Big Bad Joke

Bang, Bang, Baby.

As soon as I arrived at the small one bedroom, one bath, broken down house, I knocked on the door hard three times and stepped back, hopping on the railing and swinging my feet back and forth. When the door opened, Laurel grinned and placed her hands on her hips, raising her eyebrows up high, "And what may I owe this visit to, Miss Riley?"

I hopped down, and decided to run up and hug her tightly, then run away so she wouldn't get me back, "I came by to steal you away, so I could get some dinner. Think you could come out and play?"

She chuckled and walked back inside, turned off her T.V and then walked back out, locking the door. "Well let's go then, I have a curfew you know, for us young people."

"Uh huh," I rolled my eyes as she walked down the three stepping stones with her to my side. "Bruce went out of town again, to sky dive. With that guy from Kansas, I fear he'll die."

"Bruce sky diving?" Laurel snorted as she skipped a few steps in front of me, I nodded as she started to walk backwards. "I'd like to see that, it would be slightly amusing. Where we eating? I'm hungry."

"Short attention span," I grumbled with one eyebrow perked up high as I pointed off to the left to a building called Pete's Pizza Place, she actually knew the owner and could get us a free large pizza with as many toppings as we want, mainly because Pete loved Laurel. "Go get us a free pizza."

"Right-O, Miss Wayne," she smirked as she walked in the pizza parlor, while I stood outside and watched the street, the cars passing fast and people walking the sidewalks.

Unfortunately, while I stood outside in front of Pete's Pizza Place I noticed that for the first time ever, the Gotham City Bank was right across the street, of course I would have never noticed it if not for the loud BANG! That echoed off the buildings around, I jumped out of my skin nearly and turned to stare at the bank, which was being flooded by a couple men wearing older looking suit jackets and clown mask, one thing I hated about the man I loved, he was a clown. I hated clowns, they scared me. The Joker scared me and yet, interested me to no end.

"Go! Go! Go!" one man, with an unusually strong, deep voice shouted as he ran left to a large van. I watched as the van doors flung open and each man that ran from the gapping hole in the left side of the bank ran into the open doors, but one with greasy blonde/green hair, white paint on his face and a big bright smile stood out, standing in front of the hole looking around nonchalantly. When his eyes met mine, he smiled and pulled his hand from his pocket, and inside his hand was a black remote looking contraption. He flicked a button without looking at the remote and the bang before was no compare to the bang that went off not even a moment later, the whole bank collapsed, people screaming from inside and out.

"Oh God," I whispered, but I couldn't look away from the man, the Joker. And apparently he couldn't either, because he slowly walked across the busy street straight to me, his eyes never leaving mine until he stood in front of me and looked back behind him for just a second, and then looked back.

"Riley Wayne," his voice was, different than I expected, it had a slight giggling quality in it. It was, entrancing.

"Joker," I commented back, it was all I could do to say his name, heck it was all I could do to stare at him. Because I felt so, vulnerable, I was. "I thought—"

"They can't keep me away," he leaned down to my face, just an inch away from our noses touching. "Gotham needs me, and I need it."

I couldn't say anything else, I stared at every feature in his face, his eyes which were the prettiest color I've seen ever, which is saying something because, Bruce's were my favorite color ever, until now. Then his nose, which was perfectly angled, his cheekbones which were high and pronounced, his lips full and perfect, his scars so…mesmerizing. "C'mon Boss!"

Ignoring the calls from his men, Joker stared at my face, his head tilting to the side as his hand rose up revealing a very sharp pocketknife. "Would you like to know how I got these scars?"

He had seen me staring, I didn't say yes to his question, although it would be nice knowing, and I didn't say no, all I did was raise my hand and place it on his left cheek. "I don't care how you got them," it must have sounded strange, awkward and very confusing for a random stranger such as I to touch a mass murderers scars and say they didn't care how, they just wanted them to know they didn't just see the scars instead of the man. "I don't see them."

Joker, the villain; Joker, the mass murderer; Joker, the psychopath; Joker, the sociopath.

He said nothing. Until the horn honked from his van across the street frantically and police sirens blared louder, he said nothing still but raised his hand over mine and held onto it, then pulled it off and walked across the road again.

I'd hate to call myself an idiot, but it's true. I'm in love with a killer.

"One large pizza with the works—" Laurel stopped beside me with the pizza box in hand, two plastic plates on top and a large bottle of wine on top of that. "Wasn't there a bank across the street when I went in?"

"Was, not anymore. Joker blew it up, along with the people and things inside," I said with my eyebrows furrowed in concern.
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Laurel- Image