Male Cheerleaders Are Cool

Chapter Five


I walked to my locker and opened it.

I pulled out my book bag and stuffed my papers and my book in it. What people don't know about me, on the outside, I'm a drugged, sex-crazed, crack-addict, but I'm actually really good in sports, and I'm really smart. The rest I just kinda do in my off time, and it keeps my rep up.

I turned around to find Suzanne.

'Hey baby!' she squealed her arms around my neck. Now normally, I would've started making out with her and we'd end up back at her place, but none of that happened.

'Um hi.' I said getting out of her grip. 'Listen, I gotta run. So um, bye.' I said backing away slowly.

'What's the matter baby? You don't want to go back to my place?' she asked giving me a puppy pout.

'No, it's not that. It's just that have an assignment that I have to do, with a partner. And we're going back to my place now, so yeah. And-' I said nervously. I mean, Suzi's hott, and I don't exactly want to stop what we have going.

'You're taking some other chick to your place tonight so you can fuck her, aren't you?!' she yelled at me getting closer.

Well yes, that was my intention. Why do you want to join? I normally don't do those kind of things but if I'm willing to try!

Unfortunately, I was a little too afraid to say that. So I settled with, 'No, baby, no. I swear. It's just, we got paired together, and it's due at the end of the week. And then I have more homework to do once she leaves.'

'Whatever Jonas. I know what's going through your mind right now, and I think we should stop doing this.' she said crossing her arms.

'Doing what? All we've ever done is had sex! It's not like we ever had an actual relationship!' I yelled to her, okay, this chick is really good, but she's not totally worth it, I've been with girls better than her.

She broke out into tears and then turned around and walked away.

Thank God that's over. And Dani didn't see that! Wait, what? Why would I care if she saw that or not? Exactly. I shrugged off the thought of Dani and continued walking to the gym.

I walked up and saw her face, she was glowing. I repeat, WHAT?! Shut up Jonas. She's not glowing, she's just another hott babe that you are totally gonna sleep with tonight. No strings. Nothing. Just another piece of meat.

'Hey, ready to go?'
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Short. I know. Shut up. More Fillers. Blech. I don't like 'em either! Trust meh! Planning on putting more chaps. on my other stories! So Watch out for them!