Tales That Must Be Re-told


The majority of the rest of the day was spent with Adelaide, Alex, and Jack being on the bus, and the rest of the band and crew out having a good time. Alex had his date to get ready for, and Adelaide figured that her brother would need a fashion consultant. As for Jack, he didn't want to ruin everyone else's good time with his foul mood. So, he stayed in his bunk all day, only coming out occaisionally for food and to use the bathroom.

Adelaide was destroying Alex in a game of Halo II when he looked up at the clock. "Shit, it's three already?!" he exclaimed. "I have to be showered and ready by four-thirty!"

He threw the controller on the couch and scrambled to get his shower things. Sick of playing videogames, Adelaide began watching TV.

Half-way through an episode of House, Jack emerged from the bunk area and opened the fridge. After grabbing a vitamin water, he slammed the door shut a little harder than necessary and turned towards Adelaide. She looked up, not knowing exactly what to do. Her face was expressionless.

Jack looked like he was about to say something, but decided against it. He just turned around and returned to his bunk.

Sighing, Adelaide sank into the couch and pulled out her phone. After replying a text to Rian, she tossed it beside her. Even though she had already seen the episode of House that was playing, she decided to watch the rest of it anyway.

When the episode ended, just as she was about to get up to go lay in her bunk, Alex emerged from the bunk area.

"What do you think?" he asked, motioning to his outfit.

Adelaide stared at her brother in disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Alexander William Gaskarth!" she exclaimed. "You're wearing mandals, THAT is what's wrong!" she shreiked. "Now go take off those shorts and put on your black skinny pants and your Dunks!"

"But Addy, it's hot outside!" he whined.

"I don't care if it's 100 degrees outside, there is absolutely no way you are going on a first date wearing shorts and goddamn mandals. Now go change," Adelaide commanded.

Alex sighed heavily and turned around. A few minutes later, he came back out wearing what Adelaide requested of him.

She smiled. "See? Much better. I'm glad I ended up staying here with you, that could have been disasterous."

"I don't see what's wrong with my mandals," Alex said indignantly and sniffed.

Adelaide pat him on the shoulder. "Everything is wrong with them, brother dearest."

He rolled his eyes and stayed silent for a minute. Adelaide started picking at her nails, a nervous habit she had.

"Adds, what's going on?" Alex asked suddenly.

She looked up. "What do you mean?"

"Adelaide, don't start that. I'm not completely dense, the rest of the guys and myself can see that there's something weird happening with you and Jack."

"It's nothing, Alex," she said softly.

He was beginning to get angry. "Don't lie to me, Adelaide."

"Look, Alex," she said. "If it was something that I thought you should know about, do you honestly think I wouldn't tell you?"

He paused. "Well, I guess not. I'm just worried about you guys, Addy. Whatever happened, Jack seems to be taking seriously. Can't you guys just talk, or something?"

"I appreciate it, Alex, I really do," said Adelaide. "But I just need some time, okay?"

Clearly not satisfied still, Alex nodded. "Well, I'd try to press this further, but I have a date to go on," he said and stood up. He ruffled her hair. "I'll see you in a while, kay?"

She nodded and got up, following him to the door of the bus. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"What, you think I'm going to stay on the bus now that you're leaving?"

Alex shot his sister an unhappy look. Evidently, he thought that maybe if he left, Adelaide and Jack would be forced to talk things through.

"Have fun on your date, Alex," Adelaide said and smiled.

A couple weeks later, things between Adelaide and Jack had not improved. Not only were things between the two of them weird, but it was also creating an awkward atmosphere on the rest of bus. The band and crew were growing increasingly impatient, Alex in particular.

One day, Jack was moping in his bunk, as usual, and Adelaide and Alex were watching TV. Zack was in the back working out, and Matt was sprawled out on the floor watching TV as well.

"Adelaide," Alex said out of nowhere in his authority voice.

She raised an eyebrow, half-amused, and looked at her brother. "Yes?"

"As your older brother, I command you to get the fuck in Jack's bunk and talk to him," Alex said, no trace of a joke on his face. He was dead serious.

"You can't fucking tell me what to do, Alex!" Adelaide snapped, standing up and crossing her arms. "You don't even have any idea how much is on my mind right now, okay?! I'll fucking talk to him when I'm ready!"

Alex stood up as well and looked down at his sister. Matt had stopped watching the television and was staring at them.

"You wanna know why I don't know how much is on your mind, Adelaide?" asked Alex, his voice growing louder. "BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING TELL ME ANYTHING ANYMORE, THAT'S WHY!"

"Maybe because I don't need you sticking your nose in every aspect of my life!" she yelled, looking up at Alex and glaring at him. Before he could reply, Adelaide was stomping loudly off the bus. A strange sense of familiarity struck Alex.

Matt stared at him, not knowing what to say. Alex stood rooted to the spot, in shock. He couldn't think of another fight they had ever had that was nearly as bad as that.

"Okay, you know what? I've had enough of this," Matt finally said in a surprisingly calm voice. He took his phone out of his pocket.

"Adds, where are you?" he asked after calling her number. "Because I'm putting and end to this shit, that's why. ... Either you're going to tell me where you are, or I'm going to hunt you down. Excellent. Thanks, bye."

Without another word, Matt marched into the bunk area. Alex mechanically sat down while he waited. A few minutes later, Matt walked back out, looking satisfied with himself.

Alex looked up, a questioning expression on his face.

"I convinced Jack to go talk to her," said Matt and grinned. Alex nodded and continued staring at the wall directly across from him.

About ten seconds later, Jack walked into the living room area. He looked at Matt and Alex; with a nod, he exited the bus, knowing what he had to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seven comments and I'll update; I have seventeen written already. I'm sorry I have to do this to you. :/

It's where things get interesting, btw. ;]