Tales That Must Be Re-told


Adelaide and Jack then decided to take a walk along the beach. Though Adelaide was still nervous, at least a huge burden had been lifted.

"I'm not sure which scares me more," she said as the two walked with their feet in the water, holding hands. "The thought of being pregnant, or my brother finding out about all of this."

Jack sighed and squeezed her hand. "Alex will learn to cope," he assured her, then paused. "And as for the other thing... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Do you think it would be best to tell him as soon as we get back?" asked Adelaide.

"Probably," said Jack. "I think the longer we hide it from him, the more upset he'll be."

Needless to say, Jack and Adelaide were finally a couple. Despite everything else on her plate, Adelaide was feeling happier than she had in a very long time. She knew that Jack had meant it when he told her that she wouldn't be alone if the situation ended up in the worst possible outcome, and that comforted her.

"So, I'm thinking that the fact that we're even together now will be more than enough news for him," she said. "It would probably be a good idea to hold off on telling him about being pregnant until it's for sure."

"Yeah, I agree." He took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "Do you want to head back now?"

Adelaide sighed. "No, but I guess we should."

Back on the bus, things were abnormally quiet. Alex sat on the couch jiggling his leg, something he did when he was anxious.

"What do you think is going on with them?" asked Zack.

"They're probably fucking in the sand right now," said Matt.

Alex shot a glare at him, wiping the grin off Matt's face.

"They definitely are getting together, though," Rian said. The other two nodded while Alex still sat there, twitching his leg.

All of their heads shot towards the door of the bus as they heard it open. Adelaide, followed by Jack, walked in and joined everyone, finding places to sit. Adelaide sat down next to Alex.

"Well?" asked Rian.

Jack cleared his throat nervously and Adelaide bit her lip. "Um, Alex?"

He sighed, looking down at his little sister. "Adds, I know what you're about to say. And even though I've tried deny it, I've seen this coming for years; I knew it was only a matter of time."

Everyone stared at him in disbelief. "You mean you're not mad?" asked Adelaide.

Alex's face twisted into a small smile. "It doesn't matter who you date, Addy, I'll always be mad - it's a brother thing. But Jack is like my brother, and I know he'll treat you okay." He took this opportunity to look at Jack threateningly. "Or else, man."

"I thought you knew me better than that, brah," said Jack and smiled.

Alex stood up and looked at Adelaide. She stood as well, and Alex crushed her in a hug. "Congratulations, I guess," he whispered in her ear.

Adelaide bit her lip, knowing what she would have to do next, and she was not looking forward to it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is really short, and I'm sorry. But I'm really busy in the next week and felt bad because Hannah broke our deal and I got tons of comments on the last chapter, so I somehow pulled this one-and-a-half page update out of my ass.

Ten comments again for part 19? I can't promise it'll be right away, but it'll be as soon as I'm able to.