At Least Out Loud

Chapter 2- Don't Say

"My lady", I said, as I opened the door, gesturing her to get in.

"Why thank you, good sir", she replied, tilting her head in my direction. I closed the door and half skipped over to the driver's side.

As I was getting in, I saw her fumbling through my center console for my CD collection as she did everyday, trying to find the mix-CD I had recently made.

I waited for her to realize the unfamiliar bulk in the CD holder. She moved it around in her hands, feeling all sides, then gave me a questioning look. I raised my shoulders and smiled widely.

When she opened it, she was surprised to find a thin square-shaped present in the holder.

She checked with back with me to make sure it was all right to open. When I gave the OK, she wasted no time in ripping away the paper.

A copy, the first copy, as I soon informed her, of my band Seven Story Fall's new release, The Getaway.

She freaked out. "You didn't tell me you guys got signed! How could you not let me know! I mean thanks for the first CD, but still! I can't believe you guys did it!! I'm so happy for you!!!!"

"Okay, okay physco. Today is about you, not the band. We can celebrate later." I said with my hands held up as if in surrender.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOOOOU!!!" she repeated. She leaned over and squeezed me like someone trying to get the last of the ketchup out of the bottle, then planted a kiss on my cheek.

I turned away as I felt my face turning a crimson.

We listened to the CD all the way to school. She sang along to every word, and on the music breaks, when they happened upon a stop light or sign, I would play my air drums.

Our friend, Mike Hart's voice rang throughout the car.

I've never seen such a boy lie, with oh so serious eyes.
A secret kept is a secret safe, but's one ive been meaning to break…

She seemed so happy. She was 18. I mean why not? But even through her excitement, I saw something that was bothering her; something deep within her.

We pulled up to the school parking lot, music balring. I parked in my usual spot and turned off my car, leaving Rickie singing along to "Don't Say" alone; in tune, but solo. Her face went red as she pulled her aviators over her eyes and pretended nothing happened. She was pretty outgoing, but not when it came to her singing.

Rickie was that type of girl who could stand up in a resturant with nothing on but a bra and underwear and scream at the top of her lungs that she loved brightly colored, and lit, lamps. But for some reason, when she sang in front of people, including her closest friends, she shut up like a pidgeon getting run over by a Dodge F350.

We walked over to Mike's car to join the gang, including Justin, Ryan, TJ, and Mike. Each of them greeted us, and, as planned, none of them acknowledged that it was her birthday. I saw her give them a slightly disappointed look, but tried to hide it as she caught me staring at her. We had all planned on surprising her with a party instead of band practice today after school.

Instead of mentioning it to them, she congratulated everyone on the new CD and, as she had me, criticized them for not telling her. When they asked how she knew, she just said that I couldn't wait to tell her, so I let her listen to the CD on the way to school.

Another thing about Rickie is that she doesn't like people to feel guilty because of her. Like for instance this situation: she didn’t want them to feel bad because they 'forgot' her birthday.

The bell rang announcing that we had to get to class. Luckly me and Rickie's first period was just around the corner from the entrance to the school. Everyone else rushed away to go to class, yelling 'see ya laters' over their shoulders. Rickie and I were left alone by Mike's car to talk a little longer.

"Wow, I don't think they realized it was your birthday. Sorry, I would've reminded them, but I didn’t think you'd like that."

"Yea, thanks for not mentioning that. It's fine anyway. I'm sure they were just so caught up in the new CD that it slipped their minds. Umm… we should get to class."

I nodded my head and gathered my things off the hood of Mike's car. As we started walking towards the school, we saw Mike running towards us.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.", he said as he caught his breath. Rickie and I gave him a questioning look as he struggled for breath. Man, he needed to get in shape.

"I… left… my… keys in… the car… along… with my… essay… that's due… this period…" he finally finished.

"Umm… did you ask anyone for that thing that unlocks doors? Uhh.. umm. A slimjim I think it's called?", Rickie said.

Mike shook his head no, still catching his breath. I looked around the parking lot to see if anyone was lolly gagging their way to class.

"Hey! Does anyone have a slimjim?!" As if God had sent his stupidest messenger, a boy with red curly hair and glasses hustled up to us and gave me an actual slimjim, the kind you eat. "Uhh, thanks dude…" I said.

"No problem! I've got the whole box in my bag. Anyway, sharing is caring, right?", the kid said with a wide grin and then quickly walked away.

"Wow, what an idiot that kid is. Here, I've got one." Ray Clark, the biggest jerk, except for now, handed me the slimjim. He was the most popular guy in school. He had the looks, not that I saw them, the right tone of voice, not that I heard it, and charming personality, not that I'd noticed, that every girl in M.A. Price High loved.

Sadly this included Rickie, who was now gluing her eyes to his navy v-neck shirt, his so-called flawless smile, which again I didn't see, and his faded black skinny jeans. She ran her eyes up and down him as if she were gawking at a really tall building she'd never seen before. It was disgusting. She was my best friend. I didn’t want to see her drooling over some moron.

Or was I jealous?

Naw, that wasn't it. I was just protective of her. After all I'd only known her my whole life…

While I was having my self-realization, Mike had already gotten his essay and keys and made it out of sight. Rickie was flirting, I mean talking to the Jerkface.

"How about we make our way to class Rick.." I interrupted. Rickie gave me annoyed look but agreed as she realized what time it was.

"Uhh.. see ya later Ray.", she said. He gave her that acknowledging upward nod, stuffed the slimjim that was now in his hands in his backpack, and went on his way to class.
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Hope you liked it. Feedback would be great. Sorry for taking so long. I've been quite busy. . Comments make me smile. :]