Big Bad Joke


"Anyway," I cleared my throat as I stood up, almost shoving her on the floor. "Oops sorry," I excused as I helped her stand up, while she hung up on Bruce. "I've got to go into work."

"Taylor said to not bother, I talked to her yesterday. She said that she's going to close up early since its Friday and make it a longer weekend," she shrugged softly as she walked towards the door. "But my boss isn't that nice, I have to go to work. I'll visit tomorrow, love you Ri."

"Love you too, Mikey. Drive carefully," I waved at her as she walked out to her slightly broken down Toyota; she smiled as she sat in the drivers seat and shut the door.

"I thought she would never leave," the laughter I come to love, instead of flinch from came from behind me. I smiled as I turned around and leaned against the door.

"She's worried about me, because you can't seem to keep from harming me," I glared at him as he walked over and pinned me against the door. "You know that?"

"I heard," he growled as his lips trailed down my neck, no doubt leaving the red lipstick smears he always left. "I guess she doesn't know what love marks are even when she sees them."

"Aw, first time you called them love marks," I grinned lightly as he started to laugh; I shrugged softly as his hands ran down the sides of the door to meet my hips in a hold. He pressed against them and laughed even lower than before.

"Riley?" he whispered as his lips stopped below my ear, he kissed it once before he tugged at my earlobe with his teeth. "I found something out today."

"And what's that?" I asked as I ran my hand up his back into his hair, thankfully it was more clean than many other times I had ran my hand through his hair.

All of a sudden, though one minute he was being romantic, his Joker side kicked in and his hand latched around my hair and pulled it back against the door, slamming it hard against it. "Little Miss Rich Girl's Big Bad Uncle is the Big Bad Bat."

When those words came through his lips like venom spit, the air in my lungs escaped like I had been punched in the stomach, how did he know? "What are you talking about," I wanted to cry then, break down and bawl my eyes out.

"Its amazing what my little spies learn through wire taps," he whispered it as he glared into my eyes, although his pretty eyes held hatred, anger, disappointment it also held sadness. "Meet my little spy, Harley come out."

"Oh Mr. J, she's pretty," a bouncy black, white and red color costumed woman jumped out from my coat closet, smiling brightly. She was wearing white and black face paint along with a jester hat. "To bad she's gotta die, huh, puddin'?"

"Die, puddin', what is she talking about, Jack. Who is she?" I whispered as his hand let up a little and his knife came out again.

"She's talking about," he sighed heavily as he held the knife to my neck. "How you betrayed me and hid that the Bat was you're uncle. And her name is Harley Quinn, she's my—"

"Girlfriend," Harley leaned against Joker's arm and kicked her left leg backwards; I wanted to punch her then. "Right, Mr. J?"

"No, no Harley," he growled as he shook her off his arm, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me along with him to the back door of my apartment. "Let's just get on with the act, can we?"

"Let me go, Jack. I didn't mean to lie to you; I love you, why would you want to do this to me?" I cried as my body began to shake, the sobs weren't coming out like they should have. "Jack, please talk to me."

"Shut up," he growled as he pushed me into the same white van as a month ago when the bank robbery happened. "Just get in."

"Jack, you love me too. I know it, just stop this!" I cried and sternly said to him, trying to talk some sense into him. "Please…"

"Shut up!" he screamed as he grabbed his head and held it, his knife in one hand and his other one free to clutch his hair. "I don't love anyone who loves the Bat."

"You've really lost you're mind now," I whispered but got backhanded, I couldn't believe he was really hurting me. "Jack."

"Just be quiet," he snapped his fingers as the van lurched forward; I spotted one of his clowns in the front seat, one behind me and one at the van door beside Harley. Joker snapped his fingers again and pointed to me, that's when the clown behind me placed silver tape around my mouth, all the way behind my head and back.

"Ever heard of the saying dollface," Harley smiled as Joker joined the driving clown and shut the door to the back of the van. "Silence is golden but duct tape is silver."

I mumbled the sayings, I hate you. And you bitch a few times before theI love him so much slipped through with the tears. "Aw she's crying," the clown beside Harley laughed.

I hate clowns.
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Thanks for the other banner!

I'd love more Joker Banners, if anyone wants to send me some, I'd appreciate it.