Tales That Must Be Re-told


The band finally had a break from touring and returned home, and Adelaide didn't hesitate to make a doctor's appointment their first day back.

"Why don't you take one of those test things?" asked Jack as they laid on her bed, Adelaide snuggled against him. "I'll even go get the damn thing for you, if that's what you're worried about."

Adelaide shrugged. "I just don't have very much faith in a wooden stick that you pee on, Jack. I might as well go to the doctor's while we're home. Besides, it's been a while since I've had a checkup."

He nodded in understanding. "When did you schedule it for?"

"Tomorrow at two o'clock."

They didn't get to continue their conversation because they could hear Alex storming up the stairs shouting, "HEY ADDY, DO YOU KNOW WHERE I PUT MY-" he stopped when he opened his sister's door to find the couple cuddling with each other.

He sighed heavily. "I'm not sure what would be worse; walking in on you having sex, or walking in on this."

"Well, we could easily arrange the first option," said Jack and turned so he was fully facing Adelaide, smirking.

Alex groaned and left the room in a hurry. Laughing, Jack began to plant kisses all over Adelaide's face.

Unable to resist any longer, she covered her mouth and yawned.

"Tired?" asked Jack, returning to his comfortable position beside her.

Adelaide nodded. "Yeah, I am. I haven't been sleeping well in the last couple of weeks, I've been so worried about everything."

"You stress yourself out too easily," said Jack and kissed her hair. It was true; Adelaide was always the one out of their group to overanalyze everything and develop a slightly pessimistic attitude toward most situations (most of the time with good reason).

Shrugging, Adelaide said, "It's what I do." She smiled slightly. "Someone has to."

They laid there for a few minutes, in silence.

"We should probably go downstairs and tell my parents the wonderful news," said Adelaide. As soon as they arrived at the house, they went to Adelaide's room to unpack. Their mother was far too used to her daughter and Jack's closeness to think anything of it or have any suspicions.

"What do you think your mom'll say?" asked Jack.

Adelaide scoffed. "Are you kidding? She adores you, she'll be thrilled."

He chuckled. "Alright, let's go then."

The words were barely out of Adelaide's mouth when her mother, Adrianne, squealed, grabbed Jack's face, yanked it down to her level, and kissed him on the forehead.

"It's about time!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around her daughter. "I've been waiting for this for so long!"

Alex, who was sitting at the table eating cereal, looked up and shot his sister a small smile.

"Does your mother know yet, Jack?" asked Adrianne.

Jack shook his head. "No, I haven't had a chance to tell her yet."

"Well go tell her, then!" she commanded and pointed towards the kitchen door.

"Mom, calm down," said Adelaide and laughed. "You're going to give yourself a heart attack."

Another week passed, and things were relatively quiet. The guys and Adelaide were enjoying their time at home before they had to leave for All Time Low's next upcoming tour and weren't really up to all that much.

One morning Adelaide woke up with Jack beside her in his bed, which was nothing out of the ordinary. If he didn't spend the night at her house, she would spend the night at his. If the two of them had been inseperable before, it was nothing comapred to this. As Alex told Adelaide one day, "I'm surprised that both of you even go into the bathroom without the other one!"

One good thing was that Alex finally seemed to be getting used to Jack and Adelaide being together. He no longer wrinkled his nose when he saw them kiss or hold hands or act like a couple, and he didn't seem as tense. Actually, Alex was starting to show small signs of happiness for them.

Adelaide groaned and rolled over, dreading the day ahead of her. That afternoon she had to go to the doctor's to find out whether or not she was pregnant. The doctor had told her that she was showing a lot of symptoms of stress, which could very well be the cause of her period being out of whack and why she was so tired and sometimes irritable. This information didn't ease her mind at all, though - she just had one of those bad feelings she got.

She looked beside her to see that Jack was still sleeping. Rather than waking him up, she trudged to the bathroom wearing one of his t-shirts and a small pair of shorts to have a shower.

"Wait, they don't love you like I love you," she sang as she was washing her hair. "Wait, they don't love you like I love you. Maps, maps, maps, maps, wait; they don't love you like I love you!" Adelaide finished her shower, singing away, and then dried herself off with a towel. She wrapped it around her and went back into Jack's room to get dressed; a lot of her clothes were conveniently in there.

By this time, Jack was awake and still laying in his bed.

"Good morning," Adelaide said and smiled.

He yawned and tried to say 'hey' at the same time. As she started to pull some of her clothing articles from Jack's dresser, he asked, "What are our plans for today? I think we should just hang out in pyjamas all day."

"Well, I wanted to try to hang out with my brother and everyone," said Adelaide. "We haven't really seen them in a little while."

"But Addy," whined Jack. "They don't love you like I love you!"

Her head snapped up in alarm and she blushed. "Shut up!"

He smiled. "It was cute."

She sighed. "And you know what I have to do right now, Jack."

"Oh shit, that's right - it's today. I'm coming with you, you know."

She nodded. "I'm gonna go try to eat something, are you going to have a shower?"

"Yeah, I'll be down in a bit," Jack said and climbed out of bed. Adelaide was putting her belt on when Jack came from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you," he mumbled in her ear.

"I love you too," she said and turned around to face him. He gave her a kiss and she buried her face in his chest.

"It's going to be fine today," he assured her. She nodded.

"Kay, go have a shower," she said with a smile and poked him in the stomach. "I'll see you downstairs."

Adelaide made her way to the Barakats' kitchen to find Marie, Jack's mom, sitting at the kitchen table. When she looked up and saw Adelaide, she smiled.

"Good morning hun, do you want me to get you anything?"

"No thanks, Marie. I'll just grab some cereal."

After getting some Cap'n Crunch, Adelaide joined Marie at the table and ate her cereal in silence.

"Is something wrong, honey?" asked Marie, looking up from her newspaper. "You look troubled."

"Nah, I'm alright," said Adelaide and shrugged. "I just have a lot on my mind."

Marie's eyes widened. "You and Jack didn't get into a fight, did you?" She was just as happy about Jack and Adelaide finally getting together as Adrianne was.

At this, Adelaide laughed. "No, we certainly did not. It's just usual teenage crap that's on my mind, you know."

After she was finished eating, Adelaide stood up. "Well, I'm going to go finish getting ready."

Finally, half an hour and an argument over the hair straightener later, Adelaide and Jack were both ready to be seen in public. Car keys in one hand and Adelaide's hand in the other, Jack called, "Bye mom, we're going out!" and the two got inJack's Marie's '96 Honda Civic.

The drive to the doctor's office was pretty quiet; Adelaide was deep in thought the whole way, and Jack didn't want to disturb her.

All too soon, Jack parked the car and he looked over at Adelaide. "Are you ready?" he asked quietly.

She inhaled deeply. "No, but let's do this."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really sorry this took me forever, but the update is long to try to make up for it. I'll give you guys a break and only go for seven comments this time? :]