Roof-Top Romance


When she woke up the next morning, it was still dark outside. She looked up at the clock and saw it was 6:30. "Oh, why so early," She whispered. She looked around and saw that no one else was awake.
I could do something nice for everyone and make breakfast, She thought.
She slowly got out of the chair carefully to avoid making sounds that could wake Frank or Ray. She walked slowly to the kitchen and opened the blinds. It was starting to lighten up, but not enough to be noticed.
Before she started breakfast, she logged online to check her mail. She had 54 unread messages. Most of them were Junk. Shelia had sent her 3 of them. They were cute little chain mail things. She read them and went to check her xanga.
On her last post, she had 5 new comments. One was someone randomly going through xanga sites. One was her friend Brandi. Another was her friend Ashley. One of them was Caitlin and the last one was Nick. Ashley and Brandi said they were sorry they couldn’t go to her party and Caitlin and Nick talked about how they loved the party and had a great time.
Then Elena went back to her homepage. She looked at her picture for a moment and submitted a new entry. It said,

Hey everyone. Yesterday was the party. It was really sweet. Sorry that I haven’t been at school. I have been busy here. I know you’re thinking, “Busy? How?”. Well some stuff happened on Wednesday and it is pretty much going to change the rest of my year and possibly the rest of my life. This is a weird goodbye, but I won’t be at school anymore. I am now a back round singer for My Chemical Romance. I’m sure you don’t believe me. But think what you want. I wouldn’t lie about this. I only saw a handful of you this weekend. I’m sorry about that too. But I’m leaving early Monday morning to go. We kick off the tour very soon. I will be back in a year or so. But obviously I want to be at school. I want you guys to know how much I love you and how appreciative I am that you were so great to me. I love you so much! I doubt I will be home today. I am going shopping with Gerard and Bennie. If you wanna call, try. I may end up being here. It just depends. Well I love you guys!

