Male Cheerleaders Are Cool

Chapter One

'WHAT?!' I yelled as I walked out of the principal's office and to my locker. Was this man on fucking crack?! No way in HELL am I doing this! ((A/N! Please make a note that I don't enjoy cussing.... It's just a part of his, character.))

Let me recap on what happened moments ago to totally trash my reputation.

'Mr. Jonas, you have crossed the line, way too many times.' The principal said to me sternly. 'And since you like being with the fine young ladies of my school so much, I have the perfect place for you to stay out of trouble. You are now joined on the senior cheerleading squad. You start practice during homeroom today, I'll get ahold of some of the girls and you can start training.' he said sitting down and picking up his phone.

'Yes, Deloris? Can you tell Danielle Johnson to be in the gym in uniform next block? Thank you.' Mr. Morgan said and hung up.

'Well, thank you very much for your time Mr. Jonas. I hope that I will NOT be seeing you soon.' he said as he stood up.

'Likewise.' I said smugly as I stood and walked out of the principal's office.

'I can't believe this.' I muttered under my breath opening my locker.

'What happened man?' Josh asked walking up to me.

'Dude. Not now.' I said struggling with my lock.

'What the hell?!' I said banging the locker.

'Dude. Why are you trying to get into Nicholas Harris' locker?' Josh asked confused.

'What are you talking about?' I said annoyed.

'Um, that's not your locker.' he said pointing to the locker I was at.

'That's your locker.' he said then pointing to mine.

I shook my head furiously, my curls bouncing around. 'Argh.' I said so completely pissed.

'Dude who burst your bubble?' Josh asked trying to be funny.

'The only man that has the power too. Retard.' I muttered the last sentence under my breath.

'Will you just tell me what happened?' he asked starting to get annoyed.

'Let's put it this way, I won't be able to go to your place after school anymore, or for any nights that there are football games...' I said trailing off.

'Oh my God! He put you on the football team? Haha. That sucks.' Josh said chuckling.

'Oh no. No, he couldn't be kind enough to put me on the football team.' I said turning around facing him.

'What do you mean?' he asked confused.

'I'm a freaking MALE cheerleader.' I announced.

Good thing Josh wasn't drinking anything, because I would be drenched.

'WHAT?!' he yelled laughing.

'Shut up.' I said, just then the bell rang for homeroom.

'Great.' I said, clenching my teeth. I walked to the gym.
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Hehe, first chap! Okay, I WILL put another chap. up tonight, because I am HYPED! I got a new glass of water, and I'm only on 'Burning Up' on the new CD so I'm set!!! heheheheee Comments and Subs! I love you!