Seal It With A Kiss

***ing Help Me

"Okay Mikey. Truth or dare?" Frank had a look of mischief in his eyes and I knew none of us would get off lightly in this game. Mikey was smart enough though.

"Um...Truth." I smirked at his cowardice. Frank was a weired kid. He never asked normal questions for a laugh, no. He always asked questions that would have those it involved shuffling awkwardly and feeling embarrassed. It was the same with his dares. You never knew weather or not you should actually do them.

"Have you ever had feelings for your brother?" See what I mean? I pulled my knees further into my chest and tried to hide the blush. I scuffed my shoes awkwardly against the ground and killed the grass that lay there. Mikey's hesitancy to answer the question lit a little spark of hope for me, but that was quickly diminished as was any hope of Mikey even been gay.

"Ew no! He's a guy dude! Yuck!" Though he was still red in the cheeks, his voice was powerful and confident, making him seem so sure and so positive about his sexuality. I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt and let down.

"Gerard? Truth or dare?" I would so regret this later.


"Um...A dare for Gerard." Frank lingered over the question, causing more and more tension to build, doing nothing for my nerves. I knew what he was going to say, that's partly why I said it, but I knew when the time came,I wouldn't have the guts.

"Kiss Mikey...Properly!" The proud smirk on Frank's face said it all. He knew what he had done. He seemed to love making things so damn awkward. Mikey was looking to the side silently, pretending to be day dreaming, but the redness in his cheeks told us he was listening to every sound and every breath.

I wanted so badly to kiss him. Feel his soft lips on mine, but what if he rejected me? What if he didn't want me to kiss him? He'd given signs of feelings toward me, but what if I was just confusing coincidences with my own hopes? I wasn't that far from him. I'd only have to lean forward slightly and I'd be able to kiss him, but it was my nerves holding me back. I tried to shove my hands in my pockets to hide how badly they were shaking, but unlucky for me, my outfit didn't have pockets, except the lighter pockets in my jeans which were too small.

Every second that ticked past built more tension in the air. I kicked myself mentally over and over again for not having the guts to just do it. I wanted to, so badly I wanted this, but half of me was terrified of rejection. I knew I'd have to do something fast, so I made up some lame ass story, but before I could say it, Mikey cut in.

"Hey, look!" I sighed in relief. Saved by the slingshot. Mikey brought his prize over to show us. A little white slingshot. I was so gutted I hadn't done it, but relieved I was free of the burden. As Mikey trotted off happily, I began to follow, but Frank's hand grabbed my stomach.

"You didn't do it." His voice seemed knowing, like he knew how I'd felt when that dare was given out. I shrugged awkwardly.

"It's not hard. Look." He went on his tip toes and pecked my lips quickly. I raised an eyebrow at him. That was unexpected but I just shook my head laughing at him. All the while, my hands were trembling and I had to lean against walls to hold myself up. I still wasn't quite over the nerves just yet. Lucky for me, Frank didn't press the matter, or the game again.

"Hey guys. I gotta go. Dentist in half an hour. Bye!" The little guy hugged us goodbye and went in, leaving Mikey and I alone. Oh great, well this is helping my nerves. Even though this was the kid I lived with, if we were alone together, I'd always get nervous. He smiled nervously at me and my hands shook again. Any little suggestion he made I'd go along with, just to see him smile. I know this is gross. Same sex incest, but I was in love. I wanted to do that dare so badly. I still did, but I was so scared or rejection.

Fucking help me.
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Okay second chapter. I wanna get full star ratings but I can't do that unless you point out my errors, what you want from this story etc. So comment and say please?