Because I love you more than my heart can bear...

Making the party possible.

'No, no, no. NO!' Rosalie yelled as she swirled around, pointing her pen at everyone in turn.
'Ray - the banner is too low - someone will bang their heads and sue us!'
'Sorry, boss!' He said cheerfully saluting her. Rosey's bossy manner didn't bother him much. In fact, Ray was enjoying the whole thing.
'And, Mikey? Please stop eating all the sushi, we'll want it for the guests.' She whined.
'Well fer gueftfsss kan get their own fufhi!!! Why mufft they haff mine?!' (Roughly translated to 'Well the guests can get their own sushi!!! Why must they have mine?!') He replied with his mouth full.
'BOB! Put those drumsticks down and get decorating!'
'Yes, ma'am!' He tried to copy Ray and salute, but proceeded in poking his eye with a drumstick. Mikey started snickering and got walloped around the head for it, which then provoked Gerard to fling a packet of half opened Skittles and Bob; which, aswell as created a huge mess on the floor, made Frank glance up from his guitar and begin to lick the skittles from the dusty surface.
Oh, well. Rosalie thought, Atleast we wont have to buy any cleaning companies. We could just use Frank.
Everyone stopped.
It wasn't hard to, but the band feigned an attentive look.
'Guest will arive in three hours time - I want this place to look presentable! Do it!' She cried, then added menacingly, 'Or die!'

They had just finished and were waiting for any guest to arrive, when there came a tentative knock on the door.
'Alright guys, first guest!' Rosey called - trying, unsuccessfully, to get them looking half decent. She went and opened the door, butterflies flying in her fluttery stomach.
It burst open with a screech - one that Rosalie found disturbingly famillier.
'ROSE!! ROSE!!' Someone screamed as Rosey felt a force career into her, pushing her to the floor.
Tentativly, she opened her eyes, to see the last person expected: Emerald. And her Mother.
She hadn't even remembered inviting them to the party. Although she obviously did.
'It's sooooooooooo good to see you, Rosey! I missed you! So...' Here it comes, Rosey thought, the question about the most famous Gerard Way.
Emerald leaned down to whisper conspiritually, 'How's Gerard in bed?'
Rose squeaked in indignation - how dare her sister ask her such a personal question! She heaved Emerald off of her body, stood up and brushed herself off.
'So?' Emerald asked - obviously thinking that she would get an answer. She wasn't in luck.
'Right!' Gerard butted in.
'On with the party! Break out the booooooooooze! He started to slur, as if already drunk. Rosey smiled at him, slightly shyly, and they started to have a jolly good time, while waiting for the other guests to arrive.