September Rain


"So," said Esther, taking a sip of her freshly made coffee and sitting down at the table with Jessica and the man known as Robert, "What do you do for a living... Bob?" He smiled at her, then smiled at Jessica with coffee-tainted lips.

"I play the drums in a local band," he said, using his hands to help him get his point across as if he were someone who was deaf, "but that doesn't really make me enough money to pay rent, so I work at the CD store in the West Side Mall durring the day." Both of the young woman nodded.

"What kind of music do you play?" asked Jessica, finishing her tea. Bob rubbed his beard for a moment, thinking for a second before answering.

"Mostly punk music," he said, "then again, we do also play quite a bit of metal," he mused further. There was a long pause where no one knew what to say. The wall clock ticked noisily, every second feeling much longer then it actually was. "I should be getting home. It's late. I need to feed my cat." Jessica stood up and grabbed his coat for him. He took it from her with another perfect, white smile, then thanked them for the coffee and their hospitality before whisking out of the apartment with more grace than the two girls thought possible. There was something about him that didn't seem normal, something hard to pinpoint, but they couldn’t figure it out.


Jessica sighed, tapping each individual finger against the counter behind the cash register. Buisness was slow at Tim Horton's that day. She sighed again and looked over her shoulder out of pure bordom, glancing at the door as it jingled. She barely caught a glimpse of the person's face, due to the fact that she was staring at her nails.

"Welcome to Tim Horton's, how may I take your order?" She said in a bored voice.

"So we meet again," said a sly, farmilliar voice. She looked into the peircing blue eyes of the man that could never be forgotten.

"Hello, Robert," she said, the corners of her lips forming into a smile.

"Please," he said, lifting his palm in her direction smoothly, "call me Bob." She nodded.

"So, how can I help you today?"

He pondered, his eyes perusing over the menu quickly. "One medium tea, please; one sugar, one cream."

"Right," she answered, disappearing behind the kitchen doors breifly. She came out with his tea and handed it to him. "That'll be $2.40, thanks." He passed her the money in the exact amount of change needed, causing her to smirk inwardly.

"What?" he looked at her in confusion.

"You're really organized enough to actually count the precise amount of pocket change before you pay for tea?" she scoffed, not letting the grin on her face fall. Bob rolled his eyes at her and turned towards the door. "Wait!"

He turned on his heel in her direction once again, his eyebrow raised inquizitively.

"We should hang out some time." He smiled and nodded, leaving the store quickly. She furrowed her brows, but shook it off.


"I'm home," Esther called from the front door of the small, two bedroom appartment. Jessica hollered back a hello, sliding the lasagna into the oven carefully. "Smells good, Jess." Esther walked into the kitchen and sat herself in one of the dining chairs. Jessica glanced at her over her shoulder and smiled.


"You cook too much, you know that?" Esther teased, a playful grin spread across her face, "You're like my grandmother."

"You know you would starve if I weren't here," she retorted, also smirking. Esther laughed and nodded, grabbing a dish towel away from her when she reached for it. Jessica sighed in mild frustration.

"Don't you have something better to do then ruin my plans of making supper?"

"Not really," she joked. Jessica put her hands on her hips as if she were angry, but Esther new she wasn't from the grin she was trying desperately to hold back; trying to look stern.

"You're never going to eat if you don't let me cook," she said, extending her hand towards her. Esther laughed and tossed the towel into it, rolling her eyes.

She got up and sighed. "I think I'll go see a movie or something." Jessica nodded, preoccupied. Esther snaked into the livingroom and grabbed her purse before slipping out the door, unnoticed.
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Just a filler. Comments would make me oh-so-happy.