Tales That Must Be Re-told


In the meantime, Jack had finally made his late arrival. Alex, Zack, Rian, and Matt were discussing something with the photographer as he walked in.

"Dude, where the fuck have you been?" asked Rian, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it," said Jack grumpily.

"Okay, so there's been a bit of a change of plans," said Matt. When Jack didn't reply, he continued. "The girl we were supposed to have can't make it, so we had to get a last-minute substitute."

"Who is...?" asked Jack impatiently.


He frowned, already not liking the sound of this. "And...?"

"Well, for obvious reasons, she can't exactly be all over Alex..."


"Okay seriously, what the fuck is going on with you guys?" asked Zack. "She gave the same reaction."

"Why don't you ask her, then?" Jack growled.

Matt sighed. "Jack, whatever happened between you guys, please just forget about it for the next hour."

Saying nothing, Jack slumped into a nearby chair, pouting. Alex had said nothing the whole time, looking at Jack suspiciously.

A few minutes later, Hannah walked into the room.

Rian looked up. "Where's Adelaide?"

"Being childish and hiding, of course," Hannah said and rolled her eyes. "You're Jack?" she asked.

Without looking at her, Jack nodded.

"Okay, let's get started."

Alex sighed. "So where's my sister, exactly?"

"Cowering in the bathroom around the corner to your right," answered Hannah who was fixing up Jack's hair.

"Thanks," he said and smiled his 'I-really-think-you-should-get-with-me-look-I'm-trying-to-be-seductive-is-it-working?' smile.

She laughed and continued with Jack's hair. Jack rolled his eyes.

Alex found his way to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Addy," he said.

No answer. He knocked louder. "Adds, come on."

"I think I'll just stay in here," called Adelaide through the door. "Hannah can do the shoot instead."

Alex chuckled. "As happy as I would be about that, I'm pretty sure we're outnumbered," he said. "Now please Adelaide, open the damn door."

He knew the trick; call his sister by her full name. Reluctantly, Adelaide slowly opened the door and stepped out. She quickly covered her stomach with her arms; she was a pretty self-conscious person, even though she may not have shown it all the time.

At this, Alex rolled his eyes. "Addy, stop being rediculous. You look fine and you know it; besides, it's only us."

If only you knew, thought Adelaide.

The photoshoot went as smoothly as possible. The only bad factor about it was that Jack and Adelaide had to try to hide their awkward feelings and actually look like they were interested in each other - this wasn't easy.

Thankfully, they managed to pull it off. To themselves and the rest of the band, the pictures looked about as fake as Pamela Anderson's boobs. However, to someone who didn't know them, they would look absolutely fine.

As soon as the shoot was finished, Adelaide grabbed her clothes and quickly went to the bathroom to change. When she returned, the band was getting ready to leave. Adelaide hung her outfit up on a random rack that was in the room and walked over to Hannah.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," said Adelaide.

Hannah grinned. "I don't think you'll get rid of me that easily."

Adelaide raised her eyebrows. "You and my brother?"

"Mhm, later today. Apparently you guys are here until tomorrow."

"Sweet!" Adelaide said and smiled. "I hope it goes well."

"Thanks, I could say the same thing to you," said Hannah with a knowing look.

Adelaide sighed. "Thanks. I'm sure we'll talk later, yeah?"

"Definitely," said Hannah. After hugging each other goodbye, Adelaide joined the guys and exited the studio with them.
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I love it when I get all these people reading my updates and like two comments.


The more comments, the faster I update. Cough cough.