Seal It With A Kiss

Blood Fetish

"Gerard, your dinner isn't going to eat itself sweetie." I looked up and smiled at my mom, stabbing my chicken and examining it before eating it. Mikey glanced at me momentarily before swallowing his food. Neither me nor Mikey had spoken to the other since we came in two hours ago. Dinner had been silent and nobody had spoken. Except mom, who had to be the one to break the silence.

"So what did you boys do today? Knowing Frank, nothing relaxing." I blushed a deep red and chewed my carrots hurriedly. Mikey looked away, mumbling something about the park and a slingshot, which he still had in his jeans. I knew this because I had beenstaring at his ass admiring his back jean pockets. Mom rolled her eyes at our enthusiasm to answer. Shuffling about awkwardly, I excused myself from the table and lay my plate on the floor for Mama, my little dog to finish off. My mom was about to scold me for it, but I got out too quick.

For fuck's sake! I should have just kissed him! I could have made it look like a joke, but no, I was too big a pussy. I threw myself on my bed after beating myself up all the way down to the basement. My pillow suddenly annoyed me to terrible levels so I decided to kick the shit out of it. I felt the rush and adrenaline pump through my veins as my pillow exploded into a giant mass of feathers that scattered my room. I laughed and fell back on my, now lifeless, pillow. I laughed at how farty and pathetic it looked. I must have sounded mad. Laughing into the blackness of an empty basement.

Though it was my favourite room in the whole house. There were no windows, so it was permanantly dark if it wasn't for the bare light hanging from my ceiling. If you looked at the room from the bottom of the stairs, my bed was pressed up against the wall beside the stairs, on the far left, the door to my miniscule bathroom, my wardrobe was on the far right and my desk was beside my wardrobe. The walled were painted black with a mist of red swirling into the center from the bottom left corner. My carpet was crimson and my bed had deep red satin covers. It might be a little girly when it comes to the crimson and red, but it always set quite a romantic mood if I ever had someone important over.

I jumped a little when Darco jumped onto my bed and curled into my chest. I stroked his soft hair and played with the red leather collar around his neck. Darco was my little black kitten. My mom though I was getting too insociel and since the dog didn't appeal to me much, she bought me a black cat. Who I did love more than the dog. I don't know when, but I must have fallen asleep because I was thrown into blackness.

*Time Elapse*

"Surrender baby brother!" He screamed and tried to free his wrists from my grapsp. I laughed and pinned them back beside his head.

"Never!" He was grinning madly and my mom chuckled at us from behind her coffee cup. He managed to knock my knee form beneath me and I toppled over, giving him the perfect opportunity to top me and pin me down. My head hit the carpet roughly but it didn't stop the laughter. Play fights with Mikey were great, excuses to touch him and pin him beneath me. Perverted? Yes, but nobody suspected a thing. Mikey turned to shut the yapping dog up and I took my chance to get him down, but as his head turned back, my hand collided with his lips and his teeth split them. My stomach churned at the tearing sound and his scream pierced my ears. He fell back off me and I cried with guilt. Apologizing over and over wasn't helping my case at all.

Normally, watching someone soaking in their own blood whilst in agony would be appealing to me, but this was my baby brother and it was not appealing.

Mum would usually have told me off for hurting Mikey, but playfighting was something we both loved doing, and she knew I would never hurt him intentionally.

"Mikey baby we need to get you to the hospital, come on. Gerard go get a cold wet cloth to hold over the swelling hurry up!" I didn't have to be told twice. I rushedto the kitchen as mom took Mikey to the car. I laid him with his head on my lap all the way. Mainly to keep the blood loss at a minimum. Mikey had calmed down by now and the cold had numbed his lip.

"Hey mom, can I tell people I was in a gang fight? Twenty gang members and me, I beat up the lot and only escaped with these cuts?" He grinned up at me and looked kind of excited. He winced every now and then though if the pain shot through his lips again. My fantasy's took over me and I imagined kissing those lips better. Feeling his blood fill my mouth and my tongue licking over the wounds.

"Of course, but you'll look a bit of a prat when they find out it was really your older brother in a play fighting match wont you?" My mom snapped me out of those wonderful thoughts. She winked at me through the rear view mirror and recieved a smile in return. Mikey pouted in the most adorable way. The flesh around his lips looked awesome but awful at the same time. If it was anyone other than him I think this would be so cool, but since it was him, I payed more attention to the dark skin at the edges of the rips. The flesh inside his lip oozing out slightly. I opened the window and looked away, my stomach churning at the sight. I felt the colour leak and drain from my face and I made a point of not looking down again until the hospital loomed above us.