Big Bad Joke

Two face?

"Hey babe," Montana leaned down and kissed my cheek before handing me a small brown teddy bear that had a red bow tie on its neck with a large red heart in its hands with the words Get Well Soon written in cursive in white.

"Good to see you awake Miss Wayne," Alfred smiled as he leaned over and kissed my hand.

"Hey girlie," Laurel and Mikey whispered at the same time before they looked at Bruce.

"I'm pregnant guys," I whispered a little bit stronger than before, my eyes teared up and burned as I closed my eyes. "I'm having a baby."

"Oh my God," Montana's hand went immediately to her mouth, covering it before a gasp came out in shock.

"You're preggo," Mikey nodded her head before she looked at Bruce again. "Did she know?"


"I can't believe it," Laurel looked down at me as if I had grown two heads, she was shocked and it showed.

"Congrats Riley," Taylor was the only one not to stare at me in shame or confusion, Alfred stayed quiet but he didn't look disapproving.

"I'm scared you guys," I looked at every one of them before I covered my face with both hands and cried into them like no tomorrow.

"We'll take care of you," Mikey nodded her head softly as she stepped forward and grabbed my hand. "All of us."

"Yes," Uncle Bruce put his arm around Mikey's waist and hugged her sideways. "We'll take care of you, Riley."

"And the baby, Miss Wayne," Alfred said softly.

"I'm so scared," I cried into my hands, everyone looked at each other and slowly walked out of the room, leaving me with Bruce.

"Come here," he sat down at the end of the bed and pulled me into his arms, cooing me to sleep again.


"I never met him," I mumbled as I placed my hand over my stomach, sighing slightly after a moment of feeling my son kick and stretch in my six month along large belly. "What does he look like?"

"Well," Mikey mumbled as she held up a photograph of a man with half a face, the other side was completely gone and only muscle remained, I grimaced and held my mouth, worried my breakfast would come up. "That's Harvey Dent, or better known as two-face."

"Two-face?" I whispered as I leaned down to study the picture, I had heard of him through Rachel Dawes, she was supposed to marry him. Before she died, oh wow. "I'm supposed to meet him?"

"He called out that he wanted to see the woman responsible for The Joker's absence," Mikey sighed as she sat the picture down and hid it from my sight, thankfully. She knew everything from Bruce being Batman to Jack being the love of my life; she knew all this because Bruce was now engaged to her, talk about awkward. Best friend and uncle, marrying.

"Does he know it's me?" I asked as I looked down at the water I sipped from and then sat it down on the table in front of me, Mikey got lucky and could drink her coffee, damn lucky bitch.

"Yeah," she sighed as she looked up at me, her eyes no longer covered by the glasses she was supposed to be wearing, Bruce got her lasik eye surgery, which she tended to hate because she was scared of it, but she went through with it and now she could see. "He hasn't said your name though; I just wonder what he wants."

"What does Bruce say about it?" me and Bruce have kind of lost our closeness when I became pregnant, he grew closer to Mikey and I guess didn't need me anymore. Which I couldn't blame him, I was happy.

"He says he doesn't want you within two foot of that two-face Harvey Dent," she rolled her eyes as she gestured with her hand to how insane he was. "I think you'll be safe if you go."

"I don't want to put Jackie in danger," I rubbed my stomach and sighed as she nodded her head, understanding my answer. "What should I do?"

"Nothing," she shrugged her shoulders and waited through the awkward silence to ask a question that has been on her mind for awhile, I could tell. "Have you seen Joker yet?"

"No," I sighed as I looked off to the left, watching the street, the cars driving way to fast and the kids and adults walking across the pedestrian walk. "I wish…"

"Why, he turned on you, Ri?" she said softly, I couldn't tell what she was doing seeing as I zoned out and watched as a little brown haired boy played across the street with a red big bouncy ball, but what I wanted was to walk over to the shop he was beside, it had a large TV screen on showing the Joker, robbing a bank.
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I have a new story guys! Its called Disturbia, its a Joker story. Go look at it.

