Male Cheerleaders Are Cool

Chapter Four

I quickly hurried to my locker and was once again, greeted by Josh.

'Hey dude. How was cheerleading?' he asked laughing.

'Um. I get to hang with a bunch of hot girls who I could easily get with. So clearly, it's pretty freaking awesome. Surprisingly.' I said opening my locker and pulling out my book bag.

'Whatever man.' Josh said walking away.

I just shook my head. Shut my locker. And walked to class.

When I got to class I sat down, second row, center column.

I got out my calculus book and notebook and starting doing the problems on the board.

I looked back up to write down the next problem and when I looked back down there was a note on my desk.

I opened it quietly and read it:

Nick! Hey! I didn't know you took this class. Wow. I feel really bad I didn't introduce myself to you ahead of time! xoxo<3

I looked behind me and there was Dani. Even hotter up close, waving at me cheerfully.

Without waving back, I turned back around and wrote back to her.

Hey Dani what's up? Really. It's um, okay that you didn't introduce yourself, we're not really in the same groups anyway.

I handed it back to her and she read it. And then gave me a confused look.


I took it back and wrote:

Yeah you know. We don't exactly hang out with the same people.

She replied:

Well, that's all about to change.

I was about to reply but then Mr. Hawkins started talking.

'Alright class. There is a new project coming up. So get in groups of two.' he said firmly and then I heard someone tap my shoulder from behind. I turned around.

I saw Dani just smiling at me. Then she made the notion of her and me being partners. I just nodded my head in agreement.

I wrote on the piece of paper and handed it to her. It read:

Hey, we can work on the project at my house after school. Well except, we have practice...

She looked up at me and gazed into space for a moment and then scribbled something down on the paper. She handed it to me.

If it's school work, and we both have to do it, I can tell Ronda, and then I could just teach you like after we finish part of the project for the day?[/i

Now I am DEFINITELY getting a piece tonight! Thank God for Calculus!

I replied:

Yeah sure. Okay.

I handed her the note and the bell rang.

I gathered my papers, calculator, and book, and stood up.

'Okay, so I'll meet you at the doors to the gym in 10 minutes. Kay?' Dani said behind me and I turned around.

'Awesome.' I said giving her a thumbs up and then walking away to my locker.
♠ ♠ ♠
Extra short I know! But I'll try to write one more tonight. I have to start going to bed early because school starts THIS FRIDAY! AHHHH! But yeah. Okay, here's my sched. peeps!

Sunday: One More
Monday: Probably One or Two(I have to factor in my other stories....)
Tuesday: One or Two. Practice from 5:30-8P.M. Only ONE!
Wednesday: Probably Only One. Leaving around 4-ish P.M. probably for Chicago.
Thursday: GONE ALL DAY! Til 8 or 9! Shower. Bed.
Friday: SCHOOL! Back at 12:45-ish. Maybe? MORE!
Saturday: MORE probably. Or Boating. Idk.
Sunday: Why Am I doing a WHOLE WEEK?! I don't know. More hopefully!
Monday: FIRST FULL DAY! Then, I don't know.

Comments and Subs! I LOVE YOU! <33