Roof-Top Romance


When we got down to the bottom of the bus, my phone started to ring. “It’s my mom. Maybe she talked to my dad.” I told them.
“Go ahead and talk. We’ll be quiet.” Ray told me.
I stepped out of the room and went back upstairs. I didn’t want the pressure of the guys staring at me while I talked to my parents about the future. Besides, if I did end up lying or something, I didn’t want to feel guilty when they all looked in my direction.

“Elena, it’s me. I called your dad. We’re on a three way right now. Tell him what you told me.” She said.
“Well dad, I am hanging out with My Chemical Romance right now. They came to my school yesterday. I’m on their tour bus with them and we’re going to do a show in a little bit. They want me to go on tour with them and be a background singer.” I told him. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to work, but I was straightforward and I gave it my best shot.
“Hell no, in fact, no it’s not going to happen!” He yelled.
“Why not, Dad?” I asked.
“Yeah Mike, why not?” Mom asked as well. Although she wasn’t too sure of the idea herself, she wanted to her why my Dad didn’t want me to go.
“First of all you are only 15. That is not nearly old enough to be a member of a band and second, you have school.” He said.
“Well Gerard and I have a plan. I will take high school classes online. I hear about other kids doing it all the time.” I pointed out.
“I’m not sure Elena. What if you change your mind? Then you’re stuck.” She told me.
“I talked to Gerard about that too. He told me that I have to be dedicated. He said just because I’m 15 doesn’t mean I can quit. The band is for life. We are family.” I told them. I knew that was extremely cheesy, but I figured it would get the job done.
“Gerard sounds like a very smart man.” He said.
“I think he is. He looks out for me. He’s like an older brother to me. I really look up to him.” I told them. I knew pulling on the heart strings would work.
“I don’t see why not,” My mom said. “Mike, what are your thoughts?”
“Well Elena, your mother says okay and she is smart as well. I guess it’s alright with me. But you will be home when you aren’t on tour or doing band related things you hear me? You are still only 15. Don’t forget that.” He said. Typical Dad: always trying to be protective of the first daughter.
“Okay, well I’m going to go now. I am running low on minutes. I’ll be home in the morning. Love you, bye!” I cut them off. I already had the answer I was looking for. What else did I need from them?

I made my way back to the guys. They were sitting in silence. I knew they didn’t hear what I was talking about and how things went, so I decided I was going to play a trick on them. For the last couple days I had realized that playing jokes on each other was something that occurred on a daily basis, so I didn’t figure it would be a big deal if I played one on all of them. Besides, it would probably work. So I put on my best face.
“Wow, you look sad. Did things not go well?” Frank asked me.
I looked at him like I was about to cry. “They said they didn’t like the idea of me being in a band because I’m only 15, even though I pointed out how caring and protective of me you guys are.”

Frank looked really disappointed. I didn’t crack though. I left a silence in the room for dramatic effect.
“I just have to be home when we aren’t on tour or recording.” I told them.

Everyone looked up at me with lit up faces.
“So you’re in?” Mikey asked.
“Heck yes!” I shouted.

Everyone was so happy. Our smiles never faded. I knew they were as excited as I was. They all stood up and hugged me. They all wanted me to be a part of what they do. They loved me being there as much as I did. Then it was official: I was a member of My Chemical Romance.

* * *

The excitement never really went away, but when it died down a bit I decided I would show them a little something I wrote. I always had a notebook with me, and this was something I wrote last year after I got back from my trip to Texas. “Well since I’m stuck with you guys for a bit, would you mind reading something I wrote a while back?”
“I would really like to. This can help me get to know your thoughts.” Gerard told me.
I thought about what he had said for a moment and then I handed him the paper. After a minute or so he touched my arm and asked, “Is this really true? It’s not about you I hope.”
I was almost afraid to reply. The way he asked and the tone of his voice was so serious and concerned that I wished she wouldn’t have said anything at all. “It’s true, yes. But it’s not about me. It’s about my mother. I wrote it in my perspective. So it is about me, but it’s not. It’s a long story.” I told him.
“Well I would really like to hear it. I’m sure everyone would.” Gerard said.
“Well,” I began, “About five years ago my parents separated and divorced. It was a really tough thing. My mom found someone. He was really cool and really good to us. Then he was put in prison. No one would tell me why. Actually, I never knew he was there. They lied and told me he was in Florida on business. He came back and things changed. Things went on that I didn’t know about. When I found out, I used to hurt myself. I just did little things that people wouldn’t notice. I would put a bruise or two on my arms and snapped rubber bands and small hair ties on my wrists. I would purposely cut myself shaving in the shower because I wanted to feel the sting. It made me feel better. My mom was suffering, so I felt I should too. Even though I had a good idea of what was going on, my mom told me things I really didn’t want to know. He will be in prison for a long time. He did a lot of drugs, though. He went to rehab and quit it. My life was hell for a long time. When I think about what he did, it makes me want to kill him. I hate him that much. I hate him and I hate drugs so much. They made him that way, but it’s no excuse. Believe it or not, music was the only thing that put my mind at ease and it still does today. My Chemical Romance’s music gives me a feeling of happiness. It’s strange because few of the songs are happy... if any. The powerful sound of the music and the emotion in your voice Gerard really made me feel better about my life. I know everyone says “My Chemical Romance saved my life.” Well you guys actually did. Not because I was on the brink of suicide; although, I did ponder it often. It was more so knowing that there are people in this world that actually understand shit. I really made a difference in my life to have you part of it- even if it was only through a CD. That’s pretty much it.”

There was a long silence after I finished talking. I really didn’t want to look up at any of them because I wasn’t sure what kind of reactions I would get.
“Wow, I had no idea. I never would have thought... you don’t come off as someone who would have had family issues.” Gerard said.
“I think I might need a therapist. Someone to talk to that can help me solve my problems and work with me to help me with issues I still have.”
“I feel so bad. I can’t imagine how you must feel. I wish there was something I could do.” Frank told me.
“If you want to do something, then promise me this. Promise me that no matter what happens that you will always be there. It makes me feel better to know I will always have someone there if I need them.” I said.
“We will always be there for you Elena. Look at what we’ve done for you so far. Yeah, it’s true that kids say that all the time that we save their lives. But the way you say it, that’s the way we wanted it to be. We don’t do this just for the troubled kids that hurt themselves. We do it to make a difference. I’m glad you see it that way,” Gerard said. His words were so comforting.
“And I promise to be there no matter what. I care about you Elena.”
“And in the event that Gerard fails, I am runner up.” Frank said.
“Bitch, I wanted runner up!” Ray said to Frank.
“I want you all there. This is a family. I am part of you now and I will never let you down and I trust you would do the same.” I told them.
“Well you do and will have the same, so don’t worry.” Gerard said.
“Well thanks,” I said. “We will have a good time together.”

It really meant a lot to me that my words actually had an effect on them. It was difficult for me to believe that they already cared so much about me, but it really did mean the world. They were my life for so long and now I get to be part of what made me who I am. I wanted to have the kinds of effects on others that the band had on me. I was the one who was going to make a difference.