Momma, I Just Killed a Man

chapter 2

“Wake up kid”

“I'm fucking up, Officer!” I groaned just as I had the previous time I had been woken.

“Don’t get lippy with me” he came into my sell dragged me out forcefully into an interrogation room, leaving me there.
I went up to the mirror and blew on it writing Hello officer in the mist. I giggled and sat down, shortly after the door opened and a detective walked in.

“I’m Commissioner Gordon and I need to ask a few questions,” he introduced himself.

“Fire at will, Commissioner”

“What happened yesterday?”

“Easy, I killed him, I beat his face in and he died,” I shrugged, feeling this to be the perfect time for a cigarette.

“Do you have no feelings about it?”

“Ummmmmmmm nope,” I pretended to actually consider that response.

“You’re sick,” he decided shortly.

“No I’m not, no I’m not! He was sick! He had no feelings, no worth, he was willing to hit a woman. If his daddy was anyone else it would be called self defence on my part. I was only protecting myself, but since his daddy dearest is who he is I’m going to have to have even more fun with this city.” I replied, a blank expression across my features.

“You’re going to Arkam and rest assured, you’re not getting out,” he announced, failing to highlight the fault in my defence.

“That’s what the moth said last night, she did believe herself a butterfly, but between you and me she’s a moth nothing more, and those moths deserve to burn and they will they burn so good!” I whispered loudly.

“Was there any other motive to the attack?”

“Besides being bored and needing to show those mother fuckers they have fucked with me too long to not have to burn….. No, he was trying to hit me because I called his whore a whore.”

“She said you just flipped out and went crazy, he was just minding his own business.”

“And I’m a freakin' butterfly! She will burn and I will be watching and laughing at her attempts to pull herself out of the fire.”

“I’m finished with you,” he huffed and rose to leave.

“Buh-bye, Commissioner” I smirked.

He nodded into the window and the door buzzed. He dragged me out and put me back in my cell.

I woke up when the psychiatrist came to my cell again.
“Stix, I’m hear to escort you to Arkam Asylum.”

“Good evening, Miss Moth.”

“Will you stop fucking calling me that,” she grunted.

“But you are, aren’t you? You’re a moth, a filthy moth. You’ll all burn you know, there isn’t any need to hide you’re a moth because when the time comes well all see your trying to hide it even from yourself.”

"Look you fucking little bitch! Will stop with this moth crap! You're going to suffer in Arkam they’ll eat you alive!” she rasped in an attempt to intimidate me no doubt.

“Oh goodie, I do so love a challenge.”

“Keep fucking laughing you won’t be for long.”

“Watch your mouth, Miss Moth or ill have to rip it off your fucking face!”

“You don’t frighten me,” a patronising look came in my direction.

“We'll have to work on that.”

I was put into handcuffs and taken in a cop car to Arkam. I was placed in a dark, dank cell alone. Once the door was locked, I started laughing and yelling at the passing nurses and guards trying to piss them off. One guard came over when I yelled at him.

“What the fuck do you want?” he growled.

“Will you marry me?” I asked cracking up.

“You think this is a game?” the large man asked seriously. Why he bothered even acknowledging an 'insane' person, I'm not sure.

“Ummmmmmmm yep.”

“You’ll learn” he smiled, hitting the bars between himself and I before getting back on his way.

After a few weeks I started getting a reputation. I had somehow killed two guards and one was still in hospital missing an ear and with serious head wounds. I was moved to the secure ward and I was still doing my best to piss of everyone that walked past. One day they walked past with a new prisoner. I didn’t see his face but his hair was a give away. They put him in the cell across from mine and as soon as they left I went to the bars as he sat with his legs crossed on the floor, in the middle of his cell.

“So you’re the Joker eh?”

“My oh my, aren’t you a little young to be in here?” he answered, his voice exactly as I imagined.

“Probably, but where else would they stick a sixteen year old psycho?” I replied airily.

“And why oh why are you in this unit?”

“I beat some guy at school to death and so far I’ve killed two guards, they worry.”

“Ah, so what’s your name, you obviously know mine?”

“They call me Stix or Kid,”

“Kid…it fits”
I sat on my unsanitary floor and started playing a game of solitaire from a pack of cards I'd stolen from one of the guards.
I herd an explosion and looked out to see smoke coming out of the Joker's cell. The bars fell out and he walked out into the corridor. He came over to mine and picked the lock. The amount of time taken, it shows that the guards deserve to be beaten.

“You could be fun to have around, Kid, come on, you're coming with me,” he ordered as the door swung open.

We walked out with him killing numerous guards and nurses. We went and got his things and he handed me a knife.

“I don’t want you slowing me down.”

“Ill try not to,” we ran out of the building and into a white van I got into the back after him and we drove off.
High security my ass.
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feedback please tell me how you like it so far and if thers anything you dont like just tell me critsisum makes for a better story