Tales That Must Be Re-told


Adelaide decided that she would end up going on the tour afterall. It was only for a month and a half this time, and they were to return home for a few weeks following the end of the tour. This wouldn't be too bad for her to handle.

A couple weeks into the tour, on one of their days off in between shows, Adelaide woke up one morning a little earlier than usual. She wasn't feeling sick, but she hadn't been able to sleep well the previous night. Climbing out quietly so she wouldn't wake up Jack, sound asleep next to her, she ventured out to the main living room area of the bus.

Alex was sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. Frowning slightly, Adelaide glanced at the clock on the wall to see that it was only nine-thirty in the morning; and there was her brother, fully dressed and eating.

"Am I forgetting something?" asked Adelaide stupidly as she sat down across from him. "Do you have an early interview to go to, or something?"

He chuckled. "No," he said and took another bite of cereal.

"So you're alive and dressed this early why then, exactly?"

"Date," Alex replied and shrugged. He stood up and took his bowl to the sink.

Adelaide blinked. "With who? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, pouting.

"Sorry, Adds," Alex said and smiled. "It was only arranged late last night and you were already in your bunk."

"Oh." She had been getting a lot of sleep on this tour, and luckily none of the guys seemed to think anything of it. "So who's it with, then?"

"Do you remember Hannah?"

"Yesss!" Adelaide squealed loudly. "I like her," she added in a voice just above a whisper.

"I think I do, too," Alex said and smiled.

"Well, I approve," she said happily.

He laughed. "Like that would make much of a difference."

Adelaide sighed. "I guess I can't really argue against that." She paused. "You are happy with it now though, aren't you?" she asked softly. She didn't need to straight-out tell him what she was referring to.

"Yeah, I am," said Alex reluctantly. It was the first time he had actually admitted this.

"That actually means a lot to me, you know," Adelaide grinned and ruffled his hair. "Have fun on your date, Alex."

As far as Adelaide and Jack were concerned, their relationship really couldn't have been any better. Other than occasional arguments over nothing (due to a hormonal Adelaide), they really had no problems. As a matter of fact, Jack had been great in dealing with the pregnancy, which Adelaide found a little bit shocking at first. She sometimes thought he was taking it better than she was, but then would remind herself that she had a bit more to think about.

The only problem now that Alex had with the relationship was when Jack had... well, certain needs to be fulfilled and didn't hesitate to practically spell it out for everyone.

"Addy, let's go to the bunk," Jack said suddenly one day while everyone was lazing around in the living room area.

Adelaide looked at Jack and raised her eyebrows suddenly. "Don't make me carry you," Jack added when she didn't say anything.

Alex groaned and covered his ears. "Does anyone want a new sister? That way I won't have to deal with this shit."

Rian laughed as Jack grabbed Adelaide's hand and started todrag lead her to the back.

"Don't worry, Addy," Rian called. "I'd take you as a sister any day."
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, ten comments for 23, which I've already started on. I know this isn't the longest update ever but it seemed like a good spot to end it and I try to post quickly after I get my comments.

And not that I don't appreciate those who comment regularly, but seeing new commenters is always great too. :]