Seal It With A Kiss

Never Been Fair

We were silent on the way home. Mikey only spoke if he was addressed. Mum was still worried about any infections, I was worrying about Frank and Frank was still getting over what had happened. Every now and then, Mikey would get a slap upside the head for picking at the stitches from mom.

I still felt guilty about giving Mikey that awful tear in his lip. Those stitches were my fault and he was paying in blood sweat and tears. Every now and then, Frankie would shuffle and his hand would brush mine. Though this was normal, it just seemed to happen too often for it to be coincidence. I lent forward against Mikey's seat, whispering apologies in his ear. He turned a little and nodded, accepting my apologies gracefully.

None of us notice when we arrived home, all of us absorbed in our own thoughts, even mom seemed a bit further away then normal. Dad still wasn't home when we got in, though he should have been home half an hour ago. A low barking from upstairs pulled me out of my world. Kassey knew we were home, and was demanding our attention. Kassey was our aunt's dog, but she was on vacation so we had her for a few weeks. She beat us to the door in record time and we could hear her claws scratching against the wood as soon as our feet hit the veranda.

Mikey's hand grabbed mine and pulled gently towards the yard. Frank went on inside the house while our mom offered him drinks and explained what had happened to Mikey, while he pushed me round to the garage in our yard. He pinned me to the wooden panels of the wall and held me there a little closer and tighter than necessary in my opinion.

"Gerard, what happened to Frank? Please tell me you didn't hurt him?!" I looked at my younger brother with a shocked expression, he should know I would never hurt little Frank. He raised his eye brows in some sort of warning.

"Hell No! Mikey, you should know me better than that! I'd never hurt Frank!" Mikey eased his grip on my shirt a little but still pressed close against me. This helped nothing as I tried to picture my mom performing a strip tease...It was working.

"Then what the fuck happened to him. It's like he was hit by a truck." I felt obliged to lie to Mikey for Frank, like he was too ashamed of the truth...or I was.

"You never know little bro. He might have been." He cracked a small smile and released his grip, though his hands remained on my shoulders loosely. He looked away from me momentarily, before looking back at me with the most glorious, golden hazel eyes I've ever seen on a boy. A small smile broke onto his lips before he went on his tiptoes. I thought he was gonna whisper something in my ear but I was wrong.

His soft, delicate lips crushed mine before softening up. I was too shocked to kiss back at first. This was wrong! He was my brother! I'd never even had the guts to peck his lips before but here he was, kissing me forcefully right under our own kitchen window where our mom resided. His tongue swept briefly over my lips, knocking the air from my lungs and making my knees go weak against his small and skinny body. My hands rested on his hips, once his wrapped around my neck. He was so gentle, yet all of his emotions were put into the soft but swift movements of his lips.

Though, Mikey had never been fair. I had gathered the courage to sweep my tongue past his lips to dance with his, but he turned and stalked back into the house without a backward glance, leaving me stumped and frozen in the yard, hardly able to breath.
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