Male Cheerleaders Are Cool

Chapter Three

'You're lucky I don't slap you again. But it's okay. Because I know you were mad. So I'm going to forget about it. I started cheerleading at an age before I was ever exposed to that language, so I don't know how hard it is. But seeing as you are just now starting, I'm going to lay off of you for a little while.' she said calming down.

I decided to play around.

'Yeah, thanks.' I said "Kindly".

'Yeah. Okay, so anyway, do you want to learn one more cheer? Or wait, oh wait! I almost forgot!' she said lightly tapping her forehead.

'What?' I asked confused.

'You still have to get sized!' she said grabbing my hand and dragging me to a door by the men's locker room.

'What?' I repeated.

'Yeah.' she said opening the door, walking in, and dragging me in with her. She brought me to two big, open boxes with a bunch of navy and white clothes in them.

'Okay, these are the pants,' she said pointing to one box.' and these are the tops.' she said pointing to the other. 'So just try them on. And then tell me what numbers they are! Kay?' she said smiling up at me, without waiting for a reply, she walked out of the room.

I pulled out one of the shirt things, Wow. Gay much?

I tried on different sizes until I found a match. I took them off quickly and changed back into straight clothes.

I walked out of the room and gave Dani the numbers.

'Okay, so take them home. Wash them in cold water, and then hang them up to dry.' she said smiling.

'Um, okay?' I said confused.

'Alright, so-' she started but was cut off by the bell going off.

'Saved By The Bell.' I muttered under my breath.

'What?' she asked smiling.

'Nothing. Listen. I gotta go to my next block.' I said rushing her.

'Okay. Okay. So I'll see you at practice tonight?' she inquired happily.

'Yeah, sure. Listen. I really gotta go.' I said hurriedly.

'Okay, bye! Three Thirty! Here!' she yelled at me as I walked for the door.

I just gave a thumbs up. Not turning around.
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Filler. I know. I have another chapter. I know, I didn't post anymore yesterday, but I was at Danvers Days!!! and then I went boating today so yeahhh....okay read it! comment it. subscribe to it! you know you want to! the simple keys to my heart!