His Wicked Smile


I said nothing and stared at the ground. I puffed my bangs out of my face and sighed.

"Ok...Yeah I think $800 bucks should do it...But if thats to much for you then... Well you can leave."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed me. "Listen, I'm here because if I want an heir, which I do, I'm going to have to let you take my blood."


"Well its not my fault you wanted an heir." I paused. "Wait, what the hell do you want an heir for?!!" I shifted out of his grasp and scooted myself further away from where he was standing.

His head was low and he seemed to be contemplating something, so I used this time to look at him. Well he had the eyes. He seemed about 24 maybe 25. He had a very hot lip ring. He was tall and wore those skinny jeans........They hugged him in all the right places and sported plain black shirt.

His hair was black and had a wavy texture that lightly brushed into his eyes.

He cleared his throat and proceded, "Because," He dragged out the word, "I....."
I looked at him expectantly, hello... trail off... leave me hanging?


I think not.
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Yes, I am sorry but i had to get something in
I only update when the parentals aren't sorry loves.....
