Help Me to Find Him as He Is Finding Me

Chapter 2

June 27th 2008
Location: Forks,Wa.

I have arrived in Forks, Washington. Jasper Hale, I know your alive, I won't believe the bullshit my father has told me over the years, he is gone and can't stop me now. I will find you,prove to myself that you are alive and that vampires are real!

As my search is just beginning I will have to search for a place to stay besides the inside of my pick up. Maybe I can get a job at that sports center I just past.

June 28th
Location: Outside Forks High

Not only am I in search of my Uncle Jasper but i'm starting to get the feeling that those day when my mother and father were alive,back when I was smaller, I was being watched, followed everywhere I went. Not in a good way though. Everyday when I was to walk home from school I could sense a guy following be but I could never encounter him. Then that day came, I was 12 and it was the month before my parents had gotten in that accident, I was walking home like normal and a guy in a hooded sweater crossed paths with me. He had slightly looked at me and grinned. As the sunlight hit his cheek he glistened, his eyes were a dark golden yellow and had purple shadows beneath. As he passed I heard a slight whisper.

O' child, the blood of you smells so sweet. It shall be drained of when you have matured fully. On the night of your 18th birthday, Newborn you shall become.

One month till the night of my 18th birthday, what shall be done?
Hopefully I will find Uncle Jasper by the night of my birthday. That man from that day, he is the cause of my nightmares but, he is the one that made me believe vampires are real so I give him love for that.
I reach my hand into the glove compartment and pull out a note from the day before I left Nevada.

I watch your every move. Watch you as you sleep. I haunt you as you fill my head with needs, to change you when you mature but, as I watch you more I fall deeply. Into your glistening eyes
Maybe you shall be spared. Don't get your hopes to high.
Love, your vampire Stalker

Is this murderous vampire falling for me, the thought of it drains the bad thoughts sometimes. He could be palying me though.
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Chapter 2 woo
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