Because I love you more than my heart can bear...


'I don't love you.' He finished in a whisper.
Her darling's words dripped poison into her delicate, vulnerable ears.
'...Your just not the one...'
She could already hear snatches of his ready-prepared breakup speach, as her world was frought with only the numbness that seeped through her.
'...I don't feel the same way...'
No, no. He doesn't - he can't feel the same! He can't feel the terrible, heart-wrenching pain she felt deep in her chest. He can't feel the unending, unconditional love that she had given so, oh! so, foolishly! He can't feel the terrible, horrible feeling of a heart so bent on a long, happy and fruitful love and life with a man that she truly, wholly loved - split in two. He just can't - or he wouldn't be making all of her dreams of love and happiness crumble around her. Why was he doing this to her when he had already said that he had loved her?
She tasted the tangy, salty taste of the tears that swam down her anguished face.
'...maybe, maybe we should go our seperate ways...'
But what was her life, without him? Without the man that she had doted upon - without her one rock, her constant? She had built the foundations of her life upon his exsitance, upon her true love. But now with the once so solid foundations crumbling down around her, she could feel her life slowly cracking, tearing and breaking - just like her heart. What would she do without him? What could she do?
'...It's not you, it's me...'
Slowly Rosalie fell to the floor, letting her back slid down the cold, unyielding wall. She could almost see her life, once strong, now tumbling down into a pile of feevle rubble. The mournful voice still carried out it's monodrone, although Rosey had stop listening long ago.
She crouched, with her head in her hands, and took a long, suddering breath as she silently cursed hreself for ever falling in love with this man.
Why? Why did he not love her like she loved him? After all she had done for him, why? Did she mean so little to him? Did she? She whom had given him everything that he had ever asked for, ever wanted. She who had loved him when no one elso would - no one else could. She had given him everything!! She who had offered hger heart to him on a silver platter, so fragile, so vulnerable. Why her? Why?
'...I'm just so, so sorry.'