"You're Going out With a Bang, Toots."


"Wakey wakey Serenity baby!" Someone was screeching, and I slowly opened my eyes that felt like they had been glued together. It took a minute for my eyes to focus, because my head was spinning. I looked around the room I was in; there was one light hanging from the ceiling, blinking. The walls and floor were the same gray cement, and so was the ceiling. There was one door to the far left of me.

I recognized the place immediately - It wasn't the first time I'd been here; I was just usually the one doing the torturing.

"Ah, shes finally awake boss!" Someone yelled, and my heart stopped.

"Where am I?" I asked slowly, trying to make sure what I thought was reality wasn't really a nightmare.

"You're in the room you're going to die in, baby." A voice said, and something cold and metallic pushed into my throat. I realized that this was all real; and that The Joker was about to murder me.

"You aren't going to get away with this." I muttered. He rounded the chair I was tied onto to stand in front of me.

"But toots! You and I both know I will." He smirked and let out a maniacal laugh. "Being locked up in that asylum was long enough for me to figure some things out. It was long enough for me to come up with a fool proof plan, I'm only disappointed it took me that long to think of it." His face turned serious, and he took the gun away from my throat, switching it to his left hand, and took a quick step towards me.

"This is for getting me locked up in that asylum." He said, punching me in the stomach. "Is poor baby Serenity hurt?" He faked a concerned face and laughed, and took aim at my thigh, making sure I knew what he was doing as he slowly pulled the trigger. "Thats for getting me caught in that vault."

"This is for being Gotham's new heroine, along side the Batman." Punch.

Boom. He hit me in the face with the handle of his glock. "Thats for not wanting to work alongside me in the first place, Serenity. We could've ruled Gotham together. And if you want to live for the rest of the day, Serenity, you'll stop. Fucking. Screaming!" He snarled, ripping a knife out of his pocket, dropping the gun to the floor. I immediately stopped, but the tears that rolled down my face didn't. I had a bullet in my thigh, loose teeth and broken bones. I could feel the warm blood oozing from my temple now and I kicked wildly to get out of the chair.

"Let me go!" I yelled, and he shook his head.

"Say one more word, and you'll never see your precious Batman again." I shut my mouth immediately, as he kicked the chair over, sending it and I sprawling onto the ground. He kicked me in the stomach, and I gasped in pain at the sickening crunch I heard.

"Want to know how I spent that year at the asylum?" He asked, kicking me again. My tears leaked into the blood dripping from my mouth, and I didn't answer his question. "Well!" He yelled. "DO YOU?" He kicked me in the face, and blood poured from my busted open lip. I shook my head slowly. "Well baby, I'll tell you anyways." He said, laughing.

"I spent every day in there, locked up in a tiny cell, pacing around, planning this day. Planning the day I'd murder you, for putting me in there."

One more kick to the face, and I was unconscious much like had been before. I didn't even get to hear him say "Chuckles, fix her. I want to have more fun tomorrow." .
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