Big Bad Joke

No shit?

"Hi, Riley," she giggled as she leaned down and kneeled in front of me, she touched the tip of my nose before giggling again. "You are a pretty girl, but pretty girls are always the ones that break the good guys' hearts."

"He broke mine," I sobbed, trying to breathe through the body wrecking heaves for air. "Leave me alone!"

"No, silly. I think I'll make Mr. J happy and do him a favor; I'll kill you for him so he doesn't have too. And then we'll live happily ever after," she smiled brightly as she clamped her hands together. "It’s a nice ending don't you think?"

"Burn in hell," I growled as I kicked my leg out and hit her square in the chest, she gasped for air and hit the wall against the door. I stood up and ran for Bruce, maybe I could stop him and Jack from fighting and we could get the hell out of dodge. And I could cry for weeks and finally get over the man I love.

"Come back here!" I could hear Harley's graceful soft footsteps as she ran after me, it wasn't until her legs wrapped around my waist and her hands pulled my head back so hard that I fell to the ground on top of her, did I realize that Joker was close to killing my Uncle.

"Jack stop please!" I screamed as I tried to kick away Harley's legs and hands, I ripped her hand away from my throat and felt her long fingernail slash me. "Jack!"

"Shut up," Harley somehow flipped me over with her legs and sat on my waist, she screamed when I pulled at the jester hat she wore, which tore some hair from her roots since it was pinned to the hat to keep it in place. Once she recovered from the pain, she leaned down and grabbed something silver from her boot, she held it high before coming down towards my chest. "Die—"

"No," I groaned as I grabbed her wrist and fought to get control of the knife, she moaned in defeat as I pushed her off of me, she rolled backwards and sprung up like a slinky. "Why won't you die?"

"Why won't you?" she repeated as she ran at me again, swinging her sides back and forth trying to get momentum to stab me. She done something unexpected though, she kicked her foot out alike how I did to her and kicked me in the stomach, which ended in me flipping backwards to the ground and soon, she was on me again and this time I didn't stop her hand. She plunged the silver knife of death into my chest and cackled as I gasped out a scream.

"Riley!" it wasn't just Bruce that shouted, the next thing I know I felt arms under me and the heavy weight of Harley falling on top of me before sliding off.

"Don't worry," I heard as everything began to spot around my eyes. "You'll be fine, Riley you'll be fine."


Bright lights, the Clorox smell, heartbeat monitor beep, dry and weird feeling blankets.

I'm in a hospital.Son of a bitch.

"Riley? Are you awake?" I could point out my uncle's voice in the quiet and bright room. My eyes were open but they wouldn't move to look at him. "Riley, sweetheart."

"Uncle Bruce," my voice was hoarse, almost broken as I reached my hand out in hopes to grab his hand, but I didn't find it. His found mine.

"I'm right here, you'll be alright."

"Uncle Bruce, I'm so sorry," I whispered as my head slightly moved to the left, spotting him standing up holding my hand against the railing. "I didn't mean to fall in love with him, it just happened."

"I don't blame you, you can't pick who you fall in love with," he whispered as he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. "Riley, how long has it been since you're last menstrual cycle?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at that question, Uncle Bruce was never one to be shy about women problems in front of anyone but he never asked unless it was needed, and to ask while I was in a hospital bed and just woken up at that? "Why?"

"Well, before the doctor confirmed my suspensions, Mikey did. She says you usually menstruate a week after she does, and she says you haven't in awhile."

"So?" I asked, he was beginning to confuse me.

Pain relaxers + confusing questions = One confused Riley Anne Wayne.

"Riley, you're pregnant," he said softly before he sighed heavily, worried. "By the Joker."

"I'm pregnant," I whispered as the door creaked opened loudly, showing three dark haired women, one light haired woman and one light haired man. "Really, Uncle Bruce?"


"Really what?" Taylor asked as she sat down a beautiful bouquet of blue roses, my favorite of all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowza, huh?


Oh look up this song, its the shit. I'm making another Joker story based off it. Disturbia by Rihanna.


Hey, I'd like some more banners guys!