Big Bad Joke

Lovers lane

"I don't need to be in Arkham," Joker started to laugh again as he held his arms out. "I'm a new man, I'm perfect for Gotham now, I'm like every other petty thug out there that you seem to upset, and we have to live somehow don't we?"

"Some of you don't even deserve that," I growled as Riley tightened her grip on my arm. "Now, you have two choices Joker."

"And what are my choices, Bob?" he blinked his eyes frantically and clamped his hands together, tilting his head to the side staring.

"You give up and let me take this woman back to her home safely, or you fight me and lose?" I gave him the choices as Riley started to tug at my arm.

"Hm, hard decision," Joker sighed heavily and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them with a smile that said disaster from just one look. "I choose door number two, Ding! Ding! Ding!"

With that being said, Joker pointed at me while he ran past me, under my arm that I threw out to clothesline him and grabbed Riley, picking her up and began to run while laughing. "Come back here!" I shouted as I fought off two men that came out of no where wearing clown mask like all his henchmen, clowns.

Riley Wayne

"No! Take me back!" I screamed as Joker put me inside the large white van he had used to rob the bank in town, he shut the sliding door and broke the lock before he jumped in the front, stuck a pocketknife in the keyhole and started the van. The van swerved all over the road because of how reckless Joker drove, I being on the floor of the van flew everywhere, slamming into the metal bars, van siding, doors, windows before I climbed up front with Joker and buckled up. As soon as I buckled I kneeled over holding my head, it felt like it was about to explode, I knew I broke a window in the back door after the last left turn he had made at eighty tops. "My head…"

"You're cut," Joker said it as if he was pointing out that the road was black with white and yellow lines in optional places, he was bored by the look on his face but his eyes were wild. "I'll fix it soon, no worries Miss Rich Girl."

"Stop calling me that, Big Bad Joke."

Joker smiled as he suddenly started to laugh again, while he drove stiffly through the city. "Where do you live? I'll drop you off there."

"You're going to drop me off?" hopeful yet disappointed, I questioned Joker as he took another right, the opposite way to my flat across town.

"Don't worry," he turned to stare at me, his eyes never leaving mine which was extremely stupid, dangerous and yet amusing to others and myself. "I won't leave you, I'll always be around."

"Great, I feel safe," I turned away as I felt him stop on a dime, my head hit the dashboard like a rock hitting a concrete wall, the noise was sickening. "You son of a bitch!"

"You should feel safe," Joker smirked as he leaned over and tilted my head up, he looked me in the eyes again before he pressed his lips against mine roughly, and after a few moments he pulled away and kissed my bloody forehead, then licked his lips. "I'll be watching you. Sorry I couldn't walk you home like a good lover, but my ride stops here Little Miss Rich Girl."

"Goodbye Big Bad Joke," I grumbled as he took off laughing, scaring plenty of people who were walking by, they screamed and ran for their lives. "Now my head freaking hurts."

I was about to open the door but paused once something big, black and heavy landed on the hood of the van, I stared at it before I smiled at Uncle Bruce, he smiled back quickly before he jumped down and opened the door. He grabbed my head and tilted it to the side while frowning before he picked me up, I placed my hands behind his neck and held on tightly as he threw out his graveling hook thing that he used to pull him up on tall buildings and we swung all the way to the old March grocery store building. On top of the building, Bruce leaned me against the two foot tall brick railing and took off his mask, his hair was everywhere and his eyes were bright and wild. I had to admit, my Uncle Bruce was very handsome, and I didn't see why Rachel Dawes never wanted him. "What happened to you're head," his voice wasn't so rough and scratchy; it was very smooth, his normal tone.

"Would you believe me if I said his driving was worse than mine?" he cracked a grin and grabbed both sides of my head and leaned in to kiss my cheek, I smiled as he kissed the other as well before he began to check out the back of my head.

"There's glass in the cut, we need to get Alfred to get it out."

"I thought you were in Kansas," I mumbled as he placed his mask back on, and then stood up in a flash holding his hand out for mine. I grabbed his hand and hoisted myself up, yes my head was beginning to throb and yes it was beginning to make me dizzy.

"Alfred called me after he got a call from Lucius. The girls told him where you were, apparently Mikey couldn't stop bawling that she had to leave you," Bruce stated as he picked me up again and jumped down to the fire escape, soon after he climbed down the rusted steps and latter's he got us into his tumbler, I fell asleep on the way home on account of two things.

1: I was sleepy, it was two in the morning and I needed it.

2: The wound in my head was bleeding so profusely, that I passed out.
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I'd like another banner from some other people, it shows dedication.

Banner I made