you know your girlfriend's fucking most of the football team?”

“You lying bitch I'll fucking kill you!” he said going to hit me.

I ducked him and went into a rage.
“You feel big trying to hit a chick you mother fucker!?” I said throwing punch after punch at him, not letting him get a hit in.

I felt someone pull me back and I hit out getting whoever it was in the face. He dropped me and I went back to hitting the victim again until I felt three sets of hands drag me away, and handcuffs being but on me. I was put in a cop car and driven to the station.

“Miss Napalm?”

“Yeah” I acknowledged the officer

“I need a statement.”

“Fine: That fuckers girlfriend was giving me shit, I told her to go work her little whore ass on her street corner, he told me to shut up, then I pointed out she was fucking most of the football team and he went to hit me…so naturally I beat the crap out of him.”

“Are you aware what you did to him?”

“No” I said, not caring for what I was about to hear.

“He’s in a coma and it he does wake up, he'll be paralyzed from the neck down. He has broken ribs several breaks in his spine and back and serious head injuries.” He informed me

“Hahahaha good!” I cackled sadistically.

“Are you aware what you're to be charged with?”


“GBH; Grievous Bodily Harm, and if he dies, which the doctors find likely: murder.”
The phone rang and he answer it
“Looks like you’re a murderer kid.”

“Ok” I sighed, already bored.
He put me in a cell and walked away so with nothing more to do, I lay down to sleep.

“Wake up kid,” a familiar voice roused me.

“I’m fucking up!” I grunted.

“Your parents are here to see you.”

“Fuck them” I snarled as they approached the bars of my cell. Such an insult not to get a formal visit.

“Paige what have you done?” My mother gasped.

“Momma, I just killed a man”

“Paige what’s wrong with you?”

“Now I’m free I know I haven’t got a future anymore, I don’t feel the need to refrain from such activity.”

“How can you be so calm? You just killed a boy!”

“Because, Momma, his death made me feel alive, I have no guilt for doing it, he deserved it, they all deserve it,” I replied with poison in my voice.

“Paige, you're scaring me.”

“I guess I’m just a scary kid, scaring kids, Mommy.”

“You're no child of mine,” she spat.

“I expect that from Dad, we all know I look like the postman, but you Mom? I'm your little star child aren’t I? Your little puppet. Always pulling the strings. Well, Momma, I just cut the strings hahahaha” I laughed manically.

“You're sick, you're crazy! How could I have raised a monster like you, where did I go so wrong?” she cried, as if it were all about her as usual.

“By pulling the stings of course! You were always there behind the curtain, making sure I lived the life you never had the guts to. You've been living behind the curtain my hole life, guess what, Momma? I’m not fucking you, the strings have been cut and can never be retied!”

“I don’t ever want to see you again!”

“Oh good then, saves me having to come round for Christmas dinner, it's such a long drive.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Momma, Momma don’t you know, don’t you know its cruel to clip little girls' wings before they can fly?”

“I’m leaving!”

“Bye, bye, Mommy! Don’t let Daddy dearest know about the post man, he'll get frightfully angry!”
She walked out and I started cackling madly. I do believe I've gone ever so slightly mad recently.

The guard came in with a professional looking woman
“Miss Napalm, I’m Doctor Madelyn, I’m a psychiatrist supplied by the state to asses your mental health.”

“You're one of them. I’m not going to talk. I know I’m sane, I’m fine with that diagnosis. Good bye Miss Butterfly, shoo, shoo before the little boy comes out with his magnifying glass to watch the ants burn, they burn so well on bright days like today,” with my face down I looked up into her eyes menacingly.

“Paige, can I call you Paige?”

“That’s not my name.”

“Then what is?”

“Stix. Just ask him, he knows my name, he named me after all. It was such a beautiful day, all the little boys and girls were out in their pretty clothes, they're not so pretty anymore. They got dreadfully dirty, can't you see it the darkness surrounding, seeping into the skin, corrupting all with its presence theirs none left without it on there sole now were did all the pretty butterflies go all that’s left are the moths masquerading as butterflies that’s what your doing isn’t it masquerading but I see it don’t I the zipper on the butterfly site you were because you’re a moth to aren’t you”

A silence befell the room for an apt amount of time before I chose to speak once more.
“You're all quiet because I know your secret, but secrets don’t stay that way, the façade you wear, it will crumble and come crashing when you least want it to.”

“So, Stix is it? Why did you do what you did? Did he tell you to do it?”

“Silly, don’t you know he’s not real? You moths can never see the forest through the trees.”

“So you think you’re a butterfly?”

“No silly, there are no butterflies! Didn’t you hear what I said, when I said they're all gone? I’m much different, much different. I’m the puppet don’t you see the strings dance puppet dance for the pretty people, that’s all I’ve been, but I cut the strings holding me, now I’m not a puppet just I’m a toy.”

“So do you see these things?”

“Silly, don’t you know I’m playing a part and I do it so well but I’m still the puppet after all?”

“Who's the puppeteer?”

“Don’t you know? Silly moth thinks she can see the darkness but she can't, pulling all the strings.”

“I’m pronouncing you insane and I’m going to recommend you're sent to a facility specializing in people like you called Arkam Asylum.” She concluded.

“More puppets to play with. I do so like to play the puppeteer, I play it well.”

“Good bye, Miss Napalm.”

“Good bye Miss Moth, have a safe journey now.”

She hurried away and I dropped my act. I lay back down on the small bunk and tried to get to sleep, but images of what I had done kept floating through my head, I had killed someone, I was faking mental instability for the hope of avoiding jail. I was so going to hell and that’s were my mind wondered to, what hell will be like when I finally get there. I hadn’t done the whole Sunday school thing so I didn’t know. I drifted off to sleep with the picture of what awaited me a smile on my face.
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umm its the first chapter the joker will be in the next one but worning he *IS* out of caricature
secondly shes not 100% crazy che wold just rather go to arkam then jail but she is a bit crazy