Male Cheerleaders Are Cool

Chapter Two

I took my time walking to the gym, but when I got there, I was saw agirl, correction: hot girl. She was in really short navy shorts, and a grey 'Olympia Spartan Cheer Camp' shirt, which was was tied in the back by one of those scrunch things, that you put in your hair.

Then her bangs were put up also her hair, in a high ponytail. She had eye make up on. Well not like shadow, but like thick on her lashes or whatever. Then she was blowing a minty bubble of gum.

She was leaning up against the pole between both of the doors leading to gymnasium.

Oh yeah. I'm getting a piece tonight.

She saw me and jumped up, standing straight and bursting her bubble. 'Hi!' she said very bubbly. 'Are you Nick?' she asked smiling.

'Yes, lucky for you, yes I am.' I said nodding at her.

'What?' she asked tilting her head to the left giving me a confused look.

'Never mind. Hi, and you are?' I asked shaking it off. This girl is as naive as they get....

'I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani!' she said, still happy as ever. 'So have you done cheering at all before?' she asked.

'Haha, that's funny. No.' I said laughing at first, then getting very serious.

'Oh. Okay. Well come on. I have a lot to teach you before practice tonight, but if we don't get everything now, I can give you some private lessons. To help catch you up, you know!' she offered.

Yeah, maybe I can give you some private lessons too.

'Ah, okay. Whatever.' I said slumping down.

'Okay, first rule.' she started, getting serious. And then she leaned in and pushed both of my shoulders back forcefully.

'Ow, what the Hell?' I yelled at her.

'No slumping! And thank you.' she said smiling.

'For what?' I asked.

'Leading me on to the next rule. No Cussing. You are officially representing this school, me, every one of your class mates, all of their family members, and the school staff. Which means you must ALWAYS be on your best behavior. Got it? Get it? Awesome!' she explained.

'Fine. What else?' I asked rolling my eyes.

'You're good at this!' she said smiling. 'Respect your peers, and the staff and board. Especially your squad, the football players, coach, and the crowd at the games.' she explained.

'What else?' I asked. Okay, this chickmay be hot, but she's too cheery. Seriously.

'Um, I think that's abou-Ooh! You have to keep your grades up. If you don't pass the tests you don't pass to be on the squad. School always comes first. Then cheerleading. Then whatever else you do. So if you have at least one 'F' in any classes, you'll be outlawed from going to games, but still required to go to practices, until you get your grade up.' she explained seriously.

'Alright, well, if you don't have any questions then let's get started!' she said running into the center of the gym and sitting down.

I followed her slowly, and sat down next to her.

'Okay, first. Stretches. If you aren't stretched properly, you could get seriously hurt!' she said smiling and stretching her legs out and then reaching out.

I copied what she was doing and did it easily. It wasn't that I wasn't in shape. I play basketball, baseball, and soccer with my brothers at home. But I'm just not into teams and shit like that. But oh well.

We finished stretching and we both stood up.

'Okay, I'm going to start off with showing you a few easy cheers. They aren't hard to learn at all. Seriously they take like 5 minutes to learn. But then a couple should only take like 10 or 15 minutes. But they aren't bad.' she explained and then quickly showed me the cheer.

I learned 2 cheers that weren't hard at all.

'Okay, this one isn't hard, but it's what we call a battle cheer.' she said. 'So first, you just clap your hands and do the scissor kick, then you just say 'We've got spirit, yes we do, we've got spirit, how 'bout you?!' and then for the 'you' part, you just stop and throw your arm out and point your finger at the other team. Kay?' Dani explained.

'Got it.' I said simply. You know, this whole cheer thing isn't too bad. If I get to handle a bunch of girls nearly as hot as Dani in skirts, bouncing around, and I have to look a little gay, then fine. Totally worth it if I get to hit up a couple of 'em.

We practiced a few times, then we stopped. And she looked at the clock.

'Okay, we have time for ONE more! But I really wanted to get a few more done. But I want to show you this first. But then we can be done until practice tonight.' she said catching her breath.

'Okay what is it?' I asked smirking.

'Spiriting.' she said simply and seriously.

'What's 'Spiriting'?' I asked air-quoting 'spiriting'.

'This.' she said and started a cheer. She did 'Spirit'. I didn't notice anything different, until the end. When she finished the third round of the cheer, she stopped momentarily, but then jumping out and getting all crazy. She bounced forward and threw her arms up in the air and started yelling 'Alright Spartans, Come on, Number One, Let's Go!' and crap like that.

She stopped and then did a flip forward, and then draped back to her original spot.

She looked up at me and smiled. I just looked at her confused as the devil was when God tried to make peace with him.

'What the fuck was that?' I asked seriously.

She walked over to me and smiled at, she leaned in, almost like she was going to kiss me or something. And then out of NOWHERE, she slaps me. Hard.

'What the hell?!' I screamed at her rubbing my now pink cheek.

'What did I say about cussing?' she said shaking her finger.

'Oh sorry. Excuse me. But, What the FUCK was THAT?!' I yelled her.

Suddenly, all of the happiness and cheerfulness left her face. She glared at me.

She glared at me. ME!
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OMJ! Holy Crap. Nick really IS a sex-addict! I just had to add that in. I thought they were kinda funny....hehe, comment and sub. they be ith the key to thy's heart!