xoxo, Elena

It was a bit lengthy, but it still was good. She closed everything out and got out stuff for breakfast. She got the pancake mix down from the cabinet and made enough for 12 pancakes. She turned the stove on and grabbed a pan. She cooked them up somewhat quick. She pulled out the toaster and made some toast and waffles. Then she got out the eggs and made scrambled eggs and eggs over easy. Then she got the sausage out of the fridge and cooked that up. She quickly and quietly cleared the entire kitchen table. She got down a bunch of plates and glasses. She put all of the food on the table.
It was light outside by the time she finished. It was almost 8:00. Lauren came downstairs just as she finished putting stuff on the table.
“Oh my gosh! Did you do this?” Lauren asked.
“Shh!! Not so loud! Yes I made this. Are you hungry?” Elena whispered to her.
“Yeah I am. Can I eat?”
“No. Go upstairs and wake up Mom and Bob.” Elena told her and she did.
She heard all three of them come down the stairs.
“Wow, you really outdid yourself there Elena,” her mom told her.
“I was trying to do something nice for everyone,” She told her mom.
“Well that was very cool of you and it looks great.”
“I’m gonna go get everyone else up.”
She went in the living room and went by Frank. She tapped his shoulder a couple times and eventually he opened his eyes.
“Are you hungry?” She whispered to him.
“I could probably eat. Why?” He asked.
“Cause I made a huge breakfast and I wondered I you were hungry.”
“Okay. Well yeah, I’ll eat.”
He sat up and stretched. Then he got up and went to the kitchen.
After waking Frank, she moved on to waking up Ray. She poked him one time and he woke up instantly. She told him there was breakfast in the kitchen and he was up so fast, she didn’t even get a chance to tell him she made it. Next stop was upstairs where she would wake up Mikey and Bob.
When she walked in her sister’s room, Mikey was on the floor and Bob was on the bed. She woke both of them and told them she made breakfast if they were hungry. Both of them slowly got up, but considered going back to sleep. She left them and went to her room to wake up Gerard.
She opened her bedroom door and it made a loud sound. But he didn’t move. She looked at him for a second.
He’s a cute sleeper… She thought.
She walked over to the side of the bed. He had his back to her. She poked him a couple of times on the shoulder and he turned over.
“Hi,” She said to him.
“Hey,” He said back.
“I made breakfast if you want some. Everyone else is up already.”
He slowly sat up and yawned.
“I know you are still really tired. We were both awake for almost two days.”
“Yeah I am. But I’ll be good in a few.”
She sat down next to him.
“This is my last day of a normal life. I can hardly wait,” She told him.
“I can tell you are anxious. It’s all that you talk about.”
“Is that bad?”
“No it’s not bad. I’m just saying that I can tell you’re excited,” He told her.
“Oh. Well, okay then.”
They both got up and went downstairs. Everyone was already eating. There was plenty there to go around.
“You made all of this?” Ray asked her.
“Yeah,” She replied.”
“Well it’s really good!”
“Why thank you,” She said back, smiling.
Her and Gerard both grabbed plates and started getting stuff to eat. Everyone definitely seemed to like it.
“Hey mom, after you get ready of whatever you have to do, will you take me to the mall? I want to get clothes n’ stuff for when I leave,” She told her mom.
“I’ll take you,” Gerard chimed in. “But Jeni, can I drive your truck? The bus is a bit large…”
“Yeah that’s fine. Do you have money Elena?” Her mom asked.
“Yeah I have $200 from yesterday and then whatever I have left over from work.”
“Here,” Bob said. He handed her $50. “I’m not sure what you’ll get, but I trust you.”
“Thank you SO much!” Elena said with excitement.
“You’re welcome. Happy birthday! And oh, I have to go get ready now too.”
“What for?” Elena asked.
“I’m supposed to go out to Mom and Dad’s to help them work on their truck.”
“Oh, nifty. Mom, are you going with him?” Elena asked.
“No I’m staying home today.”
“Okie dokie.”
Elena went in the other room and sat on the couch. She turned on the TV and it was the Bloodhound Gang. It was the music video for ‘Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo’. It was just about over though. She finished watching that and then The Used came one. The video was ‘All That I’ve Got’.
“Oh my gosh! This is my favorite song by them!” Elena yelled out.
She turned the TV up just a little more. She was so happy. After that, Fall Out Boy’s ‘Dance Dance’ video came on. She let out a small scream and stood up really fast. She turned the TV up more for this song.
Gerard and Elena’s mom came in the room when they heard the loud music.
“He is so hot…” Elena told them.
Her mom groaned and then went back to the kitchen. Gerard just stood and watched the video. He was about to walk away and ‘Helena’ came on. He turned back around and decided to watch that as well.
“Now this, this right here is my FAVORITE video of all time,” She told him. “I absolutely love the way your hair looks in this. Everything about this video is just amazing.”
“Oh. See? Did you see that right there? I wasn’t singing there. I always catch the things I mess up on…”
“Messed up on? Psh! It’s practically perfect to me. But then again, I can always point out things I do wrong but you probably don’t notice. Everyone is their own worst critic. But I did notice a time when you opened your eyes when they were supposed to be closed.. see, right there.”
“Oh you’re right. Well I didn’t notice that one. Heh, just another flaw.”
“Well it wasn’t a big deal or anything. I just saw it. But I’ve basically studied this video since the day I saw it. I wanted to mimic your every move.”
During “Helena’s” dance, Elena got up and did the dance with her. Gerard decided to sing softly as she was dancing. Both girls fell back down at the same time too. And Elena jumped right back up to do the carrying out of the coffin scene. She even put her hand on the TV just like Gerard had put his hand on the window of the hearse in the video.
“Well isn’t that cute,” Gerard said to her.
She laughed at him. “I recorded all of your videos and a couple of interviews. I wanted to know everything so that if I ever did meet you, we would have something to talk about. But now it seems like we never really talked about it until now,” She said to him.
“Yeah, we have other things that we talk about.”
“I don’t mean to change the subject on you, but I watched the making of ‘The Ghost of You’ video. The boat thingy started sinking. Did that freak you out at all? You seemed rather calm about it.”
“Well yeah I was a little freaked out. I mean we were out in the ocean. That was real. And we were kinda far out. That scared me just a bit, yeah.”
“Mikey looked like he was going to go crazy. Fear of large bodies of water… that would so suck.”
“Yep,” He said.
“Well hey, the tape that I recorded everything on is in the VCR. Do you wanna watch it?” She asked him.
“Sure, why not.”
She set it all up and pushed play. It was Steven’s Untitled Rock Show.
“Of course not all of the stuff on here is you guys,” She said.
They watched most of that. Sometimes her and Gerard would talk about stuff on the show or something someone said. Just things like that. It lasted for almost 2 hours.
“Wow, how long did it take you to put all that together?” He asked her.
“Hmm, probably about 5 days at the most.”
“Well this is a nifty collage.”
“Thanks,” She said.
“Have you done this with any other bands?” He asked her.
“Well not exactly because I wasn’t that smart when I liked other bands.”
“Oh. Well you should make things like this for other bands. This is pretty cool. Or just shows specifically like F’ List. Do every episode you see or something along those lines,” He told her.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll do that someday.”
It was getting close to 11:00.
“Well I don’t mean to rush you, but the mall closes at 5 and you know how girls and shopping are…” She told him
“Haha, okay. I’ll start getting ready then.”

“Hey mom, is Bob out of the shower?” Elena yelled to her mom.
“Umm, he’s been gone for over an hour,” She yelled back.
“Oh wow. I feel dumb. I didn’t even know he left.”
“You were so into your show that you didn’t notice he was gone.”
“Okay. Well I’m showering first!” She said to Gerard playfully.
“That’s fine. I have a shower on the bus, so ha!” He said back.
“I swear I’m retarded…” She said.
“Not retarded. Just forgetful. It’s a teenage syndrome.”
“It scares the shit outta me.”
“Heh, I bet it does.”
She got up and went upstairs to take a shower. First she went to her room to pick out something to wear. Then she grabbed her sister’s DVD player and set it up in the bathroom. She had MCR on while she was taking a shower. She dried and straightened her hair so it looked all prettyful. After that she went back to her room to put on make up to look even more prettyful! She did everything relatively normal until she got to her eyes. On her eyes she did dark eyeliner. It made her eyes “pop”. It looked really good on her.
She went back downstairs. Gerard wasn’t even ready. She went out to the bus to see what he had left to do. He was doing his makeup too.
“Gosh you take longer than I do!” She teased.
“Hey it’s not my fault I had to wait for hot water,” He said back.
“It’s all good. We still have over 4 hours left to shop. We will have fun and you can help me find stuff to wear for the band and what not.
“Well cool. That’ll be great,” He told her.
“Do any of you guys wanna go?” She asked them.
The only person that wanted to was Frank.
“Well what do you have to do to be ready?” She asked him.
“I can just wet my hair down and spike it or something. Maybe put some eyeliner on,” He told her.
“Okay. Well I’m going to go back inside and get my stuff together. Just come inside when you’re ready to leave okay?”
“We will,” Gerard said.