Emily's Knight

Chapter 1

When I was little, my mom always used to read me this story about a princess and a man in a mask who went through hell and high water to recues her. In the end they fell in love and got married! I would always say that someday a handsome prince would come and take me away with him, and I would settle for nothing less than the best and most handsome man ever.
When I got in to middle school many boys wanted to be with me but I wouldn’t settle for anyone other than the best. That’s why when I met him I was sure that he would be the one for me. Nate, he was the hottest, most popular guy in the 8th grade, and I just had to have him! Every girl in my class thought that they could get him too. But I knew that I was better than them.
“He’s just so… gorgeous!” I tell Aaron (my best guy friend since 6th grade)
“Yeah you say that all the time!” Aaron whines. “Come on Emily let’s do something fun!”
“But watching Nate is fun!”
“Not for me! I’m not into guys!”
Aaron was my best friend. I never got along with other girls, and other guys only wanted me for my looks. But Aaron wanted to be my friend, to be my friend. But because of my stupid crush we started growing further and further apart. And it only got worse.
“Aaron!” I yell across the hall running to him at full speed. “What?” He asks sounding board.
“I did it! I told him I liked him!” I huff out of breath. “And you know what he said I was cute and he wants me to meet him… Alone.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“Didn’t you hear me? Alone!”
Later that night I wait alone in the dark park. Aaron was totally against me coming here alone but this guy is my dream if I bring another guy on my date it would just be wrong!
“Hey babe!” Nate walks up to me with three of his friends trailing close behind him.
“I thought it was just you and me.” I peep.
“It’s no fun without them.”
“What?” Nate hugs me and his hands are getting to touchy. “Hey.” I push him back.
“Hey this is what you wanted right?”
No I want to say but I won’t come out… Let go I think to myself you’re not my prince! I want my real prince! Aaron!
“Let her go!” Someone yells. Aaron comes running up to my side. “I was worried so I followed you!”
“Hey we were-“Nate starts.
“Stay away from her!”
“Whatever man.” Nate walks away.
“Emily I’m sorry I know you didn’t-“I cut him off with a kiss.
“No… Aaron I found my true masked knight… he was protecting me all along. “I love you Aaron.” I say pulling him into another kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
this may or may not be all