Momma, I Just Killed a Man

chapter six

Joker’s p.o.v
“why the fuck did I asked for a date she’s not interested in me I'm to old for her I'm 22 for fucks sake” I thought to myself I watched her running around in circles like she said she suddenly just stopped and fell one the floor I walked over to see if she was ok and saw she was smiling up at me she put her hand up for me to help he up and I pulled her to her feet
“I got dizzy” she stated
“Ahh funny that” I mocked her
“I need a smoke” she said taking one and lighting it I took I out of her mouth and put it in mine inhaling the taste id missed for a wile she took it back off me and put it back in her mouth inhaling she blew out a smoke ring
“So what else do you want to do on our date besides blowing shit up” I asked
“Umm can we go to a park?” she said hopefully I wasn’t about to say no but asked
“A park” I raised my eyebrows at it she didn’t seem like the walk in the park type
“Yep I love walking in the park at night” she said smiling
“Your odd” I mocked her
“Admit it you like that” she said a sly smile gracing her lips
“Ummmmmmmm how about …no” I said faking thinking it over
“I still think yes!” she yelled back as she walked off
if I was honest with myself she was right I had fallen for her …hard this was so un joker of myself I was a lot of myself in her she had a similar sense of humor the same bloodthirsty sadism id learnt she liked knives over guns and that she had the same taste in card games the same competitive spirit it didn’t help she was gorgeous

Kid’s p.o.v.
I cant believe I'm going on a date with joker I really like him he’s got an amazing sense of humor he’s very attractive he’s just as bloodthirsty as me but why dose he want to go on a date with me I'm nothing special I'm plain looking I'm not super smart like him I haven’t got anything special about me I went into my room and sat on my bed I got changed into my night cloths and got into bed thinking as I fell asleep

I woke up the next morning to see the jokers face inches above my own i let out a startled epee and fell of the bed he was laughing
“Not funny joke so not funny” I said using the nickname id given him since calling him joker every time we were talking got kind of drawn out
“You just fail to see that it is” he said holding in his laughter
”right now I hate you ay” I said with fake anger
“Never” he said over dramatically
“I need to sleep!” I huffed out laying my head on the floor
“your no fun when you wake up so get dressed make yourself pretty and meat me in the basement were making a tape to send to batsy” he said pulling me up
“Do I have to?” I asked showing I really didn’t want to be awake yet
“Ummm…yes, yes you do princess” he said laughing slightly
“Fine get out so I can get changed” I huffed
“Aww but I want to watch?” she said with a smirk
“No out” I said slightly forceful
“Fine but I repeat you’re no fun” he walked out and I got changed into a pear of black skinny jeans and a MCR band tea with an a7x hoodey over top I walked out and into the basement

“Ahh princess you look pretty for your first video appearance” he parsed me
“Thanks” I said blushing slightly the dark in the room hiding it
“Now princess we need a name to put to Gothams newest criminal mastermind” he said curious
“Umm can I have a reference to a card game” I asked hopefully
“If you want princess” he said shrugging
“Can I be the ace of spades” I asked hopefully
“The ace of spades?” he asked he seemed intrigued
“Don’t tell me you’ve never played ace of death?” I said in shock
“No princess I haven’t” he replied
“Your missing out basically you flip over however many cards you want and try not to get the ace of spades or a joker” I said happily
“It sounds simple” I replied
“Yes but its fun people get so scared they refuse to flip the next card” I giggled out
“Sounds fun hahahaha so are you going to be ace or the ace of spades?” he asked me
“Ace of spades” I replied
“Well then princess go get an ace of spades from the pack of cards upstairs” he commanded
“Ok joke” I said as I ran upstairs and looked around for the playing cards we used the night before I found them and ran back downstairs

“Got them” I said coming back in I noticed joker leaning over a man tied to a chair
“Who’s that joke?” I asked
“This … is your first victim as the ace of spades” he replied smiling
“What can I do to him?” I asked enthusiastic
“That is the spirit I like to see anything you want princess but make him suffer first” he said happily
“Goodie” I giggled out he handed me a knife and when into a plastic bag
“ok princess were gona paint up your pretty face I think ill start with the white” he said handing me a bottle of white paint he opened it and started smearing it over my face he sat back and looked at it before going back and getting a bottle of black he drew to exes over my eyes before getting a dark red lipstick he put one palm on my forehead and tilted my head he painted my lips letting his fingers linger where he was fixing a smudge
“There all pretty princess” he said looking into my gray eyes I looked back into his hazel orbs I lent in pressing my mouth to his. his lips were soft and warm he ran his tong over my bottom lip and I parted my lips for him my hands found their way around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss as his ran threw my hear
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the first kiss I'm sorry it took so long to get this out by the way ace of death is an awesome game I love it I'm getting it out as fast as its typed if theirs any problems let me know ok I thrive on criticism